All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
464 chapters
Part Four of Forbidden Forest.
Suma Fen had developed a technique that was akin to the Nirvana Painting Technique by adopting the premise of the "Nirvana Painting Sword Technique," but its ability and repressive nature had changed the cultivated technique. This time, it evolved into a sword technique of almost Quasi-Saint-level power.Like flying swords, 10 Qi energies twisted through the air, slicing freely into groups of tens or perhaps hundreds of white monkeys. The army of white apes was scared of Suma Fen because of his swift and fierce skill. It was apparent that the white apes leaped to attack Hattaudha and Niryadi, seemingly avoiding Suma Fen.Naturally, Suma Fen gave the fierce demon beings no opportunity to escape squabbling with him. The next dozen white apes were pursued and utterly destroyed by the ten swords that Qi made from Qi energy, all without the least mercy.The Monkey King became furious upon witnessing the intensity of the five opposing practitioners. He let out a loud yell, thudding his ches
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Part Five of Forbidden Forest.
With the most power available to a practitioner in the 3-Star Boundless Realm realm, the demon ape king took aim at Suma Fen. That was 1,100,000 jinn of power. Normally, a force of that magnitude could even bring down the cliffs and mountains in the Western Kunlun Region of the Mountains on the Silver Continent. However, Suma Fen was only able to use a maximum of 950,000 jin in combat."Wuussshh..."A huge roar sounded from the great ape king's fist, seeming to follow Suma Fen everywhere. It appeared as though the fist was about to rip and break Suma Fen's bones.Though Suma Fen understood that a hit with the might of 1,100,000 jin would demolish his body, he seemed to be disregarding the ape king's offensive movement. The Moon Heart Sword was raised straight up as eyes opened and looked up into the sky."Sacred Heart Sword intent..." Suma Fen whispered.Suddenly, an unusual occurrence of some type occurred in the surrounding room. Suma Fen's sword collected energy from the surroun
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Part Six of Forbidden Forest.
Suma Fen followed the white ape to a little cavern in the valley's corner. There appeared to be a white crystalline melt inside the cave. The white crystals appeared to have frozen into a pointed corner rather than falling to the earth yet. Liquid was trickling into a stony gap among the pointed crystals, and inside was a big hole filled with a liquid that looked like milk."Is this stalactite milk?" Suma Fen's expression brightened. He tasted the thick, milky liquid with great care after dipping his finger.Yes, that's correct—we're quite fortunate. He said to his four friends, who were still taking in the valley's beauty, "This liquid is stalactite milk."When Suma Fen was observed pouring the stalactite milk into an empty jug, the other four practitioners trailed behind him. Inquisitively, Hattaudha asked,"Brother Yong, what is that liquid that you are collecting?"Suma Fen described what he dubbed "stalactite milk" to his four pals, who seemed not to comprehend him at all.The bu
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Part Seven of Forbidden Forest.
The white ape Suma Fen had christened "White" was asked, "White... what is the use of that pond?" The White One's voice was merely meandering. He made gestures like extending an invitation to sip the stalactite milk within the spatial ring of Suma Fen. The invitation to jump into the pond appeared as the next movement."I know... do you mean for me to consume the stalactite milk and then jump and soak in the pool?" Again, Suma Fen enquired. White gave a nod of agreement. The ape clearly couldn't wait for Suma Fen to dive in and take a bath in the what appeared to be scorching water. Suma Fen was even urged to get into the pool by White."Okay, okay, okay, at least give me a moment to consider White... My body still smells like dried blood after the fight, yet the water in the pool is bubbling and steaming like boiling water. If I don't prepare ahead of time, my body might roast in the water," Suma Fen yelled at the monkey.Suma Fen thought the pond was helpful and not intended to hurt
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Part 8 of Forbidden Forest
Still, they went to Suma Fen to find out what the inscription and petrify meant. Upon learning that Inscription involved inserting magical inscriptions into weapons to produce a terrifying effect that lasted for seven to ten seconds during a combat, the two willingly offered to have their weapons inscribed with Inscription inscriptions.Naturally, Niryadi was the one who initially requested that an inscription be placed on his two short swords. Since writing inscriptions was a prestigious profession that required payment once an expert produced a masterpiece like the Petrify Inscription, Suma Fen suggested a set of terms as payment for his services.Once they had the King Realm rank demonic creature Monster Core, each of them would be charged 2500 medium Blue Manna (venti). The Forbidden Forest itself was a haven for numerous types of demonic monsters, a veritable cornfield. To engrave the Petrify Inscription, they would search for monster cores ranked higher than King Realm.++++"Le
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Part Nine of Forbidden Forest.
