All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
466 chapters
Elite Troops - One.
The Spirit Ship was speeding towards the East. To be more precise, it was going to the vast, elongated peninsula known as the Eastern Dew Country. Of course, since it was on a peninsula jutting out from the God's Filter Continent, the journey to the country would be faster if it went through a cut through the sea."It's fortunate that on this trip we brought along ten wind-controlling magicians... the journey will be faster because we're not relying on mechanical machines alone," said the ship's captain when Suma Fen asked about the length of the journey."If there are no obstacles along the way, according to my calculations and experience we will arrive at the Eastern Dew Country in just 6 days" said the ship captain to Suma Fen who seemed to nod his head as if he understood.In between times like that, Suma Fen would cultivate as well as contemplate reading a stack of books on cultivation techniques and martial arts techniques that he had brought from the library of the Great King E
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Elite Troops -Two.
"Hahaha Mr. Fen will see for himself later. How skillful and alert the elite troops we brought this time are," Ju Lianyi replied. As a teacher and Commander of the royal security, Ju Lianyi was naturally very familiar with these kinds of things. He deliberately didn't tell his about what the elite troops would do. Let Suma Fen witness their skills for himself.Meanwhile, Suma Fen also saw that five wind-controlling sorcerers were also seen standing guard behind the ten soldiers tied with long ropes."Alright..." hissed Suma Fen. He had to admit that in solo battle techniques, he was very proficient, but when it was a large battle technique involving many troops....she was clearly a layman.Today Suma Fen would learn a lesson by witnessing the special forces' battle techniques. Later when he establishes a sect or organization.... This battle experience will be applied and combined according to the techniques he has. In his heart, our young man was very enthusiastic."Tettttttttttt""Th
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Atop the Devouring Mountain.
Suma Fen then took out a Heavenly Rank Amulet he had made when he was still at the level three Heavenly Spirit Master power realm."This is the thing called Amulet...." Suma Fen said with a serious look.Everyone stared dumbfounded at the small piece of paper filled with ancient letters and strange inscriptions."There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary about that paper" was what each person thought when they saw the Amulet that Suma Fen showed them. Suma Fen caught a very real look of confusion on those people's faces.Even one of the ten elite soldiers openly expressed his confusion towards the small piece of paper in Suma Fen's hand."Mr. Fen... we don't understand what the specialty of that little piece of paper is... but if I may know, what does that piece of paper have to do with the battle we're facing right now?""Tsingggg..." Liao Quon's glaring eyes resembled a sword that was poked into the eyeball of the soldier who asked just now. The elite soldier's head was
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Above the Devouring Mountain - Two.
"That was the mysterious mist that always appears when a person or group tries to cross the air above Mount Pelahap. Until now, it is unknown what the cause behind it all is, so the mist always shoots out and devours anything that tries to cross the mountain sky..." Liao Quon muttered in a voice that was held in his mouth.As soon as it was quiet at that altitude, Liao Quon again gave the signal..."Steer the ship to the north, avoid crossing the sky at the Devourer Mountain...!!!"The ship suddenly tilted by 45 degrees as the wind controllers set the course change. Now Suma Fen and the others on the bridge of the ship saw the change in scenery, as the ship turned to the north.>>>>>>"Mr. Fen... regarding that Amulet thing... do you have a large supply of such explosive Amulets?" Ju Lianyi asked cautiously. It was obvious that the imperial family's safety commander was in awe of such explosive Amulets. Ju Lianyo's face took on an anxious look. He was worried if Suma Fen said he no lo
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The Long Journey.
"A healing amulet is an amulet made by an Inscription Master by affixing healing inscriptions with predominantly wooden inscriptions, which are then written using Red Fragrant Wood or Tan Xiang Wood"(Fragrant/Tan Xiang Wood is known as Sandalwood)."The inscription on the Amulet has a working effect similar to that of a healer's magic technique when healing a person's wound.""When an inscription master always inscribes wood-based inscriptions like that for the best effect. For the record, if the Amulet is done by a high-ranked Inscription Master, the benefits will be felt faster when healing wounds." Because of the long explanation of the Amulet Inscription Benefits, Suma Fen felt the need to pause for a while while his hand circulated a piece of Amulet paper.One by one, the practitioners and soldiers examined the Amulet paper and tried to analyze the inscriptions on the paper that emitted the fragrant aroma of Tan Xiang wood. Now there was no one among the people on the ship who d
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Flying Horse Cavalry.
