All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
464 chapters
Destruction Inscription - Three.
"Alchemist Suma Fen... help me..." Ouyang Piao screamed as he felt his body being sucked into the high-energy vortex. Suma Fen could not help when he saw Ouyang Piao being dragged into the vortex to join the people in the battle area.Suma Fen was trying to get away from that place quickly. He exerted his flying ability using his wings. When his wings were spread... Suma Fen took flight and darted quickly toward the West. His heart was troubled as he recalled the fate of Ouyang Paio, who had vanished into the whirlwind.As Suma Fen flew westward, he felt he had traveled far away from the battle scene between the two geniuses of the Lai and Xia Clans. But suddenly, in front of him, a giant bird-shaped animal that was so big appeared. The demonic beast swooped down quickly from the sky."Oh my..." Suma Fen estimated that the bird-shaped demon beast had the cultivation of a saint expert in the Silver Continent. While Suma Fen was still stunned, looking into the demonic beast's eyes, the
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Array in the Blue Mountains - One.
"Holy Elven Destruction Inscription? Does this have anything to do with the legacy of the Elven Totem?" Suma Fen wondered. He looked carefully at the Two Suns inscription again. When Suma Fen tried to touch the inscription with his mind, he instantly felt like it was being sucked into his soul... and his surroundings seemed to change.Suma Fen knew immediately that he had entered another dimension in the form of an illusion. This image appeared as a message from the seal's owner using the soul remnant attached to the Destruction Stele.In that dimension, he saw herself in the Misty Mountains along with thousands of Elven. In the dimensional vision, all the Elven were seen running frantically when an explosion occurred on the two Suns in the sky.This was followed by the appearance of a giant demon beast in the shape of a massive demonic firebird. The creature seemed to have caused the Sun to experience a small explosion as its wings healed and released powerful energy. Not only did th
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Array in the Blue Mountains - Two.
Ouyang Piao was seen running, slightly limping, then greeted him."I thought you had died in that ferocious wind," Ouyang Piao said.While Ouyang Piao was happy to see Suma Fen, all the eyes of the practitioners in that place were fixed on Suma Fen. In their hearts, they asked,"Who is this person? How did he get into the folds of the isolation chamber in this world? We have been trapped for weeks and found no way out."Ouyang Piao ignored the people's questioning glances. He continued to chat with Suma Fen."Look... I'm here cooped up with some geniuses from the Lai and Xia Clans. There are also some independent Cultivators. We were originally severely injured by that ferocious wind, but a few weeks of rest have made our conditions somewhat better."Suma Fen then cast his gaze around, silently looking at some familiar faces. There were Xia Rong and Lai Chongde with their clan groups. Only this time, the two geniuses did not argue to prove who was the greatest. In a state of urgency a
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Medicinal Garden.
When all the practitioners clustered at the foot of the Blue Mountains saw that the barrier array had been destroyed, those people immediately rushed into the Blue Mountains Region. Resources in the form of medicinal plants were a common thing to look for when hunting within an inheritance domain.Of course, the Falmary must have a medicinal plantation as befits a rare medicinal plantation belonging to a renowned Sect or Clan. Moreover, this medicinal plantation has not been harvested for thousands of years. Who could have guessed that there were too many secret resources that had never even been discovered in the world today that they would be able to find within the grey Elf's medicinal garden?With savage faces and a thirst for rare resources, those practitioners who survived the Misty Mountains scavenged here and there, uncovering and inspecting the rare plants in the medicinal garden.Sometimes, when one practitioner's smug laughter was heard as he found a rare resource plant in
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Two Sword Intent Experts.
Some experts around the scene, who also had terrible intentions initially, had planned to rob the ancient watermelon. After seeing Suma Fen with a single blow and being able to take the life of a demon race practitioner in the Great Spirit Realm quasi-realm, their evil desires were discouraged. All left when fear struck them."It's better that we harvest what's in front of us rather than trying to rob the resources from the young Elven's hands. Lives are at stake," was how they thought. Suma Fen glanced at the people watching, who immediately looked away and acted as if nothing had happened.Feeling that the situation was under control, Suma Fen again invited Ouyang Piao to harvest the two ancient watermelons carefully.++++"Alchemist Suma Fen, there were too many eyes watching when you eliminated Mao Hui earlier. You'd better be careful. What I heard... their team leader, Mao Gao, is a three-star King Realm practitioner. He is a practitioner who has comprehended the Sword Intention.
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Elven Sacred Totem - One.
