All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
466 chapters
Three Monsters - Part Two.
Suma Fen did intend to select a few people to be his disciples who would inherit the knowledge of the Silver Continent and the Gods' Filtering Continent.When he later had to go to the Immortal level country in the realm called Wonderland later, wouldn't there have to be some people who inherited his techniques and knowledge obtained from the various inheritances This inheritance had to be cultivated in this world before going to Wonderland. But the story of him going to the Wonderland Realm is still very far from the current story.(About this Wonderland was discussed in the chapter When Suma Fen met a girl riding a Spirit Vessel while fighting Bai Laohu's White Tiger).Jiang Fai's eyes lit up when Suma Fen invited him to become his disciple. Without hesitation, the young alchemist knelt down and addressed him as master."Master, please accept my respect Jiang Fai"Suma Fen asked Jiang Fai to stand up and said that matters with the Army, would be discussed directly with Prince Ju Qin
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The First Monster - Part One.
At that moment, the eight windbenders were standing at the ready to fly the army into battle. Standing on the deck while being blown by the wind-Long black military armor with a cloak-like back swaying in rhythm with the wind, the eight Windbenders looked so majestic, like wind gods."Windbenders prepare!!!" The signal sounded.They then hooked the spirit ropes on the backs of the sixteen elite soldiers of the Great Eagles Empire."We're ready for battle...!" one of the elite soldiers voiced out. It seemed like he was the leader of the group. The double-headed spear-headed double-edged saber sword glittered as the eighteen soldiers made a circular motion showing off the sharpness of the spear head."Steer the ship close to the monster shark until it is within one lie" Laio Quon ordered. In his opinion, one lie was the best distance for the eighteen elite soldiers to attack the enemy. Then the two wind controllers who remained in charge of directing the ship, waved their hands."Wushh.
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The First Monster - Part Two.
"But master.... I...." Jiang Fai hesitantly answered his master's challenge. If it was just an ordinary cut, he was extremely proficient. But this soldier's wound was not only a deep external wound, but also an internal wound from the Shark Monster's tail slash just now. And that was a high-ranked monster attack wound."You should try from now on" Suma Fen said firmly."Your time to practice Alchemy and Healing Magic with me is very limited. I'm always on the move. If you don't start from now, when else will you become an expert in alchemy and healing techniques?"Trying to dispel his doubts, Jiang Fai voiced out loud..."Alright Master. I'll try it" Jiang Fai then sprinkled the herbal potion issued by his master. His hands formed a seal and then his lips moved to chant the mantra he learned earlier.Warm energy came out of his hands as he exerted the power of Spirit united with medicine. 2 meals of tea... Jiang Fai wiped the sweat that was pouring down his forehead."You seem to mast
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Monster Number Two.
It was early in the morning, and there was still no sighting of the long-awaited second monster..."Ah... even though I have repeatedly sharpened the sword so sharp. I can't wait to gut that half-dragon" Hua Shen laughed loudly after uttering such playful words. He found it funny to be called a half-dragon"Hmm... your voice was so loud when that imoogi monster had yet to reveal its form. Perhaps you were the first to run away from us when the real monster appeared" Zhang Junda said sarcastically."We'll see" Hua Shen shrugged his shoulders with an unconcerned face. He felt that Zhang Junda's sneer did not affect him, to laugh at the creature that failed to cultivate into a dragon."After all, that thing is still a failed creature" Hua Chen hissed.While the two SAINT experts were joking around, Suma Fen-our protagonist's young daughter-felt an energy emanating from a source of great power. The energy was oppressive from a distance. But he easily brushed off the oppressive aura."Some
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The third curse - Blood.
Suma Fen stared rigidly at the sky,"Why are there so many of these ferocious monster creatures?""It looks like someone is controlling them, those dragon-like monsters. Don't these groups of monsters usually come out in tens to a few hundred? How can thousands of monsters simultaneously come and attack us?" Suma Fen was curious. This was a fabrication in his opinion. His feelings turned sour.Yet he seemed to spread out his two hands, as if they were wings. Acting as if his hunch was just an unreasonable thing. Then an instruction went through his mind commanding the sea water down there. Everyone heard the sound of water shuddering as they heard the water rumbling from below, in the ocean. Rumbling and raging as if on command."Byurrrr...." the sound of roaring seawater miraculously overflowed up into the sky. Standing beside Suma Fen was a terrifying sight, making everyone who saw it shudder.It was the Mul Chakra Technique learned in the Great Eagle Imperial Library, having succes
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Mermaid Group.
