All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
466 chapters
Action of Two Generals At night - Part Two.
Yu Mian had just killed an army of Xu Bibin's palace guards who were now in disarray. The situation in Minister Xu Bibin's palace courtyard became very chaotic.When suddenly a shrill voice was heard cursing Yu Mian..."Bitch... how dare you and your gang make trouble in Minister Xu Bibin's palace?" Bishojo stood angrily holding the Eastern Sun Country's long sword.Her thin clothes seemed to show the beauty underneath the revealing clothes.Yu Mian the Kumala-Faced Angel glanced over while making a flirtatious face."Hihihi... it's fine if you call me a bitch. I admit that I am indeed the bitch of this martial world. But... have you forgotten?" Yu Mian's laughter became more flirtatious and scornful."Let this princess ask you something... Weren't you picked up by that foolish minister from a brothel? Hihihi... now tell me one more time. Who is the biggest bitch between the two of us?" while spitting out, Yu Mian once again laughed contemptuously at Bishojo.Enraged by Yu Mian's insi
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Fushi No Min Spirit Fruit.
"Please...." Minister Xu Bibin said stammeringly."I-I'm willing to mm-pay you more than the compensation that......" Before Xu Bibin could finish his words, a sword Qi shot out from the Bat King's fingers and slashed his neck. Minister Xu Bibin's story ended that very night.After retrieving the spatial ring, the Bat King examined the contents of the ring. The gleam in his eyes showed a very shocked expression..."This traitorous minister is very rich. I got lucky this time...."In a terrifying scream... the Bat King then disappeared from the roof tiles in the form of a roll of smoke. The smoke was seen rolling rapidly like a meteor towards the front yard of the chaotic palace.>>>>>>"You took so long to end that woman. Do you need my help?"A voice broke the attention of the two women who were fighting between life and death. The Bat King seemed to be leaning against the wall as he watched the battle between the Kumala-Faced Angel versus the ninja woman Bishojo.Yu Mian, the Jade-f
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The Lake at Dusk for Qin Shi Hu.
Quotes: The serene lake acted as a mirror reflecting the breathtaking splendor of the natural world. People traveled from all over to witness and experience the calming power of nature in every drop of its water.+++Suma Fen entered Pagoda Domain for seven days or a month and a half in order to make use of the benefits of eating the spirit fruit "Fushi No Min" and try to enter the Sacred Enlightenment Realm.Suma Fen's organs moved in unison to assist in breaching the meridians of the Realm of Divine Enlightenment following a month-long meditation immersion. And Suma Fen let off an incredibly loud explosion and crashed through the Sacred Enlightenment Realm with a deafening roar."Sacred Enlightenment Realm domain with a total ATK of 9,400,000 jin..." With a look of shock, Suma Fen yelled.He could, of course, battle against someone in the early SAINT world, whose average ATK was typically 9,500,000, given his present ATK value."No wonder the Sect Master of the White Lotus Temple wa
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Sunset at the Lake of Qin Shi Hu - Part Two.
Quotes: The comforting, peaceful aroma of cypress trees welcomes the tired. The lesson of the simple existence is that, like a river that never stops flowing, happiness is not always dependent on grandeur.+++After pushing the man going by the name Ju, Suma Fen was struck fatally by a blow with a 4,000,000 jin power.The practitioner, clad in an all-white costume and veil, delivered the fatal stroke. He had a long sword in his hand, and he was swinging it in Ju Yin's direction.The attacking figure realized that Suma Fen was blocking his attack, and he said, "Move or die."Suma Fen said in a tone that seemed uninterested,"That group of white-clothed creatures again..."The white hooded figure was thrusting viciously at Ju Yin again, and he made a quick motion with his middle and index fingers to stab the sword in its hand."Kraak!"The sound of Suma Fen's two fingers colliding with the spirit sword held by the white figure, shattering it into two pieces. When the Heavenly Ranking Sw
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The Fate of Mao Yinying
Quotes: The wind rubbed against the cypress leaves by the calm river, resulting in a lovely natural symphony. To be honest, individuals looking to unwind by the river are the only ones who can find this hidden gem of natural beauty.++++"Brother Fen, please stop by the palace the next time you're in King Ju Ying's Imperial City. You will surely be granted permission to see me in the palace if you present me with this sign."Next, Suma Fen received a jade token engraved with the eagle's insignia from Ju Qin, Prince of the Great Eagle Empire. The jade token was securely stored in our hero's pocket."When I'm done with my business, I will certainly visit Prince Qin in the city hall in the future."After giving his master the code to return the spirit ship to the Great King Empire, Ju Qin gave him a satisfied look.When the ship had just flown within 50 meters, Ju Qin had time to shout out information to Suma Fen,"When you get to the city, you should come speak with me directly at the p
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The White Lotus Temple Duel is covered
Every prominent figure in the martial arts world present was taken aback by the abrupt shift in weather. The Muddy River's water immediately froze, and then the sky abruptly became quite dark.The wind's howl was intense and akin to a slap on the cheek. Several figures' hair fell out from under the force of the wind's powerful gusts.Suddenly, among the terrified crowd, there was a shout."Look... There's something standing firmly on top of that whirlwind...!!!"Everybody's gaze automatically turned in the direction the practitioner had pointed.Something that seemed like a human body was above the waterspout-like whirlwind. It was evident that the figure was dressed entirely in black, which twisted in time with the wind. All the figures realized that the figure was indeed human as the whirlwind approached.The guy dressed entirely in black leaped from the peak of the cyclone. He moved noiselessly and with the lightness of cotton. His body found easy contact with the ice that had once
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Muddy River.
