All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
464 chapters
Foggy God Tower - Five.
On the other hand, Suma Fen was surprised."Two practitioners on the eighth floor with an early boundless half Realm Step cultivation realm, with an ATK ability of 550,000 jinn, and one is a level three Heavenly Ranked soul mage? Is this Tower joking?" Suma Fen was immensely honoured to be challenged against two races with such high cultivation."Then, let's get started..." Suma Fen drew the Moon Heart Sword. This was an uphill battle against two experts with two types of skills. Suma Fen became very serious.When Suma Fen said, "Let's begin...", he saw the witch chanting a specific incantation. Meanwhile, the sword expert, Nanren, seemed to be waiting for the witch to make his first move."I will attack first..." Suma Fen did not want to waste time. He felt that if he wanted to win over such two types of experts, speed and making the initial attack first would give him an advantage."See attack...!!!"When Suma Fen jumped while thrusting the Moon Heart Sword, which contained Ice Lot
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Foggy God Tower - Six.
Without mercy, Suma Fen's Sword Control Technique stabbed straight through the witch's illusory shield."Prang..." As the imaginary shield shattered, the sword containing 550,000 jin worth of energy mercilessly pierced the witch's jingling temple. Accompanied by a cry of surprise, the jingling race disappeared.Now the nanren race was left alone,"Sword Control!!!" The Moon Heart Sword returned to action when, with a terrifying appearance, Suma Fen commanded the sword to stab at the Nanren. The sword once again flew extremely fast and flashed through the body of the nanren race. The nanren faded and then disappeared...In the end, the jingling and nanren were successfully eliminated on the eighth floor. The key was to first get rid of the witch who always did the extra job of assisting all the Nanren attacks.Suma Fen paused to rest. The battle against the two races had given Suma Fen a lot to work with. His understanding of instant healing during battle had entered a new level. Not t
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Foggy God Tower - Seven.
In such a state of urgency, another glimpse of understanding of the "Elven Totem Concept of Space and Time" blindly flashed through Suma Fen's memory."I understand now...!!!"It was like waking up from a dream. The memories of the understanding of space and time exploded in the mind and gave Suma Fen's "Heaven Divider Concept" a new step.With an unexpected movement by his three opponents, Suma Fen seemed to disappear from the confines of the Arrow Rain Electric Blast. The three opponents saw Suma Fen tear through space quickly, and then his body moved somewhere else 100 metres away."Ability to tear through space and teleport...." the three opponents looked surprised."Hahaha... thank you, little airen... your thousand electric arrows attack has opened my eyes... now accept your deaths..."Suma Fen jumped quickly towards the three creatures as his mouth chanted an incantation..."Heavenly Division...!!!"The entire space where the arena was then spun. The situation became noticeably
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Foggy God Tower - Seven.
"That's right. So far, these Nirvana Yellow Wings have only been taken out of the Misty God Tower's treasure storehouse twice. The first time I gave similar wings to a jingling practitioner was approximately two thousand years ago. Since then, there has never been a practitioner who obtained the boon of acquiring this type of wings" The Tower Fairy looked at Suma Fen deeply and tried to judge whether the youngster liked these wings. He found that Suma Fen looked grateful, so he continued."I need to inform you that once you wear these wings, your combat power (ATK) will increase by 250,000 jin. Not to mention that your defensive capabilities will increase a lot as these Yellow Nirvana Wings can withstand punch attacks with the power of 250,000 jin."Suma Fen asked a question..."That means I currently have a combat capability of 550,000 jin. When these wings are transplanted into my body, my ATK value is 800,000 jin?""Correct. ....""Also, I currently have a technique that can withst
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Order War Team.
