All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
466 chapters
Three body parts were seen floating lightly on the roof tiles of a hotel in Kotaraja. The three of them seemed to be making very careful movements that made no noise. One of the three figures was seen carefully opening the roof of the hotel and looking to see what was happening in the room below.No sooner had the three figures opened the roof, than the soft voice of someone recited words of wisdom,"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing oneself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering oneself is true power."(This is an excerpt of Taoist words of wisdom)The voice sounded so close, like it was whispering in the ears of the three figures. When they turned their faces and looked at the source of the voice... the hairs on the back of their necks bristled. There was a Daoist standing not far from them, while closing his eyes, the man continued to repeatedly chant words of Daoist wisdom.Is this Daoist the embodiment of the devil? Why can't his presence be noticed by the
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Library of the Great King Emperor.
Now, we will discuss the Seventh Prince, Ju Qin.Seventh Prince Ju Qin was one of those princes who loved to go on excursions and outings to mingle with the common people. Of course, in his travels, he always disguised himself as an ordinary person. Because he rarely practiced martial arts and his time was spent sightseeing, the Third Prince's cultivation was fairly low like that of ordinary people.Prince Ju Qin's cultivation to date had stalled at the Infant Spirit Realm, and he had never been able to break through to the higher realms. He had hoped that after winning the purple LiuXing Divine Wings auction, he would be able to break through. However, reality was always more bitter than dreams.After making adjustments and wearing the LiuXing Wings, his cultivation did not manage to break through. Ju Qin had now turned desperate. He was resigned to his cultivation never being able to reach the Great Spirit Realm.It was still a mystery as to why Prince Ju Qin had halted his cultivat
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Chisu Technique.
"Uncle, what are you doing? Brother Fen is my good friend" Prince Ju Qing hurriedly held Suma Fen's hand. He was worried that something would happen to his friend."There's no need for Prince Ju Qin to be so worried. Uncle Yang... was only trying me with the power equivalent to the SAGE Crossing Realm Quasi. If Uncle Yang had any ill intentions, he could easily take my life," Suma Fen said soothingly to the prince.Meanwhile Uncle Yang-who was staring deeply at Suma Fen..."Prince, there is no need to worry. Your friend will not be harmed. I'm just trying out his strength.... Who would have thought that someone of such a young age would already possess such immense power with a half-step Sage Crossing Cultivation like this" Uncle Yang-yang seemed unable to hide his admiration."Ah... Uncle... you're worrying me. This Brother Fen is a friend who even saved my life from an assassin attack at a tourist spot. If it weren't for Brother Fen, I might not even be in this world anymore." Ju Qi
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Quasi Alchemist 10.
Suma Fen agreed to Uncle Yang's words and thanked him..."Thank you Uncle Yang-yang... I will remember your instructions" he bowed respectfully.Suma Fen then immersed himself in cultivation to combine the Bianfu Chakra with the Mul (water) Chakra. It is said that if an expert is able to combine two types of chakras, a new chakra will be created and increase the cultivation realm of the practitioner....+++For days, Suma Fen locked himself up in the palace library to combine the two Chakra Techniques with different roots and origins. As we know, Chakra is a manipulative technique that can create an illusion or create natural events or phenomena by using physical power. In this case, the physical force is the power of the practitioner's innate Qi Energy. The stronger the Qi energy, the more dangerous the Chakra effect.Here the question usually arises is whether the Chakra Technique is the same as magic? The answer is different. Magic techniques use the power of Spiritual energy or po
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Quasi Alchemist 10 - Two.
Of course, Prince Ju Qin's ability to break through to become an expert in the 5-Star Great Spirit Realm caused an uproar throughout the palace. How could it not, over the years all the famous healers, alchemists and various potions had been taken by this Prince, but the results were always in vain. People suspected that someone had deliberately cast a spell and blocked the prince's dantian from breaking through.Then..... upon hearing the good news, various congratulations poured in from all circles of imperial officials.Prince Ju Qin, however, instead of directly receiving congratulations from the various imperial officials, rushed to the Imperial Library where Suma Fen was located. In this case he was accompanied by his teacher Ju Lianyi.+++"Brother Fen...." Prince Ju Qin came over and hugged Suma Fen tightly. Of course Suma Fen was confused."Prince, what's going on? Why did you come and hug me???" Suma Fen asked in confusion."Brother Fen, if you had never met me, I would have
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Practical Level One Sage Crossing Realm.
