All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
466 chapters
Spatial Space Contains Treasures
The snake-like creature's head was visible, and it appeared to be dying and writhing in agony. Suma Fen unleashed a magic spell as soon as the Pegasus touched down next to the khaimera's body, and he hurled multiple locking amulets towards the snake's head."Wushh...." The snake fell silent at once. When Suma Fen told it to open its mind, it seemed not to resist at all."Open!"Suma Fen soon picked up on the shadow of a spatial space that emerged from inside the demonic entity. After using a few magic spells to seal the spatial space and prevent it from rebelling, he left to look for a new hiding spot inside the palace. It appeared to have thoughts and a spirit of its own.Suma Fen directed his magic spells towards the spatial space once more, causing it to become actual and no longer disguised. He carefully positioned the item in the middle of the historic Sacred Palace's hall."Now let us take care of this magic creature first."The heads of the snake, goat, and lion were taken by S
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The Ancient and Legendary
Suma Fen attempted to explain the existence of contract animals in the spatial space by saying, "I need to explain the contents inside the secret spatial space before entering the contract animal storage room." His intention was to provide him four allies with a clear image so they could select contract animals based on their combat strategies and needs."The two names from the list of contract animals I mentioned are legendary contract animals that will belong to Tang Yuwen and Hattaudha" stated Suma Fen. Suma Fen turned to face the two girls, seeking their approval. The two girls agreed by nodding their heads.The Contract Animals listed below can be obtained by entering the hidden chamber of the historic Sacred Palace:"Legendary Little Green Dragon comes first. The small green dragon is a contract animal monster of the Legendary category. The Little Green Dragon contract animal will help the practitioner of the contract animal use their defense and boost the attack power of ATK po
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The Farewell Song.
However, Niryadi, Ye Bing Qing, and Tang Yuwen were still developing for fusion when Suma Fen and Hattaudha had completed neutralizing every new power brought about by the cultivation realm breakthrough. The two exchanged glances as they attempted to process and draw conclusions."Why is that Archer still in the middle of cultivating? Will Tang Yuwen still be able to ascend to higher realms?"Did he not mix together two contract animals, such as Ye Bing Qing and Niryadi? Why does it appear that he will still make a breakthrough?" Startled, Hattaudha enquired.That was beyond Suma Fen's ability to explain. However, he considered the most likely scenario and attempted to come up with a logical answer."Maybe Tang Yuwen's position has been bottlenecked, so the fusion with the Legendary contract animal will give a two-stage breakthrough opportunity" stated Suma Fen.After hearing Suma Fen's explanation, Hattaudha uttered the words "Could be... could be..." Hattaudha was mildly jealous of
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The Call of the Golden Peacock Castle
When nightfall arrived, the gorgeous birds and butterflies said their goodbyes with tears in their eyes."Promise to come back and see all of us, Brother Fen and sister Eve murning...""I will miss Brother Yong" "Keep us in mind, sister Hawa murning"All of the tiny creatures departed the ship and made their way back to Rahasya Dvipa Island when the heartbreaking sessions were completed. The three companions who had witnessed Suma Fen interacting with the animals simply shook their heads in confusion.Two unusual individuals. Ye Bing Qing and Suma Fen are sophisticated. Those small animals even favor them."Hattaudha gently muttered, "Witches... well, all witches do strange and wonderful things.""Brother Yong's spiritual strength is growing. In this God-Screening Continent, it's difficult to find someone like him, Tang Yuwen remarked.Suma Fen understood that his three friends were a little uncomfortable with their acts as sorcerers when he noticed that the three people were staring
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Part Two, from - The Call of the Golden Peacock Castle.
