All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
466 chapters
The Bat King
"Wusshhh."Suddenly, softly, but piercingly, a chilly wind blasted down to the bones. The atmosphere surrounding the Zainan Forest gradually grew gloomy and unsettling.Lou Haiyang murmured to Anuhara, "Sister... there's something strange about that village man."Anuhara, the judade, had a sudden shift in expression. The fierce energy that had emanated from him had disappeared completely.Lou Haiyang said warily, "I sense some kind of magic aura that gives my Spirit goosebumps."But Anuhara seems to have been deluded by the desire to kill. He slapped Lou Haiyang viciously."Plak..." "What are you scaring me for?""Since when in the Central Region of the God-Screening Continent has there been someone with such high magic ability?"In the Central Region, magic ability was outlawed. Such magical professionals belonged only to sage clans or holy groups."Let us attack and kill that boy."The body of Anuhara bounded violently toward Suma Fen. His sparkling blade struck Suma Fen with a cut
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Uncle Liu, Part One.
The youth raised his head. He was now around 90% restored after spending the entire night cultivating and mending all the meridians that were hurt and broken during this trek over the God Filtering Continent Region. He sent out lengthy puffs of filthy air from his lungs."9 Star King Realm..." Suma Fen grinned broadly. It may be argued that the damage to his internal organs during the earlier space storm disaster was a unique contributing factor to the disaster.How could it not be that his entire body suddenly appeared to have been rebuilt along its meridians, like a gift? He used to have a dantian that was just the size of a little ocean, but it has since doubled in size.He would undoubtedly have more battle strength with his ATK now that his dantian has doubled. This is due to the fact that his enormous dantian can now contain a lot more Qi energy than it did previously.It's true that Suma Fen need more time to heal and return to 100%. Uncle Liu's home is therefore highly benefic
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Uncle Liu, Part Two.
In a whisper, Suma Fen said, "Battle... that's a battle," from orbit. He suddenly noticed a bright light in a different area of Tiankong Zhiguang Mountain Peak."It looks like the battle involved two practitioners at least in the SAINT Realm."In order to witness the conflict, curiosity overpowered fear. "I must go see this rare event."He pivoted once more and soared in the direction of Tiankong Zhiguang Mountain's Peak. Suma Fen looked about until he found a spot that seemed appropriate, then he sat down and peered behind a big boulder.The two SAINT Expert practitioners engaged in combat at a considerable distance of around 100 meters between them. It was evident that they launched all of their attacks using hand gestures, which produced incredibly potent occurrences and effects.Suma Fen muttered admiringly, "Oh my! The power released by those two experts is at least in the range of 7,600,000 jin or so."The sense of pride he had experienced when attempting to use the new ability
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Inheritance of the Magic Mirror.
Walking through the trees on Tiankong Zhiguang Mountain's Eastern Peak, Suma Fen still remembered Uncle Liu telling him the truth about who he truly was.A master assassin from a land far to the east of this God-Screening Continent, Uncle Liu was one of the geniuses of the leading Ninja Clan in the land of islands called Eastern Sun Country. When war broke out due to infighting among the nobility to which Uncle Liu's Ninja Clan belonged, a group of enemy noble ninjas who also hired experts from other lands slaughtered Uncle Liu's Ninja Clan.After being abandoned by his Clan, Uncle Liu ran away and ended up stranded in the continent's Central Region, where he eventually met the man who would become his master, the Bat King (Bianfu Wang), a brutal practitioner who was feared by many in the Central Region.Uncle Liu soon discovered, in private, the mystery of his teacher, the Bat King's longevity; the practitioner, who was said to be thousands of years old, was not as long as many had a
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City of Riluo.
