All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
464 chapters
Music Therapy Treatment.
With the soul power of a level three Heavenly Master, the Huang Clan Patriarch tried to hold on. He hoped his soul power could dispel the illusion of the ice storm. But it was a pity for Patriarch Huang. Suma Fen's soul illusion attack was the soul attack of a true Elven Heir in the North.This 7 Ice Spells Curse Technique is an extremely rare technique created by ancient Elven. It was created after the ancient Elven sang ancient magic songs to create a soul attack and combined it with Ancient Elven magic. It is known that Elvens are the inheritors of the highest magical abilities and soul power in the entire world. They were invincible in this field.Of course, when this curse technique attacked Patriarch Huang, that person could only hope and struggle desperately to endure the coldness of the 4th curse ice spell. His soul was threatened with damage.Just then, blood could be seen beginning to flow from the Patriarch's lips. The few Experts who could still fight the cold and witness
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After Suma Fen snapped with such a loud voice, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of the night."You are?""Greetings, Young Master. Introduce myself. My name is Huang Cun. I am one of the disciples of the Huang Clan. There was absolutely no ill intention in following you from the Wu Clan Hall." A young man around 25 years old was seen bowing respectfully and introducing himself. When Suma Fen investigated his cultivation, he knew the man was at Peak 9 Great Spirit Realm."So what's your intention in following me since the Wu Clan? I'm honestly a person who doesn't like small talk. Tell me straight to the point and what your intentions are of following me. And please don't bother to lie in front of me. An information-gathering soul technique can easily be sent to your mind."The man named Huang Chun immediately looked nervous, hurriedly explaining his purpose."Please, sir, don't do that... While still in the Wu Clan Hall, I accidentally eavesdropped on your conversation with
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Participants of the Hunt.
Suma Fen smiled inwardly. This job as a rune and inscription writer, alchemist and soul healer had many benefits."Then please tell your Patriarch that my two disciples and I will pay a visit to your Pavillion here in the Wu Clan. Tell them the time is later in the afternoon. For now, let us rest first." Suma Fen could not hide his excitement.The people of the Huang Clan were indeed staying at the Wu Clan's guest pavilion. The Wu Clan, being one of the Five Star Sects, naturally had a complete range of accommodations to entertain a large number of guests.++++When the Wu Clan Patriarch and Elder Wu had finished their meditation, they came out and met Suma Fen."Young Master Suma Fen... I don't know how else to thank you. That Musician's soul therapy even helped nourish my soul, which was injured in a battle long past."Elder Wu even added,"That's right, little friend. Had I not heard the music and dance therapy, I would not have known that there were old soul wounds inside me, and
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A Holy Enlightenment Realm Expert.
Just as Lai Cuan was about to refute his senior's words, a voice suddenly interrupted their conversation,"Hmm... flattering words that are full of sycophancy. Likewise, the flatterer seems to enjoy the praise but pretends to sound humble..."Five practitioners appeared from the direction of the stairs. They consisted of three men and two women. The five of them were good-looking compared to the average person in the Silver Continent.The five's hair was as black as the soot on the bottom of a cauldron burning for decades. Their eyeballs also looked extremely black, as dark as night. An ordinary person who did not know them would immediately think those figures were at least Elves in human form."The five people who just entered are the genius group of the Xia Clan. The Xia Clan is the same as the Wu Clan, resulting from Grey Elven intermarrying with humans. The difference is that the people of the Xia Clan inherited the beautiful beauty of the Elven, and they are stronger in the Spir
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Three Aged Experts - One.
People about to fall asleep immediately came out of their houses. They stared at the dramatic arrival of the demon race. Approximately fifteen figures dressed all in black, wearing masks and small horns, floated down from the spirit ship and leaped toward the Wu Clan.Such a fierce appearance made some people shiver in fear. The reason was that the sound of the playing flute seemed to draw the listener's soul to kneel and dance before the flute blower.This was not the case with Suma Fen. As the young man and his two disciples gazed up at the sky, he tried to enjoy and listen to the soul-sucking sound of the flute. Suma Fen only snorted coldly."That devil Music technique being played is full of perverted energy. To me, their Technique still sounds crude..."He looked towards Yu Long and Lin Hong as he said,"Look... even though that music technique sounds similar to the Music of Death technique you mastered, the Qi that comes out is extremely perverted and violent. The demon race has
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Three Experts of Old Age - Two.
