All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
464 chapters
Prosperity Gate.
A man was walking half-running towards the hall where Suma Fen was. The man was around 45 years old and wearing all-white clothes. He was the Patriarch of the Prosperity Warehouse named Xiao Guan, possessing the Five Star Great Spirit Realm Cultivation Domain."Master, is it really as I heard? You are the Heavenly Inscription Master who applied for the position of Guest Inscription Master at the Prosperity Gate?" asked Xiao Guan cautiously."That's right..." ...Carefully, Xiao Guan took Suma Fen into the Patriarch's special room. He asked, "Is it true that master wiHes will join this Prosperity Gate as a Guest Master Inscription?"Xiao Guan was still sceptical at the news that this was someone who possessed the ability of a Heavenly Soul Master appearing in the Prosperity Gate Hall. Moreover, reports mentioned that the Inscription Master wanted to work at the Prosperity Gate.Xiao Guan himself was an Earth Grade Two Master Inscriptionist who was quite well known among the Fallen Star
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Mighty Spear Sect Leader.
"Please wait outside. The renovation of the Inscriptions and the rewriting of the spear runes will be completed in the next two hours. I will add an Inscription that supports the metallic element within this spear to make it a spirit weapon that suits your character," Patriarch Xiao Guan said as he ushered Shi Qiang into the waiting room. --- Inside the room, Suma Fen raised the spear with soul power. Then, he chanted magic incantations that formed an intricate inscription. The inscriptions glowed around the spear while his soul energy was released towards the inscriptions that seemed to fall luminously and cover the entire surface. Suma Fen repeatedly chanted incantations and formed special seals to be installed all over Shi Qiang's spear. As two hours passed, Suma Fen's writing of the Soul Inscription seemed to be finished. As a finishing touch, he then slipped the metal elemental supporting inscriptions into the spear core so that they would blend in with the wearer's foundation
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Wu Clan Elder.
Akong felt dizzy all at once, his head. Why were these people fighting at the Gate of Prosperity? Couldn't they go straight into the showroom and choose the type of goods they wanted at the counters?The small commotion in the hall of the Prosperity Gate finally reached Patriarch Xiao Guan's ears. The Prosperity Gate Patriarch hurriedly came out. He made a speech to calm the customers,"Gentlemen, please be patient. There is no need to fight here. Prosperity Gate has many good items in large quantities. You will not run out of resources here. Everyone will get their share.""Who said we came to queue to buy resources? We came here to meet the Guest Inscription Master."A martial practitioner who was seen carrying a Heavenly-ranked sword spoke on behalf of the people in the queue.Hearing that, Xiao Guan became dumbfounded,"So... these people came all morning to meet Master Suma Fen?" he said inwardly.In a flash, he immediately ruled that any practitioner who wanted to meet with Heav
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Wu Clan Library - Part One.
Wu Wangtian almost stopped breathing. 35,000 stone venti energy was not a small amount. When Suma Fen saw that the Wu Clan Elder was speechless, he started fishing."When paying for services like this, stone energy can be replaced with other things, such as cultivation techniques or other God-ranked resources.""Really? Approximately what kind of Techniques or resources does Master Inscription want? Please tell this old me. Who knows, I can fulfil it?" Wu Wangtian enthusiastically asked.The Inscription Master inside the silk curtain was silent for a moment. Then, with a tone that sounded indifferent, he said,"The inscription writing service on this armour can be replaced with information from the Wu Clan.""Information from the Wu Clan? Is that the Inscription Master? Please clarify so that I can decide if I have the competence to share that information."Suma Fen laughed inwardly. This old man was starting to fall into his trap,"Give me information on what the Grey Elven Domain co
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Wu Clan Library - Two.
As usual, the City of Falling Stars was almost always engulfed in the night, and crowds were still everywhere. The city that was the hideout of fugitives never rested. When Suma Fen slipped out of the Prosperity Warehouse Building wearing a Doupeng... no one was suspicious of his appearance.Suma Fen's body flashed between the residential ridges, heading towards the South of the City. The Wu Clan was located in the South of Falling Star City, which had a vast territory. After running for a while, he entered an inn and rented a room. The inn was exactly 50 metres away from the Wu Clan's mini village.The man then meditated inside his room and waited until midnight. At exactly 12 p.m., Suma Fen used the Soul Divination Technique and released his soul from his physical body. He floated towards the Wu Clan.With the formation of the Soul Oracle plus the Soul Cultivation at the Third Heavenly rank, Suma Fen easily passed through the guards within the clan without being detected by anyone.