In the sky, the battle between Suma Fen was still intense. The ancient creature's army seemed to never stop flooding the sky as it savagely tried to break through Suma Fen's line of Tansu Swords.As persistently as the ancient creatures attacked him, more and more water overflowed from the ocean below the battle arena and formed hundreds of swords to slaughter them."Tsing-tsing-tsing" the sound of swords flying around the Sword King's figure, displaying the ferocity of his sword that increasingly made the ferocious creatures flinch."Suiiiitt" that strange whistling sound could be heard in the distance. "Looks like someone is controlling them," Suma Fen became angry.Meanwhile, the ancient creatures instantly stopped attacking.Then, in an unexpected move, the horde of ancient creatures flew around and left the battlefield with Suma Fen.Suma Fen breathed a sigh of relief. however, with such a large number, like it would not run out, over time he felt overwhelmed by the thousands of
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Saebyeog City.
"I am a magician, that is why I can fly on the wind, or walk on water without getting wet" Suma Fen slowly set his feet on the ocean water. He stood on the water while showing off his skill of not falling and drowning.All the mermaids applauded happily at Suma Fen's performance. It was time for her to ask,"Did your group see an elderly human-woman flying on a mythical Roc? If you saw it... Please tell big brother. Where did they go, Suma Fen asked."I know..." shouted the teenage mermaid."I saw that woman riding a very large Roc bird. But she wasn't alone," said the young mermaid."It seems that her companion who flew with her was a young man of age. That's right. It's a young man who looks unconscious.""Which way did they fly?" asked Suma Fen rather urgently.One of the male mermaids who had been silent suddenly spoke up,"That Roc rider expert when he passed us, he turned a corner and flew towards the north" pointed out the male mermaid who seemed to be the leader of their group
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Dongmul Clan - Part One.
"Give them to the girl named Lin Hong and the young man named Yu Long so that they distribute these to the North" Suma Fen then explained how to pass through the Portal to enter the gray Xianren Domain, and exit to the Western City to meet his two disciples. The rest of the time they had a special discussion for two hours.Finally Suma Fen said,"If you are already at the lake, please stop by the island and bring two of the best contract animals for my two disciples on the Silver Continent. Tell them they should have already broken through at least to the Holy Enlightenment Realm realm when I return later. The rest of the time you are allowed to wait on the Silver Continent until I come.As soon as their conversation was over, Meirenyu instantly disappeared into the darkness of the night. He flew off to travel solo towards the Southern Region and the Silver Continent.>>>>>>Suma Fen stared at the 'Eastern Dew Country Branch BaoXing Association' signboard in Saebyeog City... it was al
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Dongmul Clan - Part Two.
The Bat King laughed lightly..."I just need the beast tamer clan's complete information, along with a complete map of the South Sea Region.""Let's enter my study. I'll get all the information regarding the beast taming sect" Ryu Baek said."No need. I don't want to involve you. My reputation as a hitman could tarnish the BaoXing Association. People might wonder if your Association is in good terms with Bianfu Wang, and then your business will suffer because so many people are hostile and hate me." Patriarch Ryu Baek was stunned by the Bat King's explanation. He was grateful that the monster in front of him reminded him of that. He almost took the wrong action."In that case, please wait for a moment. I will return once everything you need is in my hands." Patriarch Ryu Baek jumped up and disappeared behind the association's main building.The Bat King stood waiting on the association's ridge, accompanied by two youngsters. It was obvious that the two youngsters were afraid of him...
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The Spirit Wounded Turtle.
"Three..." more and more clansmen ran from the direction of the hall toward the square where Suma Fen was. Everyone surrounded two."Four!" the strings in his hand began to play a chaotic tone. The approximately 150 practitioners of various cultivation levels surrounding him felt somewhat dizzy. But Suma Fen didn't care, the chaotic rhythm slowly began to press into everyone's spirits."Five..." the two Mok clansmen mentioned earlier had not yet appeared. While the 150 practitioners began to get angry, they were annoyed by the chaotic tone."Formation...!!!""Kill..." The 150 practitioners supported each other in a formation arrangement, then in a loud roar like wild animals, the 150 practitioners jumped up and made a grip technique, oppressing and seeming to tear him apart.A cold laugh could be heard coming from the young man's mouth. He then plucked the strings of the lute five times."Tring-tring-tring-tring-tring"The 150 experts' attack formation became chaotic again. More than
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