The night passed quietly. Those who were not on guard duty that night could rest in peace. The speed of the Spirit Vessel was moving steadily towards the Land of Morning Dew. At this moment, a vast sea appeared in front of the eyes. It was so vast that it looked as if it had no boundaries. The Spirit Vessel was ready to cross the vast sea to approach the territory of the Eastern Dew Country.When the sky on the Eastern horizon began to emit a tinge of morning light... a Fen-konFen was heard blowing a trumpet (a large conch shell wind instrument). Then someone was heard giving instructions in a stern-sounding tone."All hands on deck...." The tranquil situation immediately changed 180 degrees.The clomping of soldiers' feet could be heard echoing as the footsteps of hundreds of people ran along the deck of the ship."What on earth is going on?" Suma Fen hurriedly left the room he was staying in and went to see what was happening.No sooner had he stood on the bridge of the ship than Ju
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The Sky Burns Over the Sea.
"Wush... wush.. wush...."Following the ronin's charging movement, five experts wearing samurai followed in the ronin's footsteps. The five samurai opened the long swords in their hands, flying towards the Great Eagles Imperial Spirit Vessel menacingly. The Great Rajawali Imperial Spirit Vessel was in danger.+++"They have taken action, we must deter them..." Ju Lianyi instructed Captain Liao Quon to keep an eye on Prince Ju Qin.Before Ju Lianyi could ask Sume Fen's advice, everyone suddenly felt a whirlwind roll that only occurred where Sume Fen's residence stood.Then with a very quick movement-all the people on the ship were stunned to witness Sume Fen unexpectedly standing on top of that dangerous wind. The whirlwind carried him away at a speed faster than the movement of a meteor."Is he still human?" Ju Lianyi whispered inwardly. However, his voice was very clearly heard by the others, causing whispers."Let's welcome the five practitioners over there." Ju Lianyi's body then f
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Immortal Spear.
The three experts of the Great Eagle Empire namely Ju Lianyi, Zhang Junda and Hua Shen moved quickly and blocked the five Samurai or Bushi. The five Samurai seemed to have brandished Long Swords, simultaneously they slashed forward."Duar...."The explosion caused by the five Samurai's sword energy made the three experts of the Great Eagle Empire fly away and jump to avoid the explosion. As the three practitioners of the Great Eagles Empire dodged the explosion, they felt a thin slap of wind pass by."Wush-wush..." two Samurai figures flew past them and in a menacing swift motion, both flew quickly towards the spirit ship.Ju Lianyi became panicked,"Block those two Samurai" Ju Lianyi flew fast and made a slashing motion towards one of the passing Samurai."Suittt..." the screeching sound of a sword slashing into the Samurai's back.Hua Shen flew after Ju Lianyi. The sword in Hua Shen's hand made a seal motion and a Lanhua Flower-shaped ray (orchid) containing the power of a Level Thr
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An Incantation.
Of course Suma Fen would not let the ronin touch him with his long sword."You think it's that easy to kill me?" hissed Suma Fen coldly.He then used his mind and ordered the Bianfu Sword to move into battle technique. Level three Sword Intent energy seemed to be ready to burst out. When his two fingers flicked in rhythm..."Tick...""Wushh..." Bianfu's sword darted forward in opposition from whence came his Long Sword which was deployed using the power energy of heaven and earth. It was a rare technique of that ronin."Boom...""Kraakk..."The ronin's Longsword was split in two upon impact, and it didn't stop there, the Bianfu Sword quickly-faster than the speed of a meteor-split the ronin's body in two.The ronin's body fell in a split state, leaving flaming sword marks and the scent of charred flesh on the ronin's remains.+++The whirlwind blew again and brought Suma Fen to the battle of the six SAINT experts. The fast-moving wind -which in the blink of an eye had made Suma Fen
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Three Monsters - Part One.
Some of the survivors managed to escape and disappeared behind the clouds. While some were left behind, dying at the hands of twenty elite troops who showed no mercy with their spear dance.After the death of the Ronin who was the opponent's top expert, followed by the tragic death of the Samurai... The Flying Horse Cavalry then became scattered. And after all the enemy troops were wiped out or fled... a look of relief appeared on everyone's faces. Moreover, Prince Ju Qin managed to survive the deadly attack of one of the Samurai... this made all the soldiers even more energized in combat spirit.Of the twenty elite troops that went to battle, all of them were still alive. However, their bodies were covered in wounds. Luck was on their side as they were greatly assisted in the battle by the healing amulet. Every time they suffered a slash or stab wound, the amulet helped the people survive. Now all the amulets had been used up.Meanwhile, there were 20 Spirit casualties from the soldi
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