All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
466 chapters
Unexpected Gifts.
Then there was a very loud sound from the direction of the sky, like the sound of paper being forcefully torn. However, this sound was much louder than the tearing of paper, making people think that it was the roar of the sky being forcefully torn apart."Sssrrrrrrrrrkkkkkk"All the people's eyes instantly turned up towards the sky. The sound forced their eyes to look at it. It looked like the sky had been forcefully opened, as if it had been torn open by an unusually large sword. Horrified screams once again rang out.... No one had ever seen such a huge giant sword appear in the sky.Still while closing his eyes and in a commanding tone, Suma Fen said coldly...."Kill...!!!"The glittering giant sword slashed towards Senshi Katashi with a thunderous sound, to the point that people covered their ears. Senshi Katashi looked even more alert and engaged in the Fire Fortress device plus his Slaughter Intent.Once again, a heart-rending sound filled the skies of Ju Yin City..."Ssrrrrrreee
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Water Chakra Technique Copy - Part One.
In Heavenly Dew City, Suma Fen was seen entering a restaurant with Fei Ma the flying horse. Meanwhile, Meirenyu had entered Pagoda Domain some time ago to cultivate. The Rank 8 Nirvana Enlightenment Pill had to be absorbed immediately.When all the food orders were placed on the table, the two people shamelessly competed to eat the rice and vegetables with gusto. The battle a while ago in the sky of the Kotaraja, had truly drained all the energy they had."Come on... Fei Ma... you don't have to be shy about eating with such etiquette" Suma Fen said laughing at Fei Ma."Master... I feel as if I haven't eaten in weeks. So please don't laugh at my way of eating." Fei Ma made a sullen face.The flying horse then shamelessly ate all the dishes served... After about a cup of tea, the two people were already stuffed. Although the dishes were only vegetables and fruits, they were a source of deliciousness for those who had not eaten for a whole day.(A cup of tea is equivalent to thirty minut
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Water Chakra Technique Copy - Part Two.
"In the future, when I can prove that there was a conspiracy between the White Lotus Temple officials to make it seem as if we deliberately acted arbitrarily, then I will not spare those Mao Mushi and Mao Xuezhe," Suma Fen said.The two of them then flew and disappeared behind the clouds. The next destination was Ju Yin City. In the City Hall, there is usually important information that can be bought using money. Suma Fen hoped that he would get a clue to the strangeness of the White Lotus Temple.+++The easiest way to find information is to visit crowded places where people gather while eating and drinking. There were usually heralds who would proudly narrate heroic stories or simply talk about the happenings in the Lake River World.At the restaurant called "Grace wine and food house" which was one of the major restaurants in the capital, Suma Fen pricked up his ears and finally obtained the information that the Nine Star Sect would be holding a special meeting to discuss the griev
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The Seizure of the Dragon Bone - Part One.
"Brother actually fulfilled your promise to visit our who is this Laozhi (Daoist or Daoist title) with you Brother Fen?" the prince's eyes turned to Fei Ma who had been trying to keep his mouth shut, even though he was itching to talk. Although Fei Ma was only dressed as a Taoist, his SAINT Level 5 cultivation was very eye-catching."Oh... he's ...." Suma Fen was just about to introduce Fei Ma as his uncle, but his words were interrupted by Fei Ma."This lowly me is named Fei Ma. You can call me Fei Ma instead, Mr. Prince. And well... the truth is that I am a servant. My master is this lord Suma Fen" Fei Ma said modestly.+++Instantly the mouths and eyes of Prince Ju Qin and teacher Ju Lianyi, gaped and stared in disbelief at Fei Ma."Really? But your ..... is ...." Ju Lianyi was just about to express his disbelief regarding Fei as a servant, but Prince Ju Qin's hand squeezed his arm hard giving the code to be polite. Then..."Master... why don't we invite Brot
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The Scramble for the Dragon Bone - Part Two.
"Hoho... don't rush .... we from the Demon Sword Sect are also interested in that dragon bone" suddenly a 40 year old man whose face showed scars interrupted the 55 year old man's words."Zhang Junda...!!! I will not give you a chance to interfere with the thing that will belong to my son. I see, wherever I go to look for my son's medical materials, you are always there and try to prevent me from treating my son's deficiency. Does your sect want to fight against our Lanhua Flower Sect?" Suddenly, a sword made of fragrant wood material was drawn from Hua Shen's right hand and he pointed straight at the man from the Demon Sword Sect.(The Fragrant Wood Sword is a term for a Sword that gives off the scent of wood, as it is made of a special metal)Prince Ju Qing tilted his face and said whispering in the beam room...."That man from Lanhua Flower Sect is the Sect Master named Master Hua Shen. Indeed his son has a defect in his bones, so to become an expert above the Great Spirit Realm re
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Eunuch Xia Feng.
