All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
466 chapters
The Golden Gate, Part Six.
The other team members' reward details are as follows:Tang Yuwen receiving a payment of: One complete pair of orange glovesFive pieces of the orange bow weaponFive pieces of orange footwearTwo pieces of gloves in the color goldFive pieces of orange armorOne piece of armor in the color goldYe Bing Qing holding the quantity of prizes:One complete pair of orange glovesOne complete orange leg armor pieceThree pieces of gold-colored shoesSix pieces of weapons with orange wandsSix pieces of orange glovesFive pieces of orange shoesOut of all the practitioners, Suma Fen harvests the greatest amount of resources. This was due to the fact that whenever he struck the water dragon monster, he consistently scored the greatest in terms of damage.Each practitioner's power blasts against the water dragon monster were automatically tallied by the array system at the Golden Gate war gaming area.The specific benefits that Suma Fen delivered were as follows:Whole Items:One fully equippe
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The Golden Gate - Part Seven.
"When you're already so strong in the two-star Boundless Realm,... what if you break through to cultivate in the five- or six-star Boundless Realm? I don't think even experts in the early holy Enlightenment Realm realm would be so rash as to fight against you" Hattaudha said.Suma Fen looked down at his hands and said softly."When I have reached the strength of an early Holy Enlightenment Realm expert, I will leave this continent and hunt down that old demon in the Silver Continent" Suma Fen said angrily.Suma Fen then whispered softly in his mind,"Combat mode off...."Instantly, his appearance returned to its original gray robe. Dressing in combat clothes like before was too conspicuous. He would turn on battle mode if the crystal smashing war had started.Hattaudha asked Suma Fen again."Brother Fen... can you explain to us the functions of the items you described earlier? I still don't understand. I'm currently wearing two orange items which are "Leg guards and head guards"."But
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Golden Peacock Castle, Second Floor.
The combined order practitioners screamed, "Come on, let's conquer the second floor together!" and a mob of them instantly assembled, racing up the stairs. They broke through the dark door to the second story without a second's hesitation."Tap... Tap... tap...""Argh!" A horrifying cry shattered the eerie quiet. The combined order practitioners, who had just entered the second floor, were hit by thousands of arrows.The commotion extended to the rear of the first floor, joining the group in front that had perished at the tips of the arrows. The group remaining was terrified by the screams of the practitioners who had been killed by the arrows.Suma Fen called out to him from the first floor hallway, "Stop your steps...!!!"Chaos had already broken out, despite the efforts of numerous practitioners to halt their steps in order to ascend to the second floor. Numerous additional practitioners were tossed into the dark hallway on the second level as hundreds of people shoved one another.
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Party Is Over - Part One
Their enormous numbers and excellent comradery truly helped the Alliance Order, the opposing force in this conflict.All five of the Alliance Order practitioners shuddered at the sight of the terrible five Veteran Order practitioners positioned in front of the third floor crystal.Wearing full orange war dress (saint's war attire), three of the Veteran Order practitioners were swordsmen who had trained in the 5-star ATB world.The other two donned orange full battle armor and were assassin-type practitioners with four-star ATB cultivation."Five Boundless Realm practitioners in Dao-ranked complete battle suits ...."There were whispers between them that "we're not their opponents at all.""Not to mention the other ten practitioners who are in the realm of 1 and 2 star ATB in that part of the army over there," Hattaudha whispered quietly.In fact, it appeared as though ten specialists in the 1 and 2 star ATB domain were joining the 500 surviving Veterans Order soldiers.---The third f
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Party Is Over - Part Two.
Once more, a chilly voice spoke to them as their level of consciousness reached 50%."Curse of the Ice Storm Moon...."Abruptly, the room's lighting grew dim, and a chilly breeze blasted through the third-floor hallway."Why is this?" Even though only 50% of the experts of the opposing order were conscious, they were all terrified. There was something hazardous on the verge of colliding with them."High-class magic technique," murmured one of the experts from the ATB Veteran Order."Run!!!" He yelled.But for him and the other Veteran Order practitioners, it was too late. Suddenly, a single storm of freezing wind and ice crystals descended, engulfing them all.The few highly cultured people who could still speak out yelled, "Aarggh..." The remainder of them lost their lives as soon as they were frozen. The ice storm persisted for five minutes at a time.An adept Spirit Master of level two Saint rank used this curse technique. A saint-ranked Spirit master's Spirit attack was unavoidabl
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Zongihian City - Central Continent.
