Elite Troops - One.

The Spirit Ship was speeding towards the East. To be more precise, it was going to the vast, elongated peninsula known as the Eastern Dew Country. Of course, since it was on a peninsula jutting out from the God's Filter Continent, the journey to the country would be faster if it went through a cut through the sea.

"It's fortunate that on this trip we brought along ten wind-controlling magicians... the journey will be faster because we're not relying on mechanical machines alone," said the ship's captain when Suma Fen asked about the length of the journey.

"If there are no obstacles along the way, according to my calculations and experience we will arrive at the Eastern Dew Country in just 6 days" said the ship captain to Suma Fen who seemed to nod his head as if he understood.

In between times like that, Suma Fen would cultivate as well as contemplate reading a stack of books on cultivation techniques and martial arts techniques that he had brought from the library of the Great King E
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