All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
468 chapters
Saint Rank Envoy.
Meirenyu sat at a table with a view overlooking the streets of Falling Star City. Dai had deliberately chosen a seat with that view, to look around outside.When the waiter served the dishes made from Magical Beast meat... the woman greedily ate all the available dishes and the wine served. Feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled, Meirenyu ordered more meat and wine. To her, the cuisine of the food servers in the City of Falling Stars was the best.Meirenyu did not care about the waiter's surprised gaze when he asked for more meat and wine. A beautiful woman walking alone, plus that huge appetite... made the waiter feel astonished.Meirenyu herself did not mind the cost of her order, which was enough for five adults. He had plenty of money looted from MAo Po Sin and his group on the edge of the end of the world. Meirenyu was even thinking of changing her appearance to resemble a man. She was starting to get annoyed by the passionate gazes of the masculine men who were always staring at he
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Two Followers' Information.
"Please provide me with information on the whereabouts of my Master Mr. Yong's two disciples. Yong."Meirenyu spoke in a voice that sounded smooth like music. She could not hide her melodious voice.Elder Wu himself had doubts about the gender of Morenyu, the handsome man before him. He became very suspicious that Morenyu was a woman in disguise. But he tried to look casual. Such things were very common in the lake river world."Are Mr. Morenyu referring to Yu Long and Lin Hong?" Elder Wu spoke carefully. Talking about something related to Suma Fen made him cautious.Meirenyu looked eager to agree to Elder Wu's question. Finally... she had gained some light on the whereabouts of her master's two disciples.With a face that turned slightly gloomy, Elder Wu began to tell about Yu Long and Lin Hong's whereabouts."The story is a bit long but please listen carefully. A few years ago, after the inheritance in the gray Xianren domain was declared complete and the domain's doors were closed.
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Spirit Power Battle.
That night, everyone was excited to attend the dinner Emperor SeongGye held at the palace. Only a few important officials and Imperial military were invited and allowed to attend the banquet.Suma Fen was included in the group invited to attend the banquet, of course because of his talent and ability to heal the Palace water dragon Spirit which was now gradually recovering, making him an important guest.Even Ju Lianyi and the others were not allowed to attend the banquet. Suma Fen ended up attending as Prince Ju Qin's bodyguard.Suma Fen actually felt a little uneasy. He had read from the copy obtained from Patriarch Ryu Baek where the text mentioned that one of the essential ingredients for awakening the spirits in the Gemala Fenix Reliquary was a leaf of a spirit plant named "Leaves of Eternal Flame".The leaf of eternal flame is a rare spirit plant that is said to be preserved by the kingdom and become a royal heirloom. It is said that the plant is a spirit plant that is the favor
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Secrets of the Eight Relics - Part One.
And within everyone's view, there was only thin smoke coming out from each of the sorcerers, while both of their faces looked serious.The truth was that Gyo Dae had created the illusion of a giant snake trying to pounce and crush the young man. While Suma Fen had created the illusion of an ice dragon in accordance with the magic techniques inherited from the Xianren.Gyo Dae was of course very surprised. Making the illusion of an ice dragon like the young man in front of him was impossible. The illusion technique could only be performed by experts who had received spiritual nourishment from mythical beings. I don't know where that young man obtained the baptism and spiritual immersion of a mythical creature, Gyo Dae thought.The two creatures; the giant snake and the ice dragon fought in the air. It was clear that Gyo Dae's illusory snake was helpless and could not move at all under the pressure of the ice dragon.Even the illusory ice dragon repeatedly bit the neck of the giant snak
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The Secret of the Eight Relics - Part Two.
