All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
466 chapters
Part Two of Saint Rank Spiritual Master's.
Sadly, Meirenyu spoke."After that, I have to wait for someone to try to cross this lake for a millennium and torment them while they do so. Living above the waves and permanently residing on a reef like that is the most heinous thing that can happen to someone of my race." Meirenyu's tone was bittersweet and melancholy at the same time.Suma Fen said nothing. Meirenyu did not elaborate, but he knew what was going on. Being forced to leave one's natural home and being forced to live somewhere that one's people thought was abhorrent was a bitter experience. All that can be done is try to sing nonstop and pretend that everything is alright in order to console oneself.The siren leader, Meirenyu, has a tragic past that turns her into a deadly and alluring being that stalks everyone attempting to cross this lake. Bad individuals can occasionally arise from terribly wounded good people. Suma Fen let out a long sigh."All right... I swear to you that I will assist you in entering the Great
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Fifth Spell.
By noon, when the two suns were shining brightly... five shadowy figures were seen running and leaping across the rocky ground of the island of Rahasya Dvipa. The deeper into the island the higher and more rugged the mountain they climbed. But even though it was steep it did not hinder the ability of the five figures to jump up the steep and rugged ravine.Rahasya Dvipa Island is a strange island. Although the island is not very big, when one enters the island, one has to climb a steep ravine to reach the center of the island. That's right. The island consisted of a tall, steep mountain.When Suma Fen and his four companions jumped using their body lightening abilities, the sound of the transmission beam was caught and heard in Suma Fen's ears."Weak creature... did you come here to challenge the gorgons? You just came to waste your life in vain" the voice sounded mocking...Suma Fen was not too surprised when a voice suddenly transmitted and spoke to him. The magic of the magic world
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Ice Storm Moon Spell.
"I didn't know about this kind of thing myself. But I just learned about it from a conversation with a creature held captive by the gorgon herd. But since I am a magician, then I can fight them using magic power and techniques. Ye Bing Qing might be able to help me in the battle against these gorgon minions. Then I will go meet the gorgon and open the way" Suma Fen said.Ye Bing Qing agreed with a nod of his head, while the other three practitioners were only allowed to wait inside the Mirage domain."Now shout Suma Fen"Ye Bing Qing with a small snort chanted the Black Mist Technique while throwing out a complementary Amulet to increase the suction power of the black Mist. A dark black mist suddenly descended from the sky and formed a black vortex. The black mist that carried the black vortex quickly flew into the center of the group of snake creatures that seemed to be unaware of Suma Fen and Ye Bing Qing's existence.The sound of howling screams could be heard as the group of snake
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Meteor Storm Spell.
Fortunately, Suma Fen closed his eyes, so the brightness that was supposed to turn everyone who looked at it into stone did not trouble his in the slightest.His eyes appeared to widen upon seeing the medussa's deception. From those two massive eyes burst a great light that fixed into Suma Fen."Slash!"The massive beam shot swiftly in the direction of Suma Fen. That beam was sharper than any sword, according to experts. For Suma Fen, that was the best sword magic he had ever seen."Boom..." an explosion occurred, and everything that was alive within the beam of light turned to stone. Thousands of shards of stone were later created as the beam bearing the magic sword sliced through the stone.Suma Fen used the teleportation method to go away on his own. Subsequently, he created a magical seal with his hands and spoke a death spell."Fifth death spell... Ice storm moon"Two fast-moving moons obscured two bright suns during another solar eclipse. The medusa monster was struck by a massi
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Sword and Armor of the Moon.