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Cultivation Breakthrough - Part One.
A gigantic Sword Aura shot out from his body and struck brutally towards Suma Fen and Wu Wangtian.Suma Fen himself was a practitioner who understood Sword Intent, so he hurriedly chanted his Sword Intent Technique for defense. He was freed from the deadly attack when his Sword Intent cross-cut the opponent's Sword Intent.Unfortunately for Wu Wangtian, despite being saved by the main attack of the demon race's Sword Intention (Suma Fen had blocked it first with his own Sword Intention), Wu Wangtian was blown away, fresh blood spewing from his mouth. The rest of the demon's Sword Intent was seen arrogantly tearing the array to nothing.The demon race then flew away, examining Suma Fen, who was hiding behind the doupeng."We will definitely meet again. You are one of the practitioners who understands sword intent," the demon's voice said in Suma Fen's ears. He whispered, using voice transmission.++++When Suma Fen was just about to search for Elder Wu Wangtian, his mind sensed the pre
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Cultivation Breakthrough - Part Two.
Elder Wu, beside Suma Fen, was seen yawning widely. He whispered to Suma Fen,"Everything is just second-rate stuff at the beginning of an auction like this..."While Suma Fen only smiled at the boredom this old man displayed."You'll see when the pills I listed start being auctioned. I want to see if you'll still have that bored face."Item after item was passed over for auction. One day, the promotion girl announced it was time for the auction of the pills Suma Fen had listed,"Inside this box are three Tier Five Vigour Boosting Pills. These pills are extremely beneficial for practitioners in the Great Spirit Realm realm. There is a 100% guarantee that the practitioner's cultivation will rise by one star. And that's a certainty... you will experience the benefits yourself when you take these Spirit Enhancement Pills.""A Tier Six Alchemist directly refined this pill. And for all of you to know, what makes this pill most valuable is that the quality of this Tier Five Spirit Booster P
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Two Star King Realm.
After breaking through to the Two Star King Realm, the Elven man directly finished the Armour that Elder Wu Wangtian had ordered. The writing of the God-ranked Armour only took approximately two days. However, Suma Fen deliberately promised a long time, as he intended to close himself off to break through.Writing the inscription and cultivating the wind element in the armour took two days in the pagoda domain's version. To the outside world, two days was equivalent to just a few hours in the Pagoda Domain.After finishing writing the inscription and giving the armour a touch of wind element, Suma Fen exited the Pagoda Domain. The first thing he did was to meet Patriarch Xiao Guan."Patriarch, I would like to entrust the Gate of Prosperity with selling these few items of mine."Suma Fen thrust several Earth and Heavenly grade Amulets at Xiao Guan. Mixed within the items he had entrusted were some Amulets that were indispensable to practitioners for weapons in battle.The Thunder Force
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At the Training Ground.
From that day on, Suma Fen regularly came to the Wu Clan to learn the basics of the array technique. With above-average intelligence, Suma Fen did not take long to master the basics of the technique. He could even visit the Clan library on the first floor only. On that first floor, all the reading was about the basics of the array technique."It would be great if I could understand the array intent. Then, when I master the other two intentions... I'll try to combine the five intentions. See what happens if I manage to combine the five martial intentions." Thinking up to this point, Suma Fen became even more excited.Meanwhile, time was ticking away. Suma Fen's life in the City of Falling Stars was filled with writing inscriptions for weapons and spirit items. Besides that, he regularly visited the Wu Clan to learn the Array Technique.Although he had a good grasp of the basics of the array technique, he was not complacent. He always tried to learn more about the array technique. The l
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Death Spell.
In shock, everyone in the martial arts training room stared at Suma Fen."Is this Elven?""His appearance is truly unique."Elder Wu Wangtian did not try to restrain Suma Fen when the man entered the arena. He knew that, with his soul ability at the rank of a Three Heavenly Master (as an Inscription Master), Huang Feng was not the opponent of that little fellow. So, let's watch his inner show. Elder Wu looked pityingly toward Huang Feng."Hahaha... a little kid like you wants to challenge me?" Huang Feng laughed condescendingly when he saw Suma Fen enter the arena. Despite being 21 years old, Suma Fen's appearance looked like a 16-17 year old teenager."Please tell me your name so that I don't feel regretful when I later lower my cruel hands on you.""My name is Suma Fen. However, I am not from the Wu Clan. I am just an apprentice for the Array Technique basic training under the guidance of Elder Wu Wangtian." Suma Fen looked innocently into Huang Feng's eyeballs."hmm... I can't read
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