All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
464 chapters
Black Soul Flame.
When Xie Xhang was still floating in the air approaching Yu Long, a harp strumming tone sounded..."Trying....."A powerful force in the form of a cold wind hit his body, making him feel stiff in the air. Her body instantly fell from the air with a loud sound..."Bam!!!"Yu Long, on the other side, was seen holding a harp with his body floating in a lotus motion. Yu Long's eyes were closed. The strings of the harp in his hand then spread out to form a song composition.From the strains of the song, He then followed by cold Qi energy attacks. The attacks flew towards Xie Xhang like a snowstorm.Xie Xhang pushed all his strength and deployed his sword technique to form a shield. The shield was supposed to protect himself from Yu Long's blizzard attack.The battle between the two lasted intensely for thirty minutes. It was yet to be seen who would be the winner.Yu Long, on the other hand, was increasingly feeling his energy drained. Such a battle using soul power would really deplete th
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Inheritance - Part One.
There was a small village that consisted of a square in the distance. There were also several buildings in the small village.The most striking of all the buildings was a large Pagoda in the square's centre.When Suma Fen's group arrived at the village entrance, five other groups were already at the gate. It seemed that they were waiting for Suma Fen's arrival."Fellow Daoist Suma Fen and friends... you have finally arrived. We have been waiting for your group's arrival, and Yin Haocun's group," Priest Long Kangjian smiled kindly at Suma Fen's arrival."Oh... Imam Long Kangjian and company were waiting for us. What's wrong?" asked Suma Fen."The entrance to this small village is blocked by some Array (Formation). This formation can be dissolved by using the Medicine Emperor's seven-token key," Long Kangjian explained."Then we can directly open this array... let's open the gate together," said Suma Fen."Wait a moment, fellow Daoist Sima, we have to use seven tokens like we opened thi
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Inheritance - Part Two.
While everyone rejoiced, Tang Fai and Li Jierui from the Central region were increasingly saddened. This ancient inheritance would only be their allotment for one part. If they had brought two retainers, wouldn't the Technique have received three inheritance shares?The Medicine Emperor Avatar continued..."I will explain the way to obtain this ancient inheritance. You can only enter the circle within this square and circulate your soul cultivation feelings around the area.""The inheritance will self-select a figure that it feels will match itself. The stronger you circulate your soul cultivation ability, the more inheritances will be attracted to come closer, and then you can choose one.It is not allowed to reject or exchange an inheritance already chosen by its heir."++++"Then, you can enter the circle in the square..."The Avatar of the Medicine Emperor invited all the practitioners to enter the circle in the Medicine Village square.Various shadows darted towards the centre of
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Inheritance - Three.
With eyes full of happiness, Yu Long stored the Heavenly Grade Armour in his spatial ring. He planned to seek guidance from his master and repair the inscriptions on the armour.Hadn't the armour been buried thousands of years in this domain? Most likely, the influence of the Inscriptions inscribed on the armour had been reduced due to the erosion of time.++++"Winning the Inheritance of the Bone Crushing Heavenly Palm Technique... a Venti Heavenly grade palm technique."All eyes were fixed on Long Kangjian, who fixed his gaze on the opened box with a full gaze of awe. He reached out to receive the Inheritance of the Palm Technique. Long Kangjian left the circle area with a face that looked extremely satisfied."Five-step Lotus Demon Heavenly Grade Technique."A follower of Long Kangjian was seen joyfully receiving the Inheritance of the Light Skill Technique."Sun Arrow Weapon, a Heavenly Grade Combat Tool..." Again, one of Practitioner Shi Kong's followers was happy with his Inheri
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Inheritance - Four.
All the practitioners in the ancient domain grew silent. Tang Fai and Lie Jierui, who had been somewhat indifferent to the conversation, instantly both turned highly interested.Although the Central Region was the most advanced among the five regions, there was only one Heavenly Rank Inscription Master of such rank.That Heavenly Inscription Master in the Central Region was a figure that was highly untouchable by anyone. He was the chairman of the mysterious Inscription Master Association in the Central Region.++++At first, all the practitioners in t were somewhat on Suma Fen's group and his followers. The average Practitioner felt their cultivation level was above Suma Fen and his followers.However, ever since they learnt he was a Heavenly-ranked Simnol Master, everyone's perspective changed. They became very respectful to Suma Fen and his group.After feeling that the practitioners' views had changed towards the three of them, Suma Fen laughed inwardly. Let me surprise these peop
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Inheritance - Five.