Mao Gao could be seen putting on an increasingly ugly face. He felt shocked when he learned that Suma Fen had comprehended a higher level of Sword Intent. He instantly thought that he still had too much to learn. He was clearly behind this Elven in front of him."Thank you for being merciful... I look forward to seeing you in the Sword God title race when the time comes."Although Mao Gao was a demon race that tended to be rude and arrogant, he understood who he was dealing with. A person who had comprehended Sword Intent above level three was a Sword King who could kill an opponent. Even if it reaches a high level, with a single glance, the opponent can instantly die because of the sword's aura.Mao Gao walked away from the medicinal garden and tried to keep busy finding ingredients for his cultivation. He did not think about avenging the death of Mao Hui or the other demon races. All he understood was that the winner was king, and whoever dared to obstruct a Sword-Intention capable
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Elven Sacred Totem - Two.
A sneering gaze full of contempt and a sneering voice was deliberately thrown at Mao Gao and his companions. However, the demon race was not the least bit bothered or even became angry when hearing the other practitioners' insults. Instead, Mao Gao seemed to blow the flute in chaotic tones. Slowly, the chaotic tones made the people in the hall feel depressed.Seeing many practitioners feeling distressed by the Death Rhythm Technique, some even resorted to taking a meditative stance to relieve the pressure of the Death Rhythm Chant; Mao Jing, one of the demon races, threw a cold laugh full of contempt at the group that had previously laughed at Mao Gao."A group of little children who don't know the height of the Taishan mountain in front of their eyes. This death rhythm technique, although not as powerful as the Elven's, but if it's just to order that Sacred Totem to move, it's a trivial matter."Mao Gao exerted all of his soul perception into the rhythm of death to give that Sacred T
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City of Gods Filter.
Mao Gao mobilised all his light skills to leave the Blue Mountains quickly. He had to reach the Domain Gate in the Misty Mountains in the shortest time in order to avoid the pursuit and fury of all the practitioners.While running, he cursed inwardly,"This cursed world really makes me slow" Indeed... the old world in the Misty Mountains made his flying ability disappear as the strength of everyone in that world decreased by 50%.The demon continued to run without stopping. He encouraged himself with the hope that when he got out of this domain, he would be safe. Great Elder Mao Po Sin would definitely protect him from this crowd. Who would dare to spar against a Holy Enlightenment Realm Expert?It took up to five days of non-stop running until Mao Gao finally reached the portal gate. The demon laughed at all the practitioners who chased after him from this portal gate."Hahahaha! Foolish humans, just look after coming out. Do you still dare to gang up on me before the Sacred Realm Ex
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The Story of the Beginning of God's Sifting City - First.
Suma Fen was tossed about in a sea of transmissions that transported him to the City of Divine Sifting. During those two weeks, Suma Fen learned a lot about the concept of time and space, which is an excellent concept for a sword practitioner's combat technique.After two weeks of being tossed around in the intercontinental transmission sea, Suma Fen felt like she was thrown from a time passage. She fell heavily on the grass. After being tossed around in that sea of space and time, Suma Fen had basically suffered damage to her internal body.All of her meridians felt torn apart. Her abilitiesbecame weakened. Before she fell unconscious, Suma Fen had time to look around her..."This is a world with two more suns, but it is not an old world. All the energy in this world feels twice as much as in the Silver Continent."Suma Fen fell unconscious as all of her body's strength was shattered...++++Suma Fen woke up from her sleep, and it seemed to her that the sleep had lasted for centurie
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The Story of the Beginning of God's Sifting City - Second.
ARC 3. THE STORY OF THE GAME WORLD. Suma Fen hurriedly corrected Grandpa Fengguang's words and said, "Don't feel like an elder... I am actually not an Elven pureblood. I am a true human. My physique turned Elven-like when I received the baptism of the Ice Dragon at the Elven's Aran Megil Celebration on the Silver Continent where I come from...." Grandpa Fengguang showed a very surprised face when he heard that Suma Fen received the Ice Dragon baptism at the Elven Aran Megil Celebration. He then bowed respectfully and said, "Young master... please accept my respect. I am a descendant of the Elven named Ren Fu. I have 70% Elven blood flowing in my body, and the rest is human blood. Even with this gift of 70% Elven blood, it has been able to make me live a long life of up to 500 years." "When compared to Young Master, who is a human, the baptism of the Ice Dragon Ti Lung at the Aran Megil Feast has made Young Master's blood into pure Elven noble blood. Descendants like this are extre
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