Just as Suma Fen ordered her two disciples to leave the Misty Mountains area, again, the oppressive aura of a Saint Enlightenment Realm practitioner arose and oppressed the surrounding mountains."Isn't this noble me too late to witness the hustle and bustle of this Elven domain hunt?" a Daoist Priest-looking person appeared at the height of the hilly land. The sword that floated after him seemed to emit a menacing aura."Two Star Saint Enlightenment Realm Practitioner? A Saint Trenta rank sword? Why are Saint Enlightenment Realm-ranked old demons here today?" everyone was growing agitated. That day, they witnessed the incident of three 400-plus-year-old practitioners who possessed Holy Enlightenment Realm Cultivation.++++"Who is that Taoist Priest? His appearance gives off an oppressive aura to everyone. Ah... take a good look. His cultivation is not in the Two Star Holy Enlightenment Realm... Rather, it is in the Three Star Holy Enlightenment Realm..." Suma Fen whispered to Patria
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Tragedy at the Portal.
Meanwhile, the demon race group could be heard cheering. Harassing and degrading words came out of those demons' mouths. Even the Wu and Huang Clan people standing beside them showed dissatisfied faces because of the harsh-sounding words. If only that demon race didn't have a Holy Enlightenment Realm-ranked Elder, they would have felt itchy mouths and hands to retaliate and bully the demon race.After all the blood flow in his meridians and the turmoil of chaotic energy in his dantian returned to normal, SSuma Fen stood back up as if nothing had happened. Instead, it was Patriarch Ouyang who looked panicked as he worried about the man's state,"I've been fine, Patriarch Ouyang. Thank you for your help."Suma Fen was not an ungrateful person. He smiled as if thanking the people who tried to help him. On the contrary, Suma Fen directed a cold gaze towards Mao Po Sin. He had memorised all of the demon's characteristics."Someday, when my cultivation has reached the same realm, I will see
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Domain of the World with Two Suns.
When Suma Fen and the two geniuses of the Ouyang Clan had been tossing and turning in the portal passage for some time, the three of them finally collapsed onto the hard, yellowish-brown ground."Ouch!!!" Ouyang Qing complained as his bum ached as if it had been deliberately knocked out of the entrance portal passage."And this is ....?""Is this called the Misty Mountains?"Suma Fen stared at the surroundings, which looked very unfamiliar and strange. As far as the eye could see, the appearance at the foot of the mountain called the Misty Mountains was indeed very eerie. All that could be seen around were barren mountainous formations with hard-textured soil.Not too many types of plants grow in the misty mountains. Even if there were, it looked creepy because when the leaves of the plants were exposed to sunlight, a yellowish tinge like a withered plant was emitted.The sunlight shining in this domain world was very different from the sunlight seen in the outside world.In this worl
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Destruction Inscription - One.
The three ran away from that strange place. Their goal was to head towards the Western part where the Blue Mountains were located. Unexpectedly, while they were running not too far from the strange place, a red-coloured aura suddenly emerged from the ground and confined the three of them.The aura enclosure reached up to ten metres wide. Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Piao trembled instantly. "We're dead," they thought.Suma Fen herself felt the pressure of the magic aura coming out of the mist. It was like a magic cast by a Mental Practitioner with the strength of a Saint Soul Master. Suma Fen turned pale.Saint magic was an extremely high mental power. Even in the Northern Elven Domain, Suma Fen had never encountered someone with the mental strength of a Soul Master Saint."What are we going to do?" Ouyang Piao nervously spoke using voice transmission."Relax for a while... I'm trying to think of a way..." Suma Fen replied.The chanting of magic resumed followed by the appearance of some bl
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Inscription of Destruction - Two.
Then, from his bony hand, the light of a giant sword split open the four giant claws that were still stunned into silence by the Hundred Samsara Soul Intent. That sword slash from a two-star King Realm practitioner like Suma Fen was like a ferocious attack that sucked in energy from the earth and sky. The sword slash that carried the energy of destroying heaven and earth then arrogantly split into four."First slash..., second..., third... and fourth...." All the slashes were performed ferociously as the four giant claws remained still under the influence of the Hundred Samsara IntentionWhen the Moon Heart Sword ended its slash against the four giant claws, the instantaneous spray of blood looked like a fountain. When all the black mist that formed the giant claws faded away, three figures stood with bulging eyes while holding the throat the Moon Heart Sword had damaged.Mao Fu of the demon race, the one with the highest cultivation of the early rank King Realm, although visibly inju
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