Elder Ren himself was mesmerised by Suma Fen. The older man was in awe and praised him,"Young master... you're already in the Six Star King Realm? Wasn't it just a month ago that you broke through a few levels and...see, a month later, you broke through again?"Suma Fen smiled and said he had some lucky discoveries that allowed him to break through his cultivation within this one month.Still curious about the Array War Intent, Suma Fen asked Elder Ren."Elder Ren... I want to ask you something. Do you have any advice regarding "Understanding the Intent or Intent of the Array War"? I've read in ancient texts explaining that it does exist and can be understood."Slightly surprised by the question, Elder Ren nevertheless explained."Does the young master wish to understand the 'Array War Intent'? That is a very high understanding of the array technique for War."Suma Fen added..."That's right, Elder Ren. I intend to delve further into the array technique, and my goal is to understand
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"So you're a record breaker and are now ranked sixth in the Foggy God Tower after thousands of years of all the rankings in the top twenty never moving????... and look. You're even in the sixth Star King Realm now. It feels like it's been months since we've met." The two Judadees looked incredulously at Suma Fen.Someone who broke through the Tenth floor of the Misty God Tower was no simple figure. Moreover, he had broken through to the four cultivation realms in just three months. This little guy was a potential future holder of the highest rank in Southern City. The attitudes of the two became increasingly respectful towards Suma Fen.+++ After some time passed where the two Judadeans handed over the task of recruiting two members of the order's war team. As a rank six holder in the Misty God Tower trials, they naturally trusted Suma Fen's abilities.At the Southern City Duelling Arena."You must obtain a high rank in this Arena. High points will entitle you to exchange for some
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Arena - Two.
When the axe was like a violent thunder, it seemed to split Nanren's body from the air. The nanren tried to parry in vain. He hoped his heavenly trenta-class bow spirit weapon would be able to deflect the judade's thunder-like strike.But the nanren's defensive power was unable to withstand the ferocious slash of the Phalama Bhalu that contained the power of 300,000 jinn ATK. The bow in his hand broke into several pieces.Accompanied by a terrified scream, the axe in Phalama Bhalu's hand split the archer nanren's body in two. A flood of blood instantly filled the scene in the arena. The fishy smell of blood wafted across the arena. Several janitors consisting of nanren and jinglin races then ran to clean the arena.Phalama Bhalu indifferently picked up the nanren's spatial ring. He glanced at the wing tattoo on his chest which showed an increase in lines, becoming five-striped Silver Wings. Previously it had been four-striped silver wings. The judade smiled with satisfaction.The Sout
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Arena - Three.
Suma Fen was standing close to the middle of the arena, and a few attendants were pushing something long and draped with white fabric. About a hundred meters from the spot where Suma Fen was standing, they positioned it in the other corner of the arena.It seems that the item hidden by the lengthy cloth was the combat puppet that Suma Fen would face in the arena. The two-meter-tall item had a white cloth covering it. Everyone in the audience started talking loudly and in whispers, as usual, mainly out of curiosity."I believe that the fighting puppet belongs to the Jewish race. A fighting girl from the jingling race whispered to her friend, "Look, it's almost two meters tall." You're wrong—judades are typically taller than two meters. I'm assuming that a person of mixed ethnicity created this puppet."As everyone was curious about the appearance of the puppet covered in cloth, an Arena attendant lifted the garment. As it happened, the puppet was a figure that looked like a jingling r
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Arena - Part 4
"He only made one move and the Nine King Realm ranked puppet was instantly defeated...!!!" The entire audience gaped in terror at Suma Fen, which stood in the center of the arena. The magistrate of the arena was stunned by Suma Fen's performance because of how quickly he dispatched his opponent. Furthermore, among the fighters in the Southern City Arena, his opponent was one of the puppets most feared. There was a brief pause before he heard fighter number 20,569 exclaim, "Sir... can you announce my victory?" The judge of the arena awoke from his stunned stupor. The performance of the 20,569 practitioners still shocked him. The assassin puppet has a Nine Star King Realm cultivation, but 20,569 was merely a six star practitioner of the same realm. Still, he dispatched the assassin puppet with ease. A number of arena workers could be seen scurrying inside to retrieve the assassin puppet's body parts so they could be repaired. With reluctance, the judge declared, "20,569 wins..." "
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Two Scholars of Spirit.
The arena judge concluded by saying, "If you want to earn more points, then you should challenge a fighter of a higher rank." Because Suma Fen could defeat opponents so quickly, he felt a great deal of sympathy for him. "Are you still going to continue the fight?" The judge enquired once again. The victorious fighter could ask for a break after facing two opponents, per the rules. In response, Suma Fen said he didn't want to carry on fighting. Right now, he needed to take care of other things in the Holy Wing order. Suma Fen was invited to exit the arena by the magistrate. Suma Fen went over to where Niryadi and Hattauda were seated. The two judges shot appreciative looks at Suma Fen. They had been complimenting Suma Fen's skills from his previous competition in the arena nonstop. Later, they felt sorry about the team's involvement in the inter-order conflict. "How about we go to the order and find two other members to fill the vacancies in this team?" Says Suma Fen. Niryadi and H
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