All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
464 chapters
White Camel Mountain Sect.
Suma Fen guessed the intent behind the White Camel Mountain Sect Master wanting to meet her. It was a lie. The sweet words of wanting to meet were a cover to kill Suma Fen and steal the Black Soul Flame from Suma Fen.The White Camel Mountain Sect was a sect that possessed the Heavenly Technique of the Fire Palm. The Sect Master had reached the realm of the Quasi King Realm, just a little more, and he would pass through the Lightning Tribulation and step into the realm of the King Realm.The lightning tribulation itself was a phenomenon that experts feared greatly, as, on average, ninety per cent of practitioners failed the lightning tribulation test.So far, the Sect Master's Fire Palm Technique has only used ordinary high-grade flames. Not a heavenly-grade flame-like Suma Fen had.If she possessed one of those legendary heavenly flames, then her Fire Palm Technique would be elevated to a higher level. Thus, she would dare to step into the realm of the King Realm and be ready to face
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Annoyed at having lost track of Suma Fen, Cui Cheng Gong tried to provoke Suma Fen, who had disappeared with his aura,"I know you're still around... I can still feel your lost aura in this corner. You'd better come out, and I won't have to bother dispelling all these clouds..."Suma Fen was not at all provoked by Cui Cheng's shout. He remained hidden behind the clouds. He knew that Elven's magic technique was unrivalled on this continent. There was no way that the man in white could smell the aura he had concealed earlier.Cui Cheng Gong became angry after waiting some time and not seeing any reaction. He furiously formed a seal on his chest and then formed a flame that grew bigger and bigger from the seal.With a single wave of his hand, he executed a Palm Technique."Poddar....!!!"The giant flame in his hand formed a giant mushroom, which Cui Cheng Goan released and spread a hundred metres away.The giant mushroom then exploded into pieces of fire that made the clouds around Cui C
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Mirage Enchantment Amulet.
If Suma Fen chose to use a mental attack, it would not last long. His opponent had a very strong soul defence. Even the worst possibility, if the opponent broke the attack, was that Suma Fen would receive a soul wound...While Suma Fen was thinking of evading his pursuers, he suddenly saw a spirit ship flying towards the West.With a somersault movement, Suma Fen's body approached the spirit ship and hid in the clouds behind the spirit ship.Cui Cheng Gong's figure, who was getting closer to the Spirit Ship, thought it was a special helper coming to rescue Suma Fen. Cui Cheng Gong unleashed a Scarlet Flame Palm attack with a wave of his hand from a distance.A giant Scarlet-coloured wisp of flame lunged at the ship."Move!"Cui Cheng Gong shouted.No longer had the Scarlet Flame touched the spirit ship and was about to blow it up, suddenly a shadow jumped out of the boat,"Sassy!"The man waved his hand, and then a force absorbed Cui Cheng Gong's Scarlet Flame. The giant flame vanishe
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Golden Spear Auction.
"Of course we do, young master. However, I must inform you that the Golden Spear Association only accepts items of the highest quality and rarity." replied the manager, often called Manager Su.The Golden Spear Association was one of the top trade associations in the Western Region. Naturally, they would not want to sell goods of mediocre quality. The association's customers were renowned sects, top clans, and even royal nobility who would only buy top-quality goods.Suma Fen humbly offered the five pieces of Heavenly Grade Amulets that the third Heavenly Master had made,"How about I list these five pieces of Heavenly Grade Amulets for auction?"Manager Su instantly became trembling. His hand touched the five Amulets and said very carefully,"Our Association's Inscription Master will come to check the validity of these Amulets. I hope young master will be patient for a moment."Manager Su half-ran into the interior of the Association. In less than fifteen minutes, he came out with a
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The Battle on the Horizon.
The situation in the auction room became an uproar. The auction of five amulets made by a level three Heavenly Inscriptionist shocked the audience.There had never been a practitioner with a Heavenly Inscription Master ability in the Western region. And this time, it was the first time they had seen an amulet created by a Heavenly Inscription Master.Most of the bidders were from third-grade sects. It would likely have a supply of heavenly-grade amulets if it were a fourth-grade sect, although not many.All of this came back to the fact that in the Western Region, it was difficult to find experts who cultivated Inscriptions like in the northern region.Instantly, the Auction room of the Golden Spear Association was filled with a sheen of light as several practitioners sent out communication amulets in the room as notifications to their sects.On average, the communication amulets addressed to the third-grade sect heads and the royal family had almost similar contents,..."Heavenly gra
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White Tiger and Foreign Girl.
