All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
464 chapters
Nirvana Level Pill - Part One.
The Bright Sect Leader was highly stunned to learn that the young Elven man before him was a Tier 6 Alchemy Master as well as a triple Heavenly Inscription Master.Long Kangjian himself, although he had known that Suma Fen was an Inscription Master, had only just learned of Suma Fen's existence as a Tier Six Alchemist."You are truly a heavenly blessing with many talents, young colleague Suma Fen..." Guangmin Shang and Long Kangjian praised Suma Fen. Their treatment of Suma Fen was increasingly respectful.From then on, they did not make any more restrictions or differences in their treatment of Suma Fen. They considered Suma Fen an equal, even though both of them were highly respected Sect Chiefs and Vice Chiefs in the Western Region.After learning of Suma Fen's background as a Tier Six Alchemist, the next day, Guangming Shang summoned Suma Fen and presented him with five-hundred-year-old Bright Morning Dew Crystal pieces.Suma Fen was overjoyed and immediately said,"I will shut my
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Nirvana Level Pill - Part Two.
Yu Long and Lin Hong became rich when they harvested many rewards, such as a mid-ranked Energy Stone and several scrolls of Trenta Earth Rank Sword Techniques.Although they had started cultivating Heavenly grade Techniques from their Master, the rewards of those strange Techniques of the Western region were extremely important to them.As practitioners, they had to be knowledgeable about other strange techniques in order to create new ones with their combined techniques.++++The fifth day of making the Nirvana Enhancement Pill. Suma Fen threw three pieces of thousand-year-old White Tiger Magenta Crystal into the cauldron. "Duaar....!!!" Flames exploded when the Magenta Crystals touched the cauldron.The explosion was so powerful that the guards of the Bright Sect ran and surrounded the room where Suma Fen was refining the Pill. Everyone looked panicked. They thought there had been an intrusion in the Alchemist's room and had looted the pills.Yu Long and Lin Hong, who were also pres
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Ouyang Clan Bidding.
Voices echoed on the horizon."Old rase Ouyang Dazhong... you also apparently intend to straddle my Tier Six Pill..."Guangming Shan could be heard snorting coldly when he saw the group of practitioners who arrived later while riding flying horses."Woe... old devil Guangming Shan. You haven't been able to break through to the King Realm yet. In that case, of course, this old me hurries over immediately to avoid being left behind. I also want to watch the crowd at your Bright Peak."A laugh rang out. Within that voice was extremely powerful qi. Some experts felt shaken in their hearts."There is news that your Sect managed to invite a Tier Six Alchemist and is refining a breakthrough Pill. Is that true?".Guangming Shan only replied with a mumble that was not very clearly heard. Meanwhile, Ouyang Dazhong only laughed at the Bright Sect Leader's attitude.The man named Ouyang Dazhong was a Grand Elder of the Ouyang Clan. This neat-looking man was over 150 years old. He was one of the e
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Grey Elven Inheritance.
"Grey Elven Inheritance?"Suma Fen wondered in her heart. Again, she recalled the story of the Elven from the textbooks in the Cloud Sword Sect Library in the Northern Hemisphere.These Grey Elven were not as popular as the Elven in the North, called the Avari. The Grey Elven were Elven who intended to move to the continent in the West called Oumei. In that story*, the Elven of the Avari in the North had no intention of leaving the Silver Continent.Some Elvens who left the North in the Western region became afraid when they were in the Misty Mountains. That fear was because the Misty Mountains at the edge of the Silver World gave them a sinister and oppressive impression.The Elven who settled in the misty Blue Mountains were called the Nandor or Dark Elven. The Dark Elven decided to move and settle in the more fertile Southern Region of the Silver Continent. The Southern Region of the Silver Continent was warmer and had higher resources than the sinister Misty Mountains in the West.
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Nine Lightning Tribulations.
Before Suma Fen closed himself in cultivation, he summoned Yu Long and Lin Hong for their respective missions."Yu Long, your mission is to go to the Northern Region using the Spirit Ship. You are to meet Cloud Sword Sect Chief Wen Yu and a student of that Sect named Peng Fai. Give each of them this spatial ring."It turned out that Yu Long's mission was to deliver the spatial rings containing Suma Fen's assorted filtered pills. The two people from the Cloud Sword Sect had to break through to the Great Spirit Realm realm quickly.The experience in the Western Region, which showed many experts in the Great Spirit Realm realm, made Suma Fen worried about the balance between practitioners in the North and the West."Tell the two of them that if they can break through to the Nine Great Spirit Realm realm in the next five years, then I will give each of them a Nirvana Penetrating Pill. Also, tell them this pill is the ticket to the King Realm realm."Yu Long was surprised to hear that, and
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Nine Lightning Tribulations - Part Two.
