All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
464 chapters
Two Spiritual Experts
Upon opening the practice room door, the three of them were enthralled with the condition of the space. The space appeared to be at least 500 by 500 meters in size. There was an incredibly high flow of Qi within. One might fully absorb the abundant vitality of both heaven and earth while cultivating here."The array technique was used in the creation of this training room to give the impression that although though it is little, it is inside a very huge room. It is not possible to construct an array irresponsibly in a room like this specific domain. This array, at the very least, was created by an Array Master using Spiritual Dao Master's spiritual might." Suma Fen attempted to clarify his knowledge to Hattaudha and Niryadi, who appeared perplexed by the miracle they had witnessed.Niryadi and Hattauda remained mute. The explanations Suma Fen was giving them were not clear to them.Suma Fen, meantime, started to feel a little uncomfortable when he considered spiritual power. In the Sp
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Clan Sugandha.
That afternoon, Phalama Bhalu was laying on a bed in a home with an opulent appearance in a corner of the Southern City. The family alchemist's investigation indicated that the enormous judade needed to rest on the bed for a minimum of six months, which is why the judade's body was covered in bandages covering fractured bones.Phalama Bhalu's body was covered in bandages and resembled a mummy, having been slathered with unique plants that the family's alchemist had created. Phalama Bhalu appeared to be in great distress. From a young age, the Judade had practiced martial arts and dreamed of being one of the family practitioners that would dominate the Southern City Arena. The aspiration of every family member has always been to become a well-known martial arts practitioner.And now, a small man of the jingling hybrid nanren breed had crushed all of Phalama Bhallu's hopes and goals. Phalama Bhallu was disappointed that the tiny fellow lost out on a number of Blue Manna and contribution
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Sugandha Clan, Part Two.
Thus, Niryadi, the practitioner testing the new technique, was disturbed when Tang Yuwen used the Arrow Rain Technique to assault the opponent. He also felt lightning and thunder, which momentarily surprised him as the hail of arrows appeared to lock on from above. Suma Fen had desired this "Stun"-like state in the Tower of the Misty God."Perfect... you can easily absorb the formation technique I want," Suma Fen replied."However, in my opinion, you two still need to continue practising so that the technique you have just mastered becomes more natural and can be performed in a reflex state" Suma Fen said."Good Boss...." The two new theme members showed even greater respect for Suma Fen after he showed that he could teach them. Both of them liked to refer to Suma Fen as boss, but Suma Fen didn't mind the moniker.++++Suma Fen received the following news over his communication array that afternoon:"Young master Brother Yong, some Judade races broke into my grandfather's array shop a
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Arena Challenge - Part One
Ren Fengguang had time to compliment the beauty of Suma Fen's Yellow Nirvana Wings despite his despair. Elder Ren's house was on the outskirts of the city, and they were there in an instant thanks to the stunning appearance and swiftness of the wings."Young master Brother Yong, your wings are very exquisite. Do your sword maneuvers match the strength of your wings? asked, putting down his tears, Ren Fengguang.The young girl begged, "Promise to bring justice for their deeds to grandfather."Suma Fen remarked with a smile, "You shouldn't be concerned. This Fen sister is aware of what's best for me. Grandpa should be taken care of on the bed now. Remind Grandpa Ren to take the medications I gave him every four hours. Ensure that Grandpa Ren swallows all five tablets.""Yet, young master Fen brother, that Jude claimed to have used Black Centipede poison to poison grandfather, and he even claimed to have the only antidote. Nobody is able to provide the poison," Fengguang remarked nervous
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Arena Challenge - Part Two
However, the sight inside the store caused the judade to become extremely pale. He noticed that Tauko, the bald-headed Judade, had become an ice sculpture. He stood still, his eyes wide open as little icicles dropped from the sky above him. The light from outside had reflected into the store area, turning it entirely white. "Magic... this man is using magic to manipulate the Southern air to be as cold as the Northern region up there" Samjhako, a judade, leaped up and broke through the array shop's door, further damaging the establishment. "Leap! That man is a magician. We are not his rivals. Samjhako shot up into the sky and began to soar. His companion had become unimportant to him. He only thought was to flee as far as he could in search of safety. When he was safe, he would inform Chamdiko that their objective had failed. This time, the spy network of the Sugandha Clan had failed. The judade It had been Samjhako's best flight yet. He estimated that he had driven roughly 50 kilome
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Looting the Point - Part Two
All of the people in Southern City went to sleep that night as a result of the rain that fell heavily.The Southern City arena's ambiance in the morning unexpectedly grew more crowded than normal. A sizable contingent of combatants with silver tattoos congregated in the arena hall, excited to witness today's bout. But there were also a ton of combatants with bronze tattoos who flocked to the arena to see the fight.Everyone was curious by the appearance of Suma Fen, a recent arrival who had taken on Silver Tattoo, the third-ranked team in the City Arena. They had no idea who Suma Fen was, of course. Suma Fen vanished right away and departed the Foggy God Tower after completing the challenge.Consequently, no one saw his face at that moment, and none believed that Suma Fen, the City Arena's third-ranked Chamdiko challenger, was the Misty God Tower Trials' sixth-ranked holder.They would not have said the derogatory things that were heard during the audience's present conversation if th
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Part Two of Plundering the Point.