The spirit ship they were on went through the sheer rocks of Saitana Pari Lake as morning was drawing near. Suma Fen was observed grasping a 5,000-year-old Black Pearl wind instrument near the bow of the ship.The Spiritual Siphon began to play again at that very moment, adding to the gloomy morning atmosphere. The quiet of the morning on Saitani Pari Lake was broken by the gentle tones of the wind instrument.In the meantime, the Sirens began to surface one by one from the lake's depths, visible above the cliffside coral reef in the distance. While some sat on the rocks, others cheerfully swam. They were singing in sync to the beat of Suma Fen's instrument, as if they didn't want to be outdone. Many aquatic creatures began to cry as a result of the enchanted atmosphere the combined sounds generated.Seemingly inebriated, Ye Bing Hawa muttered a poetry that blended with the sound of the sirens' choir and the blowing of Suma Fen.This is the author's original poem by Ye Bing Hawa murni
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Part One of the Golden Gates
"Even.... It seems like only me and Niryadi have two contract animals among all the practitioners right now... well of course we, can't compare to Brother Fen who has three contract animals at once" Ye Bing Eve grumbled.Each person gave a nod of assent."Look... those Veteran Order practitioners have Ancient-class contract animals like we do" replied Niryadi.At that moment, five members of the airen, mogui, and judade races were observed strolling down the path for patrol. Everywhere they walked, a small, swiftly flying object with a gentle glow followed them. It was a contract animal of the Ancient class."They might be the gang that rose to the top three orders three years ago during the Order War. Each of the first five winners' orders will get a legendary contract animal. Ancient-class contract animals will be awarded to the second and third rankers. Suma Fen muttered, "The others will receive contract animals of the Rare type.Together, Suma Fen's four allies appeared even more
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Part Two of The Golden Gate.
"Bing Qing murning and Yuwen prepare magic traps and arrays" he said."Six.... Five... four... three... two.... One...."The curtain separating the five pairs of Holy Wing and Veteran Order practitioners opened with the command, "Start...!!!!!".There were three shadows of seasoned Order practitioners, leaping toward the location of Suma Fen's group. Just as the trio was about to celebrate their victory by killing their opponents, they felt as though they were being drawn into a dark circle. Even that dark circle started to gradually drain their energy."F***k!""F***k""Witches are ensnaring us and possessing witches." "Shoot!!!" yelled the enraged mogui in the 1-star Boundless Realm."Suit... suitttt" Immediately afterward, the two airen race archers' direction was seen to be firing scores of arrows.Shaking his hand, Suma Fen yelled, "Obliterate..." An aura appeared at that very time, and it quickly transformed into a magical shield to stop the arrows that were flying at her.The g
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Part Three - The Golden Gate.
With a look of shock, the judade passed away, believing that no one could have damaged his defensive shield—especially with an unarmed technique that included the deadly Sword Pure Eve, which was just as potent as the polished Sword of a well-known refiner.In addition to Judade's demise at the hands of Suma Fen, Hattaudha was also witnessed severing Airen's neck to finish the fight.When an arrow that Tang Yuwen discharged was seen to split the opponent's arrow that was aimed at him, he was also eliminated. In addition, Tang Yuwen's arrow flew very quickly and entered his opponent's chest through the chest.+++To Suma Fen's satisfaction, "Five experts clear in no more than five minutes..."Hataudha moved swiftly, assisting Niryadi in damaging the array that was still under the spell's control. The two airen who had imprisoned the Judean girl inside the arrow array, preventing him from participating in the conflict, were heard to be cursing at him.Suma Fen remarked, "Let's continue
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The Golden Gate, Part Four.
The mogui go appeared to have lost all strength when he stood up again on the walkway after forcing his way out of the toxic lake water.With a bitter glance at the water of the cursed lake, the mogui race cursed, "That cursed lake has stolen half of my strength." He truly wanted to regain his strength, but at this crucial moment, that was not going to happen."Sreeeettt..."It appeared as though a beam from a pointed weapon had now reached him and clamped onto his neck. The mogui had just gotten back up on the slick path and was attempting to catch his breath."hap... hap...."The mogui executed a stunning flip maneuver to evade the axe weapon's slicing blow that had clamped onto his neck.After avoiding the Hattaudha axe slash, he attempted to gather his thoughts, but something unexpected occurred once more."Bukk...!!!"A strong gust of wind hit him firmly in the chest. The mogui was being pulled backwards on the slick road while he screamed and cursed. Then he dove into the lake o
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Part Five - The Golden Gate.
"Duar...." "Duarr..."Five practitioners of different races from the Order of the Hell's Gate stood before Suma Fen and company, only to be overpowered by the next water dragon monster. However, it was regrettable. The five practitioners of the Order of the Hell's Gate appear to be the water dragon creature's monthly moon because it appears that this dragon is stronger than the one they previously encountered. It was soon obvious that the monster would kill all five of them.As Suma Fen and his four allies turned to leave the battle, one of the practitioners of the Order of the Hell's Gate yelled abruptly."Order of the Sacred Wings allies, aid us in destroying this water dragon monster. The reward problem won't arise because this monster will dish it out at random when it is defeated.Yes, coalition ally, please assist us. Confronted with the water dragon's blow, a second practitioner of the Hell's Gate Order remarked, "We hope this monster will be conquered sooner."As his allies so
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