Unlike Suma Fen, who was also a practitioner focusing on the Spiritual Dao field, the experts who entered the first floor each immediately assumed the lotus position and sat down to cultivate. They were trying to get rid of the pressure that the Gate of Hell had exerted on their souls.The soul pressure that came out of the Hell's Gate test truly made their souls feel like they were about to be torn apart. The average practitioner needed a pause in cultivation to calm the soul force and drive away the pressure.After taking the step of cultivating to envelop the soul with the flow of Qi, it was only then that a few practitioners could be seen stepping slowly towards the door that led to the stairs leading to the second floor. Most of them were practitioners in the Great Spirit Realm.++++When Suma Fen entered the second floor, a voice rang out,"Second floor.... the test of the hungry demon..."Standing before Suma Fen was a gigantic Grim Reaper measuring up to ten metres tall.Suma
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Inheritance - Six.
When Suma Fen was taking the exam on the third floor, most of the practitioners were still stuck on the first floor. The first floor was the Hell's Gate exam, aimed at training the improvement of soul power for practitioners. If one successfully passes this floor, one's soul power increases.For example, Suma Fen successfully passed the Hell Gate exam and entered the second floor. His soul force advancement then had reached Level Two Heavenly Master Inscription.While the second-floor exam, the Hungry Demon exam, provided the benefit of increasing blood vitality. Practitioners who successfully passed this exam automatically increased their blood vitality.The only practitioner who seemed to have completed the exam at Hell's Gate was Long Kangjian.This man, as one of the Bright Envoys of the Bright Sect, possessed mighty soul power, especially since his cultivation realm was the highest among all practitioners in that Domain, the Nine Star Great Spirit Realm.++++Suma Fen was seen wi
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Inheritance - Seven.
The practitioner's eyes opened When someone was on the Pagoda's fifth floor. With eyes that looked so clear yet oppressive, so clear and unjust that it felt like they could take away a person's life just by looking into them, he stared at Suma Fen.After he gazed at Suma Fen, something similar to the rune array created by the Immortality Ranking Array Master emerged from his body.A fire prison-shaped array was then released from his body, followed by a soul attack released by a King Realm quasi-practitioner with an air of suppression: a soul attack and an extremely deadly array."Wretched... an Immortality rank soul trap array. An Immortality Rank illusory soul attack even accompanies it.""If I'm caught in that array, it's likely to be trapped and never able to get out."At such a critical moment, Suma Fen decided to execute the Soul Oracle forbidden technique. This banned technique of the Soul Oracle can detach the practitioner's soul from his physical body...In the blink of an ey
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On White Camel Mountain.
Suma Fen cried, looking at himself. However, he suddenly remembered something."This is an incident that has long passed. At this time, I was a twenty-year-old young man."... Suddenly, the scene changed.Suma Fen suddenly saw himself sweeping in the Cloud Sword Sect. He was a boy sweeping the Sect's library building.It was winter in the Five-Coloured Mountains. The snow was falling very heavily. Suma Fen was just a ten-year-old boy wearing the thin clothes of a worker disciple's uniform.Meanwhile, the snow fell more and more heavily until it began to bury his body. He cried out for help so as not to freeze to death.However, his mind returned, saying... this is just a dream, a small part of his story. Then, the image faded away.....All the events that had happened repeated themselves. Suma Fen always managed to break all of Samsara's illusions. It was just a memory of the past...Later, the incident that had hurt him the most appeared before his eyes...He was in the Eternal Ice F
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129, Siege.
Yu Long and Lin Hong looked confused when they suddenly found themselves outside the Pagoda."Swordmaster... what happened?" Yu Long till asked in a confused state."I have inherited the medicine emperor's legacy. This domain belongs to me. And I have expelled everyone from this domain. Except for us," Suma Fen replied.His two disciples then understood"Does that mean we can stay in this domain to cultivate?" Yu Long asked again.Suma Fen then explained at length what he had heard from the Avatar of the Medicine Emperor.When it came to the part that cultivating within this Domain for seven days was equivalent to spending time in the outside world, the two followers were overjoyed. Their faces lit up in a series of beams."From now on, you two are not allowed to leave this Domain before reaching the Infant Spirit Realm. Look, the Qi flow within this domain is extremely high. I'd even say that the Qi flow here is much higher than the flow in the Elven Realm."Since this domain was so
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