All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
464 chapters
Concerning Contract Creatures.
After that, Suma Fen gave an explanation of his discoveries.He took what he believed to be a mystery out of the Veteran Order practitioners' spatial ring after slaying them both. The enigma consisted of a map featuring an unkempt image. It seems as though the map creator was purposefully providing false information. However, Suma Fen spilled Mao Du Jian's blood on the map out of curiosity.Consequently, after some time the map filled in completely, and a story was included to explain the existence of the "Contract Animal," which was the constant target of all God's Filter Continent practitioners."Of course, our next objective is to travel to the site where the Contract Animal is after my finding. Suma Fen concluded his explanation, saying, "I hope that luck will be on our side so that we can become partners with one of those contract animals."The four pals of Suma Fen's expression brightened. This Forbidden Forest did indeed have too many mysteries. Luck was another aspect that eve
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Miracles in the Sacred Forest - Part One.
After giving the map in his hand a close examination, Suma Fen started talking with the four practitioners."According to the calculations on this map, we will arrive in the next three days, at the location where the contract animal is located, precisely at a lake shore called 'Lake Saitana Pari' or Demon Fairy lake" ."We still need to cruise to the island known as 'Rahasya Dvipa' from the lake's shore. The contract animals reside and breed on that island. It's a little peculiar. Saitana Pari Lake is centered on Rahasya Dvipa Island."The four companions of Suma Fen scowled at this clarification. Niryadi stated as much."That is a strange sounding name for a lake and an island..." stated Niryadi.Ye Bing Qing questioned, "And why do I feel a bit goosebumpy hearing those two strange names?" Then, when she turned to face her other four allies, she had an epiphany. Hearing the name of the lake and island made her and Niryadi feel uneasy, as if they were the only ones experiencing this s
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Miracles in the Sacred Forest - Part Two.
"That gray-haired man is a high-level martial arts expert. We'll be nothing but ants before him" the eldest centaurs spoke."Hurry up and signal the Patriarch. Those three creatures must be deterred. I'm afraid that if they manage to enter Saitana Pari lake later, then our centaurus clan will receive the curse of the other two cursed creatures" The eldest centaurus spoke in a panicked tone to the other two centaurs.An arrow containing colored explosives shot into the sky, when the young Centaurus shot his arrow into the sky. Visible in the sky.... the arrow exploded, then formed a code and a certain dark blue Amulet in the sky."Hopefully the Patriarch will immediately alert and block the five living creatures from the outside world" the eldest centaur said anxiously. After he saw Suma Fen's ability to seize their weapons, he didn't see anything like movement or anything. All he saw was that the bow weapon in his hand had disappeared and the gray-haired man had taken it.Even if the
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"I will not be merciful to you, since you have dared to violate the boundaries of this Sacred Forest, I will take your lives" with flaming eyes emitting a cruel aura full of Spirit power energy, the giant Centaurus threw the spear in his hand towards Suma Fen and company."Watch out!!! That attack contains Spirit power... get out of the way!!!" Siam Fen shouted and pushed his friends aside which was followed by the four other practitioners jumping and moving away from the centaurs' attack area."Wushhh..." after the spear landed on the beach sand, strange amulets came out and formed their own domain around Suma Fen. He was trapped inside the horoscope domain created by the giant centaurs.The centaurus was then seen lunging into the domain while twirling the two blades in its hands, as Suma Fen looked somewhat confused within the horoscope domain that was arranged in twelve existing horoscope amulets. A thunderous sound like a thunderstorm rang out as the giant Centaurus spun its two
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Spirit Luring Song.