"In that instance, kindly await your demise. I believe I have some more powerful magic tricks up my sleeve that I haven't attempted on that medussa yet. "Maybe I can prevail," Suma Fen said.Then Suma Fen leaped to his feet. Suma Fen had recovered 70% of his strength after absorbing the energy. This strength was sufficient to carry on the fight. It appeared that the trio of gorgons had also come to and were regaining their strength. They were chanting healing spells and reawakening the medussa when strange words were heard.The Pegasus's voice had now become gentle and amiable once more, saying, "Young man, I give up." Okay, I will enter into a 1000-year contract with you. But before you can utilize this magical sword and armor, you have to set me free." Let's see.It seemed that the pegasus had consented to become a Suma Fen contract animal. However, the elderly horse had secretly hatched a different scheme to trick Suma Fen when the latter was at his most vulnerable."It's so simple
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Combining Contract Animals
"As soon as possible, grab the three gorgon heads before the bodies and heads reunite!" yelled Pegasus in a loud voice. Suma Fen, naturally, did not let this chance pass him by. He did what Pegasus had instructed and moved right away. The three gorgon heads appeared to be taken in by an unseen force and floated in the direction of Suma Fen with a single fast hand motion. Suma Fen deftly captured the head that was visible, leaving the eyes of the three gorgons protruding."Take caution. Its evil eye rays still have magic potency even after it was severed. Pegasus stated firmly, "Anyone who looks into the eyes of that creature's head will be converted to stone.Suma Fen quickly freed the three Amulets and placed them on the foreheads of the three gorgon heads after deftly creating a seal with one of the old spells. The repercussions of the gorgon's bulging eyes were immediately apparent; all three of the eyes closed, and the gorgon's remaining magic vanished in a disorderly manner. Thin
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Three Gorgon Masks
Following a Spiritual fusion with Fei Ma's contracted animal, Suma Fen experienced a significant disturbance in his dantian. A breakthrough in the world of cultivation had place, causing a stream of power to emanate from the dantian and spread throughout the body's meridians."Nine Star King Realm...""Half Step Boundless Realm....""One Star Boundless Realm!"The incredibly quick transformation in cultivation following the fusion with a part of Spiritual Suma Fen that was in the contract animal caused Fei Ma's physical body to scream in horror.Fei Ma said, "This kid is getting more and more terrifying," as he was shocked.++++Suma Something roiling inside Fen felt like it was about to blow. He became imbalanced in both body and emotions due to the abrupt change in his cultivation. There was a heat in the dantian, like it would burst at any second. The dantian whirled with heat, making one queasy.Due to the physical disruption, Suma Fen leaped into the air and executed a stunning S
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The siren Meirenyu continued, "That's not all. As of right now, Master has attained the Spiritual Attainment of a Saint Spiritual Master at Level 2. Your alchemical aptitude is now ranked seventh among alchemists due to your strength."Suma Fen gave a nod of approval. In fact, his alchemical ability had advanced to rank seven with the spiritual force of a level two Master Spiritual Saint. Even on this God-Screening Continent as well as the Silver Continent, that was an incredibly rare Alchemist Master level."I have to get off this domain now. There are fresh obstacles in the world, according to Suma Fen. He considered the palace that could be seen after the mountain peak's layer of magic and curses was lifted. That castle had contract animals for his four buddies.Suma Fen emerged from Pagoda Domain, trailed by two glimmering shadows of a little Pegasus and an entity shaped like a siren. Even though the two were simply illusions, everybody who saw them felt oppressed by their presenc
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Goat Death.
Suma Fen started to chant in private as soon as he heard the three demons conversing. Then, stomping, he twirled the Sacred Golden Sword and lunged in the direction of the Khaimera."The Moon's Curse," exclaimed Suma Fen.The moon was reflected into the hall by a cloud that had formed on the old palace's ceiling. Hailstones of sharp crystal fell heavily from the moon and fastened onto Khaimera. Then the Holy Golden Sword struck Khaimera with a fierce cut.Khaimera roared fiercely and released a massive flame that rolled up the hailstorm of moonlight."Wussh...""Wusshh...""Duarr..." "Duarr!!!"Inside the palace hall, there was an explosive burst as a result of the two magic energies colliding.Suma Fen yelled, "Kill...!!!" as he was flung backward. The Sacred Golden Sword was hurled and locked onto the Khaimera by the Sword Control Technique. Once more, the Khaimera spat flaming flames that engulfed the Sacred Golden Sword."Duaarr..." "Duaarr..."The Khaimera monster's hellfire erup
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Treasures Await in Spatial Space.
"Trangg...!!!" was the sound made when Hattaudha brought down the enormous axe to split the head of the bear, who had changed into a very attractive guy.They both took numerous spears in the back. The bear monster's mouth was spewing profanity. He felt a great deal of sadness at seeing the two animals that had transformed from a chimpanzee into a human. Something that would always be regretted by the bear monster."Black Mist...." Ye Bing Qing rapidly pulled the man back into the black circle of the black hole by entangling him once again in the Black Mist spell."I won't forgive you guys...." The man let out a cry and attempted to break free from the enormous black hole's grasp by stamping his feet."Stop dreaming," Ye Bing Qing angrily remarked. Suddenly, a dense cloud of black mist rose from the sky, enveloping the man, who appeared even more deranged."Trang...!!!" Hattaudha's axe sped at the man in the black robes, but the man parried the blow with a sword, albeit with a limp. W
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