The spots where the clavicle bones (the bones that link the arms) meet is where you'll find the Healing Gate. Please be aware that the practitioner or martial artist will gain 1,000k jin more ATK strength for each of these eight gates when they are opened.The practitioner's capacity for endurance and recuperation will significantly rise when the Healing Gate is opened. Suma Fen achieved a total ATK of 5,600k jin, which allowed his to enter the 6-star ATB realm through the Healing Gate.Subsequently, with an ATK power of 6,800K jin, Suma Fen broke through to the Seven-star ATB after he successfully unlocked the Boundary Gate. The spine known as the Dragon Bone contains this boundary gate. ATK power is also increased by 1,000K jin. When battling, this Boundary Gate helps the practitioner maintain balance and use explosive strength.At this point, Suma Fen's combat power was on par with an expert from the Peak 11 Saint Enlightenment Realm. In the seven-star ATB realm, it was an incredib
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Dong Xing Warehouse, Baoku Warehouse, Part One
After some while, Suma Fen muttered to himself, "It turns out that this opulent palace is the place." He landed right away in the large palace's courtyard in the heart of Riluo City.Gazing at the palace's outside, he thought to himself, "Hmm, a luxurious building full of art objects done by experts".Suma Fen strolled silently and gently. He ascended the stairs to the palace hall with extreme caution."How dare you break into this palace?"Immediately, a sword thrust locked onto his chest. It was rather unexpected when the practitioner—dressed like a Daoist priest—appeared. That Priest of the 6th Middle Sacred Enlightenment domain cultivation domain used enormous strength.Suma Fen moved slowly while maintaining his composed manner, but this had the immediate benefit of sparing him from the extremely deadly sword thrust.Suma Fen would never stand by while someone attacked him without hitting back. With a strike that resembled a bat-claw, his hand extended and hit the priest who was
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Boku's Warehouse - Two.
He eventually arrived at an underground room that seemed cold and gloomy. The light in the place was so minimal that it made it feel uncomfortable to linger there."I need to access the storage warehouse" The Bat King's voice sounded old and cold. In his hand was a key Platinum token and it was addressed to the Warehouse guard."Yes Bianfu Wang" said the middle-aged woman on duty in the gloomy room. Standing silently beside the woman were two ten-meter tall demonic creatures in the shape of leopards.When the Bat King checked with his mind on the cultivation of the two tigers, he was quite surprised."Even these two demon beasts guarding the Baoku Warehouse have cultivations in the level 4 early Holy Enlightenment Realm""Tang..." the sound of the iron door being opened by the female Warehouse guard."You may enter Bianfu Wang" said the woman.The Bat King nodded slowly, then he entered a door followed by the woman guarding the Baoku Warehouse. Inside the room, there was a long hallwa
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Jade Faced Angel - One.
As a 9-star quasi-sect chief, Master Ong Qin's cultivation realm was in the middle realm of the Lev7 Sacred Enlightenment Realm. With such strength, Master Ong Qin traveled the world of martial arts practitioners using bare hands with the legendary Iron Fist Technique. Very few experts were able to fight against this Master Ong.One thing that many people did not know was that this Master Ong had secretly betrayed the Great Eagle Empire and intended to sell the empire to foreigners from the Eastern Sunlands of the Eastern Continent.He had teamed up to stage a rebellion that would later elevate him to the position of puppet emperor of the Eastern Sun Country. At his residence, there were many longsword wielding martial arts experts from the Eastern Sun Country."Hiiiiiiiiiii"A horse whinnied and stopped the two carriages, when the horse saw a living figure dressed in all black."Who are you... how dare...." The charioteer's voice trailed off as a sword slash severed his neck."Duaar.
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Jade Faced Angel - Two.
"Do not judge my dark life against my light life. Because no matter what, I always try to play my role well in this theatrical world."Quotes by Yu Mian+++Yu Mian's face suddenly changed when she saw the cover of the letter with the platinum-colored key logo.She immediately took the paper and tore it open and read the message inside...."Midnight in the City Park" had a small picture of a "Bat Claw".Yu Mian tore the paper with a face that was made as natural as possible. But the change in her cheerful face was caught by her husband who immediately tried to comfort her...."What are you sad about, my wife? Aren't we having a lot of customers today?"Yu Mian turned her body and faced her husband's face. She gently said,"Nothing major happened, my husband. It just so happened that a visitor sent a letter of thanks. He praised our dishes at the 'Taste of Nobility' Restaurant" Yu Mian replied softly.Her husband kissed her forehead and said,"Thank goodness. Our dishes are this delici
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Two Generals' Action at Night - One.
"Night is a good time to carry out secret activities without people knowing" Quotes by Suma Fen.>>>>>>The night wind was blowing quite strong. It looked like there was going to be a rainstorm in Ju Yin City soon. Lightning and thunder could be heard crashing together ahead of the rainstorm.Two forms that were definitely human, consisting of a man and a woman, stood still and stiff on the roof of the tallest building in Ju Yin City. The large robe worn by the man fluttered in the wind.Meanwhile, the woman's hair also waved in the wind, with the background of lightning alternating with the sound of thunder. Both of them looked like demons under the lightning and thunder that night.At exactly midnight, the two figures were seen to start their action by floating in the air like cotton. Their movements were so light that they made no sound at all.Only the occasional fluttering of robes and hair made a natural sound, but such sounds did not arouse the suspicion of those who heard them
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