"I will start dancing tonight, with two performances. Please announce the performance schedule to all the nobles in the city," Lin Hong said as he closed the door to his room, smiling slyly from behind the door.Meanwhile, the Asoka Pavilion announced to the city's nobility and elite that tonight, a dancer capable of healing soul wounds named "Golden Jade Angel" would be performing.++++Aboard the Spirit Vessel, Yu Long cultivated incessantly. He was very ambitious about reaching the Great Spirit Realm soon. Three weeks of traveling on the Spirit Vessel felt very short compared to the airship, which took two months.The peak of the Cloud Sword Sect Mountain Range appeared before Yu Long's eyes. Shortly after, the Spirit Vessel descended from the sky, causing a stir in the entire Cloud Sword Sect. The existence of Spirit Ships in the North was a rare thing, and an uproar ensued.++++Yu Long completed his task after meeting with Sect Leader Wen Yu and a Sect disciple named Peng Fai. B
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The Ouyang Clan Visit.
An expert's keen eye saw in the sky the figure of a winged White Tiger flying, carrying a charming-looking young man. The man stood upright on the Tiger's back. Even when the Tiger flapped its wings, he didn't seem the least bit bothered. In fact, the wind was so strong that it hit him, standing upright as if he were resisting the forces of nature.The man standing on top of the White Tiger was Suma Fen. After Suma Fen completed his cultivation and successfully entered the realm of the King Realm, he left Bright Peak.The Three Protectors of the Bright Sect escorted him, especially because they had to open the portal, which was an array covering the entire Bright Peak.Our Alchemist's next destination is the Ouyang Clan. By communicating with Lin Hong using the special Communication Amulet, Suma Fen learned important things about the Ouyang Clan.The Ouyang Clan was one of the greatest Clans in the Western Region. If classified by the top sects, it was counted as a Fourth-Grade Sect.
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In the Ouyang Clan.
Meanwhile, Ouyang Dazhong's face had turned bright red. He was furious at the audacity of the old man named Ouyang Bihai. He wanted to slap the old man before him, but as a great elder, he still held back his anger."Bihai... you really haven't changed. Your explosive nature, without thinking of the consequences, never seems to change.""I suggest that you leave my residence and go beg for forgiveness at the clan's confession hill to reflect and realize yourself..."Ouyang Dazhong interrupted Ouyang Bihai's emotionally charged words. Ouyang Bihai himself became alarmed when he saw that the Great Elder's face had changed color.He became somewhat afraid in case the Great Elder became enraged and vented his anger on him and his grandson. But Ouyang Bihai was completely consumed by envy at that time. He could not bear the dissatisfaction of having his grandson cry all night over slots that were passed on to others.Suddenly, when the atmosphere was rather quiet as the usually amiable Gra
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City of Falling Stars - One.
Suma Fen was inside the specialised pill screening room. He began to heat the furnace where the pills would be extracted. After his cultivation increased to the King Realm, the strength of Qi energy also increased, making him mastery of heavenly flames even more skilled.As a result, if pill refining had previously taken seven to eight days, now with the King Realm cultivation, the time has become shorter. Suma Fen estimated that refining the Nirvana Attainment Pill would only take four to five days.The golden Jade Angel's performance had finished. Accompanied by the audience's cheers and applause, the beautiful girl went with the harpist to retreat from the stage.Many young masters from famous clans or noble families requested the opportunity to meet the Golden Jade Angel after the performance.But the Golden Jade Angel only subtly turned down all the invitations to meet the rich young masters. Instead of meeting the rich men who were crazy about him, he was seen going to meet some
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City of Falling Stars - Two.
Suma Fen spent three full days travelling to the City at the end of the world. Meanwhile, Bai Laohu was a White Tiger descended from mythical creatures so that he could shorten the travelling time with his Boundless Realm cultivation.According to Suma Fen's calculations, if he had used the speedy spirit ship Yu Long had used, arriving at the City of Falling Stars would probably have taken eight days.After dropping Suma Fen off in a dry forest outside Shooting Star City, Bai Laohu re-entered Pagoda Domain. At the same time, Suma Fen curled his hair and put on Dou Peng to disguise his appearance.It was four o'clock in the afternoon in the City of Falling Stars, but it was already pitch black. Only the lanterns' light illuminated the entrance to the City of Falling Stars Fortress. As Suma Fen was queuing to enter the city, he observed all the soldiers guarding the Fort."The average cultivation in the early Infant Spirit Realm is high compared to most practitioners in the North. Infan
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