Tang Yuwen also came ashore a few days later after submerging himself on the 16th step of the pond's beach. The eight-star King Realm had seen the breakthrough of that arrow adept practitioner. A few days later, Ye Bing Qing leaped from a height of 21 steps and fell.The nine-star King Realm was now within the reach of the jingling witch. Hattaudha, too, emerged from the nine-star King Realm after breaching the surface from a depth of 22 steps. In light of their achievement in cultivation, Suma Fen's four pals continued their serious cultivation in an attempt to stabilize all of the body's energy. Once more, the four buddies were incredibly appreciative and reveling in the luxury of breaking through—something that was highly desirable and would not come easily.When they finally achieved breakthroughs in cultivation, it was the fourth month. They attempted to look at the news and read the war tokens that the Order had given them, but there was no summons to fight at the Castle of the
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Part Ten of Forbidden Forest.
The appearance of another practitioner came next. In the cultivation realm of the 9 Star King Realm, three judade races made their final appearance. They were all armed with a short sword, cleaver, and spear. Then the five of them formed a line and appeared to be in the way of Niryadi and company."Danger... these are the Five Veteran Order practitioners with the lowest cultivation of the Nine-star King Realm..." Yang Yuwen gave a hiss."To inform Suma Fen, turn on the alarm token. Who knows that his cultivation is done?" Ye Bing Qing said.++++Covertly pressing their group's war token, Hattaudha informed Suma Fen of their current location and that the four of them had run into difficulty. Members of the order were actually supposed to utilize the token as an emergency call. Hattaudha's confidence returned once he signaled Suma Fen for assistance. "We should be able to defend against these five demons until brother Sim Fen comes to help" .Ye Bing Qing questioned the five odd members
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Part eleven of Forbidden Forest.
"Duar..." the five practitioners' shield collided with thousands of arrows. They were able to effortlessly avoid the arrow attacks. The five experts in Veteran Order flashed a sarcastic smile.However, the disdainful grin quickly vanished from each of the five individuals' features. Now, the thousands of arrows that had magically fallen to the earth all around the five practitioners were startled when they transformed into an array that contained them. Lightning and thunder flashed over the array's space, even farther from the direction of its containment.The five Veteran Order practitioners were even more startled when they sensed that 10 percent of their energy was being absorbed or taken by the lightning and thunder. The five Veteran Order experts froze from the electric shock, even as the sting had a stun effect."F***k... when we're in this attack array, don't let them attack." Everyone needs to exercise caution. Start using your self-defense skills right away. They intend to la
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The Death of Mao Hong San
That afternoon, four dark shapes could be seen scuttling through the Forbidden Forest at a pace that was too fast for the naked eye to follow. The northern section of the woodland was the four figures' intended goal. It was accurate to say that the four figures appeared to be fleeing from something behind them. Hattaudha, Niryadi, Tang Yuwen, and Ye Bing Qing were the four figures.These four experts knew that they would be attacked by the other three experts in the Veteran Order group after deceiving the other five practitioners and carrying out the heinous deeds of Niryadi beheading Mao Kandao, Hattaudha slicing Hava Bhalla's chest, and Tang Yuwen's arrow stopping the judade's breath.The four of them did not currently face opposition from Mao Hong an in the two-star Boundless Realm or Mao Du Jian in the Half-step Boundless Realm. If they insisted on fighting those two Boundless Realm professionals, that's the only way they'd die foolish.It was advisable to ask Suma Fen for assi
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Mao Hong San's death (Chapter 222, Part II)
The gray-haired man's body was observed to be releasing sword qi, and as the thin sword in his hand came into contact with it, the sound of collision returned. In the impact, Mao Hong San was now even forced back by numerous spears. Once more, his palm was tingling terribly. He nearly dropped the slender sword he was holding. He had no idea that a drop of blood had fallen from his lips."Who are you?" Mao Hong San quickly focused energy onto the area of his hand that had been hurting and tingling from the weapon's impact moments before. He became more focused and somber. It seems that the young man was not undervalued.The man with gray hair uttered a quick "My name is Suma Fen.""Fensuma? Were you the arena challenger that vanquished the rank three silver wing in the arena some time ago?" Then, Mao Hong San conjectured as to who Suma Fen might be."Yes, that is me," Suma Fen said.Good, then you have to pass away. "I'm going to fight hard this time," declared Mao Hong San.Without d
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