When Prince Ju Qin awoke from his stupor, it was as if he was startled and woke up from a sleep that had a horrifying dream..."Brother Fen... what did you use when you touched my mind earlier? In my sleep, I dreamt something scary...." Prince Ju Qin hissed in horror.Suma Fen calmly soothed the panicked prince."Please don't worry, what I just did was the Spirit power of a level two SAINT Spirit Master. The touch on your mind just now, serves to repair your Spirit that may be injured or impaired. The nightmare when you fainted was a remnant of the Spirit attack that tried to survive in your mind""Aren't you feeling much better now than before?" asked Suma Fen with a smile.Prince Ju Qin then tried to feel around his body, he turned around... walking as if trying to feel his health. The fact that he now felt himself experiencing a comfortable feeling, even much better than his previous state.Uncle Yang-yang immediately jumped in..."Young man... with such high Spirit power, I'm sure
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Royal Empress Ju Ying - Part One.
On the other hand, the imperial resources flowed into Suma Fen endlessly. Then he filled the time by making various Rank 9 and rank 10 pills. All were used to enhance the cultivation of Experts in the SAGE and ANCIENT SAGE crossing realms.Suma Fen even shared some cultivation enhancement pills with Uncle Yang-yang and asked him to break through level 2 ANCIENT SAGE. Sometimes he played Spirit Music songs to partially repair Uncle Yang-yang's Spirit that was damaged by battles hundreds of years ago. Uncle Yang-yang was very grateful and said that he would never forget Suma Fen's kindness in treating his Spirit and giving him the breakthrough pill.In the third month... Suma Fen broke through again after consuming the rank 9 pill and also thanks to training himself by diligently reading high rank books in the restricted area and on the third floor of the imperial library. Level two SAGE Traversing Realm was his current cultivation...Meanwhile, in the palace belonging to the Third Prin
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Royal Empress Ju Ying - Part Two.
"Lord Yang Sakti... forgive Mao Xuezhe for not seeing the high Tay Shan Mountain in plain sight. We of the White Lotus Coolies have misjudged the presence of this expert residing in the Imperial Library. Mao Xuezhe begs to be forgiven and may you have the mercy to let the four of us go"... There was no other way out according to Mao Xuezhe. It was clear that the man must be the expert they were looking for as he was an expert who possessed a skill far above the four of them.The other three figures who were the Three Protectors of the White Lotus Temple (there were 8 protectors, and 3 had died at the hands of Fei Ma) were seen shivering at the young man standing in their proximity that if he would have killed them earlier, all four of them would have died.In his nervousness for fear of being attacked first, one of the white Lotus Temple's protectors reflexively unleashed a sword stab towards the young man who remained staring coldly at him...."Wushh..." the killing force of the swor
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Capital Square.
"Stop...!!!" snapped the man in black toward Suma Fen.It seemed that this man couldn't wait to test the abilities of the youngster who was reportedly an Alchemist. He seized the opportunity when they crossed the High Passage where no one was watching.Meanwhile, the Third Prince seemed to let the man in black scold Suma Fen. Apparently, Prince Ju Kai wanted to assess the extent of the abilities of the young Alchemist who was said to be able to open Prince Ju Qin's energy nodes.Turning his body in the opposite direction, Suma Fen gave the man in black a cold stare."Sir... it seems like you're always messing with me. Since the beginning, I have tried to restrain myself given your age which is senior to mine. But now, let me ask... what is your desire?"Feeling surprised at the alchemist youth's boldness, the man in black laughed forcefully."Hahaha... bear with it, young man. Don't get too emotional. This elder of mine has only heard word that you have high abilities as an Alchemist,
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The square seemed about to explode with the applause and cheers. The journey to the East instantly aroused a sense of pride in the hearts of the people after seeing their empire's young heroes perform so deftly.After things calmed down, there were now ten people dressed in army clothes but all in black walking in the square. Their appearance was very eye-catching.The ten people consisted of the Nanren and Jingling races. Three of them were women."Did you know? Those ten people are witches..." whispered the crowd."Really? Is a witch needed on such a friendly visit?" asked another."Then... do you think that the wind to blow where the ship is going... relies solely on the natural wind??? Don't you know that it's the witches who control the wind to steer the spirit ships towards where they're going?" the spectator sarcastically looked at the person who asked about the existence of witches in the seventh Prince's journey.After the ten witches had flown and landed on the spirit ship,
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