All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
464 chapters
Suma Fen's days were filled with trying to recover his health after a severe attack that damaged all of his meridians. Diligently, Suma Fen delved into the art of cultivating for healing, mixing Elder Ren's herbs, and consuming heavenly-grade healing pills. Along with taking the healing pills, his body began to recover, and the wounds on his meridians began to dry up.While recovering, Suma Fen unceasingly practiced the Array Technique by absorbing the ancient copies in Elder Ren's library. Sometimes, he discussed and exchanged ideas with Ren Fu, who was profound in Elven's ancient Array Technique. All of these were done to deepen his understanding of the secret totem that awaited when his condition was fully recovered.Unwittingly, with Heavenly Master 3-level soul perception and a deep understanding of the Array Technique, Suma Fen grew and metamorphosed into a winged tiger. Ren Fu, as an Array Master who inherited the ancient Array Techniques, guided him so that Suma Fen now occupi
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The Story of a Pair of Judade.
Even the female Judade voiced doubts with a laughing tone at Suma Fen,"Perhaps, you intend to deceive us with your made-up story...."Feeling somewhat annoyed by the two Judade races' disbelief, Suma Fen wordlessly released the Amulet of Mirage, which then enveloped the three of them."What is this? Why do we seem to be in a transparent dimension?" The man Judade was surprised."This is a Talisman Technique that uses special inscriptions. We're confined inside a dimension that has restricted itself from anyone outside this dimension. Thus, shouting or doing anything inside this mirage space will not be heard by anyone outside. Even our appearance is hidden inside this mirage room."The two Judades then walked out of the shop by the roadside and tried to communicate with passers-by. When they realized the people were indifferent and unaware of their existence, the two Judades began to believe Suma Fen's explanation somewhat. (Indeed, this Mirage room was quite large, with the Amulet's
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Hatauda and Nirdayi.
"Alright, Brother Fen, I'll try to explain to the best of my knowledge. This Divine Wing is a reward given to martial practitioners when they complete tasks on dangerous floors in this Southern City's Foggy God Tower. The higher the floor you can complete, the greater the benefits you will receive. The rewards vary according to each practitioner's achievements and understanding.""These benefits are adjusted according to your speed or strength when conquering each floor. The Divine Wing consists of various types, such as mortal wings, moon wings, meteor wings, space wings, nirvana wings, divine destruction wings, and divine immortal wings.""After acquiring one of the types of wings, you need to strengthen them by increasing the level, which we call Star 1 to Star 9. The materials to increase the star level can only be obtained in the Foggy God Tower or in the Forbidden Abyss.""Unfortunately, the Foggy God Tower can only be entered once in a lifetime. You must be absolutely certain t
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Level 5 King Realm Breakthrough.
The next day, Suma Fen met up with the two Judadees again after the symbol writing on their weapons was completed. As Hattauda and Nirdayi inspected and tried on their weapons, there was a clear gleam in their eyes.Under the guidance of Suma Fen as the Symbol Master, he taught them the ritual of affixing the legal mark of ownership, which is to shed blood as a sign of leaving a trace of desire in the weapon. Then, they were asked to perform a special symbol installation ritual for the weapon to recognize them, guided by the mind of the weapon's owner. "Now... it's time for action."In a martial arts training facility that the public could rent, the two Judades practiced attack techniques using the new symbolized weapon. With every move of the weapon technique they made, as long as they were commanded to use their minds, a wisp of lightning energy would come out and unleash its power fiercely."That lightning power will increase even more if you diligently take care of the Thunder sym
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Concept of Space and Time.
Suma Fen sucked energy greedily for the fourth crystal... There were no extraordinary signs yet. Finally, the fifth crystal was sucked in... all the red crystals before him vanished into dust after five crystals had been consuming only felt began to move in his dan tian.The energy processing began. A large amount of energy swirled in his dan tian. He organized that energy to spread throughout the meridians, breaking through all the jammed channels. The man then dissolved into cultivation and forgot about time.Four months passed in the Pagoda Domain... one day, Suma Fen reached the Three Star King Realm. Suma Fen opened his eyes and rested for a while. After his body felt adapted to the change into a Three Star, he resumed cultivation. Again, Suma Fen threw five grains of Red Fruit Extract Pill into his mouth.The heat again moved in the Dantian. Although it spread throughout the meridians, it felt that the powerful force had been unable to break through the wall of congestion in the
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Concept of Space and Time - Part Two.