"The divine Tear Bow complete with 5 arrows, was created through magic 1000 years ago by the Jingling nation's leading salad maker named Wang Biao.The materials of this divine bow consist of a mixture of Boundless Realm equivalent rank magical beast bones, along with ebony that grows in the depths of the Southern region's wild forests.""This bow allows an expert ranked SAINT or above to kill someone within 30 li of where he is. The five arrows use peacock feathers, allowing the arrow to move 3 to 5 times faster than any ordinary bow.""If used by an expert under the SAINT realm, the maximum distance this weapon can reach is 20 li" (30 li equals 15 km. 20 li equals 10 km)..."35,000 Blue Manna!!!"An Airen race started the bidding. This kind of Airen race rarely appeared in public, preferring to be in the tunnels or underground cities they dug themselves."37,000 Blue Manna!!!" a man bid. Han Xianzhi, the Airen race, glared at the man bidding on the God's Tear Bow."The little man is
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Eunuch Xia Feng - Part Two.
Meanwhile, Prince Ju Qin and his teacher Ju Lianyi were now even more curious about Fei Ma's words. If the servant, Fei Ma, was a Heavenly SAINT rank practitioner, what was the cultivation level of their Master, Suma Fen? It was a pity that the young man kept his cultivation hidden.Regarding the Mortal, Earth, Heavenly, and Immortal SAINTs, I will explain again for the readers to remember. When a person was in the realm of the 9th Saint Enlightenment Realm and directly broke through to the SAINT Realm, then he was said to be a Mortal SAINT. Mortal SAINTs can only have maximum cultivation at the beginning of SAINT only (Levels 1 to 4).If a Holy Enlightenment Realm practitioner breaks through level 10 and breaks through to the SAINT Realm, then he is called an Earth SAINT. An Earth SAINT's cultivation is only limited to the later level 9 SAGE Crossing Realm. He will never break through to the Ancient SAGE Realm.Whereas when a practitioner of the Sacred Enlightenment Realm cultivates
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A Strange Technique Named Ryusu.
"A Chrysanthemum-shaped brooch made of jade that serves as a harm-avoidance amulet is presented to you all.""This brooch amulet is said to have been made by a SAINT-ranked sorcerer hundreds of years ago. By using this Chrysanthemum Brooch Amulet, one can avoid death by teleporting 200 li away. Even if the king of hell picks you up in front of your eyes, you will be able to avoid it if you teleport with this Amulet."There was another commotion in the auction room."I should add... the use of this Chrysanthemum Flower Brooch Amulet can be done up to three times, only then will it be destroyed. The bid we can promote for this rare magic item is 60,000 blue manna. Bids are multiples of 500 blue diamonds...."A low murmur filled the auction hall of the Bao Xing Association again. All practitioners were in desperate need of such an item. Obviously when one was in a state of danger, such a Chrysanthemum Brooch Amulet would be a handy savior.Plus... the lifespan was quite a lot at 3 uses.
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Jipsu Technique.
"Master, you're interested in such an incomplete copy of the Technique?" asked Fei Ma in surprise."That's right, Brother Fen. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to spend that much blue manna on an incomplete Technique Copy?" Fei Ma and Prince Ju Qin seemed to be united in persuading Suma Fen not to squander money on that incomplete auction item."Ah, I have my own considerations for owning that copy. Then again, I'm basically very fond of collecting such strange techniques," Suma Fen said with a laugh.Meanwhile, on the VIP balcony where the Third Prince was, Prince Ju Kai could be seen conversing with Eunuch Xia Feng."Master, it looks like that person on the seventh Prince's VIP balcony is a guest he invited to support him later. I became suspicious, why would the seventh Prince's guest be so interested in an incomplete copy like the one Bao Xing Association is offering?""Do they have other copies and will complete all those copies of the Water Chakra Technique?" Prince Ju Kai's face too
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Three Protectors of the Silver Lotus Temple.
Suma Fen finished paying for his copy of the Chakeula Mul or Fire Chakra Technique at the administration section of the Bao Xing Association. He was seen handing over a spatial ring containing 250,000 blue manna to the attendant girl in the administration section.After confirming that the contents of the blue manna in the ring matched, the girl then handed over the "Fire Chakra Technique Fragment, RYUSU." Then Suma Fen examined the copy carefully. He was in no hurry to put it into his spatial ring.There were several practitioners who were about to make a payment transaction for the goods they bought at the Bao Xing Association staring at the Technique Copy that Suma Fen had picked up earlier. Some of them couldn't hide their greedy gazes as they wanted to possess the copy of the technique.The world of the Lake River people was indeed filled with greedy people who were very interested in rare and precious objects like the one in Suma Fen's hands. Such people never hesitated to lay d
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