"Did something happen when I was focusing on fighting with Spirit power earlier?" Suma Fen panicked. He tried to rethink the events from the beginning."It doesn't seem possible that this was the work of the centaurs. Their horde was clearly standing in front of me during the battle. There's no way I wouldn't have seen if they had ambushed my four friends without me knowing" Suma Fen became agitated. Indeed, the four had miraculously disappeared, leaving no clue even to the message on the communication jade slip.Just then Suma Fen's eyes caught sight of four tree trunks as if they had just been cut down. Leaves were scattered along the shore of the lake. The clue now raised a question in his heart."Did the four of them cut that tree? If so, what are they used for?" Suma Fen was getting more and more curious and wondering in his heart. There was no reasonable answer that he could deduce to answer the clue of the tree being cut down.Meanwhile, it was beginning to get dusk. The sunlig
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The Battle Under the Shining Moon
A dark shape appeared to be moving across Lake Saitana Pari's surface in the light of the two full moons. It would appear like the individual was sprinting across the lake. From up close, though, the shadow that proved to be a guy was only standing on a tree that acted as a sort of floating boat that propelled him forward. Strangely, the tree trunk was moving as fast as if it had a motor, even though it didn't appear to be employing any sort of propulsion mechanism.From a distance, one would mistake the man's robe for a large boat's sail as it fluttered in the lake breeze. That figure was Suma Fen, who was pursuing his four buddies who had vanished from the shore after succumbing to the sirens' allure.A heartfelt melody softly reached out and touched them.I have been alone for thousands of years, but I continue to wait for you obediently. How many more thousands of years must I wait in loneliness?Hardly able to manage everything without you..The voices of the sirens got clearer a
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The Battle Under the Moonlight.
The siren leader, however, appeared to be quite content. It was because his opponent appeared to leap periodically as a result of the moonlight bouncing off the mirror in his palm.She rambled on incoherently, her tone growing more disorganized and scary."jhaiudshcuwei..."He swung back the mirror with his right hand and released the golden laser light from it with the force of 1,250,000 jin."Wwhoooopp..."Suma Fen shouted once more as he threw five sword qi at the siren leader."The concept of time and space!""Heaven's divider!!!"The area in front of Suma Fen was split open, and the siren leader's laser beam was redirected and engulfed by the ripped dimension. The laser beam closed fast, leaving nothing behind as it vanished into the broken vacuum.The leader of the sirens was taken aback to see the area before him torn apart and then closed once more. Her shock, however, was short-lived as five sword Qi energy threads encircled her neck, tail, and hands. The leader of the sirens
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Looking for a Way Out.
"It's best to change into new clothes right after and avoid getting too cold in this chilly night air. This is still a lengthy road.Then Suma Fen turned aside, giving the four practitioners space to change into more suitable attire. Each of them had an abundant supply of garments in the space ring, of course, being martial specialists.The four practitioners loudly narrated their experiences from when they were first drawn in by that soul-attracting chant after changing into more fitting attire. Suma Fen simply allowed them to chat loudly. Once they had finished talking about their own experiences, he went on to tell the tale of people he had met who had perished on Saitana Pari Lake's reef.The herd of sirens had dispersed, some even freezing to death in the lake water, and though the four practitioners were angry, they were powerless to retaliate at this point."We will continue our journey to Rahasya Dvipa Island tomorrow after the lake water thaws," Suma Fen stated."Those sirens
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"Remain calm... I'll attempt to transport each of us away. However, with five of us and this spirit ship, it's very hefty and needs a lot of room. Time and space cannot be torn apart by my strength acting alone. You all form a row and direct your Qi energy towards me. In an attempt to defuse the situation, Suma Fen exclaimed, "I'll try to make a teleportation hole!"The four Order of the Sacred Wings practitioners instantly formed a line and applied their palms to Suma Fen's back to channel their Qi energy.In the meantime, the wave was 200 meters away. The wave was now at least fifteen meters high, an even greater height. Any living thing that was carried away by a wave with the strength of a six-star Boundless Realm practitioner would undoubtedly perish due to the high wave. It was evident that a tulos creature was standing above the tsunami waves, its face glowing evilly."The concept of time and space...""Heaven divider!!!"With a loud yell, Suma Fen felt the energy from the othe
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Spiritual Master of Saint Rank - One
Following the discussion, everyone took a seat again to recover from the shock and be ready for the upcoming unexpected excursion. Not one of them inquired as to the position of the siren. They might conclude for themselves that Suma Fen had kidnapped her and was using her for a specific reason.Subsequently, Suma Fen removed the Soul Power Music copy and the Astrology copy that he had acquired from the Centaurus Patriarch. He considered using those Techniques to hone his soul force. Suma Fen had been stuck at level three Heavenly Soul Master far too long, and he longed to advance to the world of a Saint Soul Master's might.Perhaps it could stimulate his soul strength to break through by enhancing his soul methods and magic with new techniques.Then Suma Fen vanished into a state where the two Techniques were understood. That he had been endowed with intelligence since being struck by lightning in the Fairy Cliff Forest was a fortunate circumstance. With just one reading, he was able
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