The Whirlwind Chakra was now combined with the Meteor-ranked Ice Storm Curse. A gigantic storm wind in the form of a powerful vortex appeared behind the Bat King, spinning ferociously and ready to annihilate anything in sight.However, the air was also slowly getting colder. It was getting colder by the day. Sparks of ice began to fall from the sky. .....All the characters and spectators of the duel looked uneasy. Signs of worry appeared on many people's faces..."We should retreat away from this battlefield," one of the practitioners shouted. People flocked away from the Muddy River battlefield."Destroy....!!!" The Bat King's cry sounded sinister as he pushed the 12,900,00 jin Powerful Giant Wind and Ice Storm towards the Nine White Lotus Temple practitioners.Despite having prepared themselves with Rank 3 Heavenly Flame, the Bright Light Flame, inevitably when the onslaught of the Bianfu Chakra and the Ice Storm Curse of the Bat King hit them... the Nine Practitioners of the White
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First of the Gray Angel Realm.
Three hours or less after his collapse, Suma Fen awoke abruptly."Where am I?"Suma Fen growled, "What is this place?" in a low voice.Now that he was in the thick pine forest, he examined it closely."This is a strange place that carries a mystical aura."Suma Fen took his time exploring the area. he made the decision to hide if the location was secure and to tend to his injuries until it healed completely."This sort of supernatural aura seems like something I've experienced before. Suma Fen growled, "It's the comfortable sense of being somewhere in the North of the Silver Continent."Suma Fen discovered two stone pillars that appeared to be some kind of gate a short distance from the spot where he had first woken up.But behind the two pillars, nothing was seen. Behind the two stone pillars, all he could see was an odd pine forest with enormous, tall trunks and thicker foliage.Suma Fen reached out and saw the faintly carved text on the left pillar, confirming him continued cu
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Part Two of Gray Angel Realm.
The jingling woman's face was getting closer to that grip, black and smokey. The Jingling Woman cast an unbelieving glance and could only accept that Mao Mushi was about to take her life."Tringg." Mao Mushi was forced to release the Jingling Woman from the threat of the claw attack when two tiny needles smashed into his hand.When the jingling man and lady noticed two needles emerging from the pillar's center point, which appeared to be dancing around and attacking Mao Mushi, they exhaled a sigh of relief. A single needle even made a scrape on her shoulder, and the other nearly punctured her temple before collapsing as though it was tired."Suiiiiitt" Mao Mushi moved deftly and positioned himself in between the pine tree's limbs. He shot a ferocious look at the two pillars.Mao Mushi glared angrily and said, "The Hui Tianshi Sect Leader did not deign to meet with me, even sending two Tianshi needles to punish and battle with me.""All right. "I will never forget this humiliation," he
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Part Three - Gray Angel Realm.
They eventually arrived at a huge chamber. A man who appeared to be older than sixty was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room.Suma Fen pondered, "I think he's even older than 500 years old.""Patriak Huang, this is the young man who successfully opened the gate of the Jingling race in this Hui Tianshi holy land." Suma Fen was presented by two gatekeepers. Patriak Huang opened his eyes, examining Suma Fen closely.After giving their introductions, the two Jinglings departed the room, leaving Patriak Huang and Suma Fen alone themselves.With no hesitation, Suma Fen went up to Patriak Huang and gave him a polite hello."May fortune be with you, peace be in your heart, and the stars protect you, Patriarch Huang.""Estela heren amman seere e' corm lle, Gilliath elen amman lle."Patriak Huang's eyes gleamed so sharply as he looked at Suma Fen once more."Ah, you are a young man who understands the ancient manners of our Jingling people."Patriak Huang's expression appeared to sof
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