Chamdiko disregarded the danger of utilizing energy that had been stolen from heaven and earth and was merely temporary strength-boosting. The penalties of negative impacts would typically fall upon the expert who utilized such stolen energy an hour after the effects of using it vanished.But Chamdiko didn't give a damn. He had to defeat his opponent quickly and decisively in this duel, or else he would look foolish for having claimed victory with just one blow."Duar..." "Duar..."An strike that failed to hit its objective resulted in the second explosion, and a moment later there was a third. However, Chamdiko still hadn't defeated his rival. He actually witnessed the man simply grinning mockingly as all of his blows missed their target's body.Five empty impact blasts and the tenth empty bomb came after the fourth. Chamdiko started to lose his ability to function as a rational human. He started to feel ashamed. Additionally, he heard some people snorting from the audience as they p
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Part One of Forbidden Forest,
With haste, Suma Fen fled the battle arena, where a plethora of chattering voices continued to revolve around the defeat of the third-ranked Silver Wing class "Chamdiko". Even some of the people who had been staring at him with adoring eyes and were now in awe of him turned down his invitations."Would you like to join our Order Sir...?""How about we sit for a while in the restaurant and discuss your desire to join our clan sir?"Suma Fen turned down every invitation. He hurried to the VIP Training room he had booked, which was located in a different part of the arena.Four of his teammates were waiting for him inside the room. Despite their admiration for Suma Fen's performance in the arena, they made an effort to appear normal. After spending a few days with Suma Fen, they started to comprehend the character of the man. They knew he was not looking for attention, nor did he enjoy idle chatter.Suma Fen carefully guided the five of them into harmony so that their cohesion and harmon
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Part Two of the Forbidden Forest
"Your ATK power, evasion agility, and even the accuracy and precision of your attacks will grow and make you a greater martial artist once you are able to ingratiate yourself and even form a contract with the animal. You can quickly advance by one degree in your cultivation, even if you are fortunate enough to have a certain kind of contract animal."Immediately there was commotion in the Order of the Sacred Wings hall. The most coveted items for all practitioners were contract animals and resources.When Udana Chakku noticed that the order's members, who had started to lose hope, had now found their courage again, he grinned triumphantly. He didn't stop there; after giving another energizing address to the Order members,"After all, if we win the order war this time... then the prize that everyone craves for is waiting for you.""The top five practitioners who smash the crystal at the Golden Peacock Castle will each receive one of the rarest contract animals and will be given by the
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Part Three of Forbidden Forest.
They bolted for a location that resembled a field in some way. Yes, a field or arena would make a conflict feel more natural. If you were battling in a forest with lots of trees, it was a different situation. Tens of thousands of these apes knew the forest well, thus having a solid grasp of the fighting zone would provide the white apes numerous advantages, even though it was an uncomfortable location to fight.Suma Fen, Hattaudha, and Niryadi, the three professionals in the Assault squad, surrounded Tang Yuwen and Ye Bing Qing in a triangle. As long-range attackers, Tang Yuwen and Ye Bing Qing need to maintain a safe distance from their adversaries at all times.In order to ensure that the practitioners using long-range attack techniques are in a safe position to attack or provide support, the three practitioners who are proficient in short-range attacks always set up the space in such a way. They quickly established the shape they had been practicing for the past week. It appeared t
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