The White Tiger at the Peak Boundless Realm stage felt very oppressive to the five practitioners who surrounded it.When the five practitioners seemed to create a lightning formation array that confined the White Tiger like a prison, the White Tiger did not want to be outdone in its moves. The White Tiger let out a mighty roar and formed a giant fireball that grew bigger and bigger.The giant fireball then exploded as its flames engulfed the array formation surrounding it. The effect was that the array instantly exploded and turned into dust.The female practitioner was visibly enraged. She then produced a sword, which, with a wave of her hand, transformed into a giant Sword Qi that emitted Thunder energy."Go away..."The giant sword shadow flew towards the White Tiger; its appearance enveloped in thunderous energy that exploded deafeningly.While the four King Realm Experts flew alongside the Giant Sword, each forming a Thunder seal, the five of them, the giant Thunder Sword and the
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Vermillion Palace.
Suma Fen left the foot of Mount Zushan and flew north towards the Bright Sect. Suma Fen deliberately took a detour to avoid running into the two Boundless Realm Experts who were fighting.Not long into Suma Fen's flight, he suddenly heard the moaning of a dying animal. Suma Fen's eyes immediately darted to the hill below, towards the figure of a twenty-metre giant creature lying slumped on the ground.Hesitantly, Suma Fen flew over to the weakened creature. The battle against the five practitioners a while ago had severely injured the White Tiger. With compassion, Suma Fen finally approached the creature.When he touched the creature with his mind, he immediately knew that the creature was severely injured. The magical beast's mind pleadingly asked for help from Suma Fen."Alright, giant creature, I'll try to help you. However, you are too dangerous out here in this condition. I will put you in a comfortable place."When Suma Fen touched the Pagoda necklace around his neck, instantly,
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Five Element Formation.
Aboard the spirit ship, Suma Fen organized an automatic flight towards the Bright Peak of the Kunlun Mountains in the Northern part of this Western Region.After that, he put another few hundred medium Stone Energy into the combustion device of the aircraft, and then Suma Fen entered the Pagoda Domain."Looks like I'll have to sell Amulets in every town I come across regularly. This spirit ship is truly a monster that easily consumes every medium of stone energy I have."Suma Fen was heard complaining. Fortunately, his Third Heavenly Grade Inscriptionist profession allowed him to acquire Stone Energy easily.Inside the Pagoda Domain...Suma Fen was stunned to see the progress of Yu Long and Lin Hong's Cultivation,"After two months of your cultivation in this domain, I just noticed that your cultivation has accelerated rapidly."Two months of cultivating in this Domain is equivalent to a year outside.Yu Long and Lin Hong simultaneously laughed, and then Yu Long replied,"How can you
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Chapter 138, Bright Peak.
When Suma Fen finally reached Bright Peak, he stopped at a giant gate bearing a magnificent inscription,"Sect of Light"There was a picture of fire on the plaque on the gate. After the giant gate, there were a lot of stairs that seemed to be the way to the Sect of Light.The peak was cool, and many shady trees were growing. Suma Fen then passed through the Gate and prepared to climb the stairs.The Bright Sect was a cult or religion that originated from another continent called the Yilang Continent. As a cult, the sect's leader is Zongjao Lingxiu or Religious Leader.Because it was often regarded as a heretical religion by many people on the Silver Continent, they called their religion of light a mere sect.As one of the powerful fourth-rate sects in the Western Region of the Silver Continent, Religious Leader or Sect Leader Guangming Shan was rumored to be cultivating to penetrate the realm of the King Realm.Therefore, in the day-to-day activities, while waiting for the Sect Leader
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Protector Jinzi.
The strength of each practitioner in the formation was mediocre. However, their strength when they joined in the special formation and then exploded was like matching the strength of a Peak Great Spirit Realm Practitioner.The strange formation combined all the borrowed energy of Earth and Heaven's energy. They could utilize this energy and pour it into a powerful, unique blow.Unfortunately, they were up against Suma Fen, who had extensive knowledge of arrays and formations."I warn you once again... you are not my opponent. Retreating and making way for me to step into the Bright Peak is the best way."Suma Fen gave another ultimatum. He was beginning to lose patience with the Five Elemental Flag Envoy Formation.Again, a giant swordwind scroll with a cruel air rolled ferociously towards Suma Fen. However, the ferocious wind scroll containing thousands of swordfights simply disappeared with a single wave of the hand by Suma Fen.The Five Elements Flag Envoy Formation troops were ext
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