A kind of aura came out of Suma Fen's body. Instantly, the application of the Concept of Space Deviation changed the entire world. The ground that was previously at the bottom instantly became upside down at the top.The sky always at the top has now changed places to be at the bottom. The White Tiger felt dizzy seeing the abnormal situation. The white tiger's claw attack immediately turned at a 30-degree angle to the right. The tiger claw did not hit Suma Fen's body because it had been bent in a strange space.Even the white tiger felt that its attack suddenly turned very slow. He could not move his body quickly. He was stunned...Such slow movement might be imagined to be like a scene in a slow-motion film. Suddenly, a sword qi attack could be seen heading towards his chest in that state of slow motion. Right at the heart. Fortunately, the tiger had a Boundless Realm cultivation, so the attack of a 5 Star King Realm Practitioner like Suma Fen could still be reflexively responded to.
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Foggy God Tower.
When Suma Fen temporarily applied to become a member of the Order of the Sacred Wings, the Southern City elder on duty in the Arena Hall immediately sent a token through the array to the Order of the Sacred Wings. This was a common procedure if one applied to become a follower of the order. It was simply a notification that someone was applying to become a follower of the order. The elder, who looked to be someone of the nanren race, then said."Sir... you must first be tested for your attack power. This is important for the order to consider when looking at an application. Please enter the array."Suma Fen followed the instructions and moved to stand in a basin in the city hall. The manner elder then activated the array to test Suma Fen's strength."You may attack towards the human illusion in front of you. You should exert all your abilities. The important judgement lies in the strength of your attack."Suma Fen, who was inside the array, saw the figure of a swordsman of the Judade
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Foggy God Tower - Two.
"Regarding the benefits, of course, the harder the level you enter, the benefits of understanding the cultivation level or some secret technique left by experts thousands of years ago can be learned in the Tower with great difficulty. Also, the wings obtained are the wings of the rarest class in this world."+++"Then, register me in hell mode..." Suma Fen said concisely.The dwarf race Airen was utterly stunned to hear that Suma Fen would enter hell mode in the Tower. When he came to his senses, he hurriedly handed a jade slip to Suma Fen."This is an escape jade slip. When you feel you can't go on in the Tower anymore, destroy this jade slip immediately. The array built into it will automatically throw you out of the Misty God Tower."As Suma Fen prepared to enter the Tower of Trials, the guardian airen immediately sent information to several of his companions through the telecommunication array. "Immediately to the Tower of the Misty God, there is an interesting spectacle. A stupi
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Foggy God Tower - Three.
Unfortunately, the skill to understand the concept of Evasion is scarce. This skill was generally only possessed by experts who had talents as assassins or ninjas. Suma Fen was extremely lucky in this regard. When facing the demon Roc, he could digest and understand the concept of Evasion, even though it was only the skin of the game and was still simple. In the future, if he wants to understand more deeply, then some more in-depth contemplation and cultivation will be required.Suma Fen then stepped onto the next floor of the Misty God Tower. Dogs snapping could be heard very loudly, filling the entire second-floor domain. This second floor took the form of an ancient ruin that was very wrongly spacious.That dog's barking sound sounded like it contained the terrifying strength of a King Realm Practitioner. From that sound, the creature on the second floor was at least 300,000 jin/kati.Suma Fen stared at the demonic creature on the second floor, which looked like a giant three-heade
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Foggy God Tower - Four.
The scenery on the fourth floor created a hellish atmosphere for Suma Fen as if he were standing on the brink of an abyss of darkness. Up to the limit of his vision, there was only black rock, which left reddish embers and smouldering air."This feels like being in a kiln," thought Suma Fen."What creature will face me next?"As he pondered in his heart, a voice so ancient, it seemed to come from an age too far away rang painfully in his ears."So, you've been through that Roc, Cerberus, and Hydra? Hmm, unfathomable... for him, a being as small and weak as you to be able to go through all that."Before him appeared a figure wearing a black robe, but his face was exposed. The glittering light of the eyes gave off a sly impression, adorned by strange tattoos with various confusing symbols. Two pairs of horns on its head added to the mystical appearance of the creature in front of Suma Fen."So, you are the embodiment of a demon race expert from the past. What is your speciality?" asked
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