*ARC 4. MIDDLE WORLD WONDERS*It was predicted that it would take up to two months to teleport to the Central area via spirit ship. It still took a long time to move between regions, even with the usage of teleportation channels.Suma Fen learned from the conversations among the spirit ship's passengers that it would take more than a year to travel conventionally—that is, by air or by land utilizing Magical Beasts—from the southern region to the central region. It is a very long time, isn't it?In order to expedite cross-region travel in the Gods' Filter Continent, specialists of the saint rank specifically built this teleportation path. Given the power they possessed, teleportation paths could only be made by professionals who reached at least Saint cultivation.Suma Fen stepped inside the rented booth as soon as his learned that the trip would take two months. It was a little space, only two by three meters, but he planned to grow. After the intense battle in the Forbidden Forest th
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Part two of Zongihian City - Central Continent.
Similar storms had befallen a number of spirit ships, which strayed outside the teleportation line and vanished without a trace. It was most possible that the ships had been sunk, or that after years of cruising at an unknown speed, every passenger had perished in silence.Assuming everyone was in a frenzy, Suma Fen made an effort to collect himself. The spacecraft started to travel away from the purported teleportation line as it trembled more and more fiercely."Duaarr...." The occurrence of a reddish light approaching the spirit ship began with an explosion.As the explosion that resembled a star was poised to strike their spacecraft, every passenger on board paled."We're going to die....""I refuse to perish... I still have a ton of work to do.""Someone needs to take action to assist us all," a frantic plea was heard.The ears were full of noise. The passengers on board the ship cried out, but Suma Fen paid no notice. His attention was occupied with timing the precise moment the
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It seems that the half-jingling human's dying figure was more than just a plain figure to them. The ghost creatures were scared for an unexplained reason. All of the ghost entities appeared to have made the decision to hold off on acting until after the man passed away.Another demon beast's roaring voice shouted, "GGRRRRR..." The new roar spread like wildfire among the evil creatures encircling the dying man.A 50-meter distance away, a golden-snouted tiger was staring at the dying man.In itself, the tiger demon beast stated, "It's been a long time since I've eaten human flesh. Moreover, the human this time is a hybrid with the jingling race. Of course, by eating the flesh of that dying creature, I think it will help my cultivation."The dying man whispered in a tongue that the demon beast could understand, "Go... go you."Now the man was very terrified. He had never had the least fear of a creature like this during his entire life, even when he was robust and healthy. Furthermore,
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Dantian Sea is expanding
Still, Suma Fen did not worry. After two hours of cultivation, he sensed a gradual current of energy filling the ocean pool inside his dantian.He advanced swiftly to the five-star Infant Spirit Realm and then achieved another breakthrough to reach the nine-star level."I see. I have an advantage in this scenario. I'm reconstructing or reshaping my dantian. Even the ocean pool appears twice as large as it did previously.""If my cultivation returns to the 6-star Boundless Realm realm, my attack power will increase by 2 times," Suma Fen smiled."I must cultivate diligently to replenish the sea of energy in the dantian which is now in even greater need of Qi energy."Assuming the role of Uncle Liu's nephew now, Suma Fen went to the surrounding town every day with Uncle Liu to buy food for the thousands of practitioners in the Heavenly Light Sect. Uncle Liu was a cook's nephew, after all.Everyone thought Suma Fen was merely Uncle Liu's weak nephew, even when he volunteered in the kitche
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Youth of the Simple Village.
The nanren was attempting to intimidate Suma Fen when he remarked, "How dare you, snot-nosed brat, obstruct us in this trade. Don't you know who the two of us are?""Who are you?" Suma Fen enquired."We are the disciples of the outer court of the Bright Light Sect. Leave here and don't mess around like a mad buffalo... once again leave!"The nanren angrily answered, "Or are you purposefully waiting for me to lay an evil hand on you?" He held out what appeared to be a smack to Suma Fen. Suma Fen was also snarled at by his colleague Jude. From being amiable salesman, the two turned into irate market bullies."Damn... how shameless.""You two claim to be disciples of the Bright Light Sect. Isn't that a straight sect? Yet you committed a crime by selling that junk talisman for 15,000." Suma Fen grumbled.The two vendors became pale at once. They were astounded that someone with such a plain appearance as Suma Fen would discover and reveal the truth about the bogus sale. The country youngs
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