Medicinal Garden.

When all the practitioners clustered at the foot of the Blue Mountains saw that the barrier array had been destroyed, those people immediately rushed into the Blue Mountains Region. Resources in the form of medicinal plants were a common thing to look for when hunting within an inheritance domain.

Of course, the Falmary must have a medicinal plantation as befits a rare medicinal plantation belonging to a renowned Sect or Clan. Moreover, this medicinal plantation has not been harvested for thousands of years. Who could have guessed that there were too many secret resources that had never even been discovered in the world today that they would be able to find within the grey Elf's medicinal garden?

With savage faces and a thirst for rare resources, those practitioners who survived the Misty Mountains scavenged here and there, uncovering and inspecting the rare plants in the medicinal garden.

Sometimes, when one practitioner's smug laughter was heard as he found a rare resource plant in
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