Seeing the Spirit Oracle's friendly attitude, the Phoenix then slowly composed an ancient history..."Alright... this master will open his mouth...""You only need to collect the other three relics of the Immortals of our time.""When you manage to collect three more relics and fuse the Spirit's fragmentary power into your physical body... surely the life of an Immortal is on the horizon.""The four powers will fuse together and form your physical body into an Immortal rank expert..." Phoenix giggled again. He found it amusing to see the oracle Spirit repeatedly dumbfounded by his story with her mouth open.Still not fading from his surprise... the Spirit oracle continued to ask..."So if I want to have the ability to become an Immortal, by uniting the power of the expert in the reliquary.......can you explain to me. What relics should I collect to have a chance to unite them and turn into an Immortal expert?"Excitedly-because it felt like it had someone to talk to, the Phoenix was e
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Meirenyu's Story - In the Kunlun Mountains.
Meirenyu stopped by a building with "Prosperity Warehouse" written on the top. According to his Master, he could buy anything at that place. The building provided the necessities he needed.Inside the hall of the Prosperity Warehouse..."Can you give me a complete and clear map of the Silver Continent's Western Region?" Meirenyu asked a handsome young man who was in sales and guarding the booth displaying various weapons in the Prosperity Warehouse.The young man led him to a section that specialized in exhibiting equipment such as compasses, maps and others. When Meirenyu opened the map, his forehead furrowed."This map is too vague in its contents. There's not too much information I can get if I want to explore the western region using this map you're displaying."Meirenyu was secretly amused at the items on display in the Prosperity Warehouse. They were all third-rate items that would not be given the slightest glance by the practitioners back home.When compared to the various top
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Long Kangjian.
The miraculous appearance of the man instantly stirred up all the five-element troops. Everyone guessed that the man must be an extremely high-skilled practitioner. Everyone didn't know the whereabouts of the man who suddenly appeared like a demon. "Which side does he stand on? Will that person stand on our side?" The five element army prayed silently.Mao Wuqing became angry. Although he knew this person was extremely knowledgeable, Mao Wuqing could not tolerate the insults that were issued about their ancestor."Sassy... who are you? How dare you insult our demon race ancestor? You're tired of living apparently" Now the sword in his hand switched to being brandished and threatened the man who had just appeared.On the contrary, the student-looking man seemed to be indifferent and fanned his body with a large fan, then he spat..."Damn... a weakling like you dares to threaten this master" He shook his fan..."Plak-plak-plak" Mao Wuqing screamed in pain. His teeth fell out and spurted
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Results of Diplomacy.
Long Kangjian explained that Yu Long and Lin Hong had left the Western region about half a year ago. The two of them planned to hide themselves in the North of the region where they came from.Meanwhile, two Sect protectors, Purple Protector ZiseDe and White Protector BaiseDe, rode with them on the Light Sect Spirit Animal Giant Eagle."How long is the journey to the North?" asked Meirenyu."If using a public means of transportation called an Airship or Spirit Ship, it usually only takes two months to travel.""However, due to the great risk of using that means of transportation, then as I said earlier, they use the Giant Eagle Spirit Animal, so the time required is about 6 months. It needs to rest and recover" Long Kangjian ended his explanation."Six months? What a long time" Meirenyu said in disbelief.Long Kangjian shyly replied..."That's a flying trip made by ordinary practitioners or ordinary spirit animals. But if it's an expert like you in the SAINT realm... I think 7 days is
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Wuyi Tribe.
Patriarch Ryu laughed loudly. He was clearly flattered by the youngster's praise before him. He knew that the youngster had extremely high abilities, so all the praises coming out of his mouth were not mere nonsense..."Lord Fen praises us too much. However, it is the specialty of our BaoXing Association to gather all the information and materials, which have never even been heard of before." He tried to boast about the BaoXing Association."That's right. This young man has felt that your association's service and speed of gathering information, when we needed some information in the past..... was very satisfactory""Er... I have another question. Please Patriarch Ryu provide information if you know of it.""What is it? This Patriarch will answer if I know"In a casual tone Suma Fen asked,"Has Patriarch Ryu heard any stories or other information regarding the ancient object called the Reliquary?"Frowning, Patriarch Ryu replied..."All I know is that in this Eastern Region there is a
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An Old Acquaintance.
Geographically, most of the land where the Wu Yi lived was a wilderness filled with grass. The people lived in specially made tents, and they would wander at will.If winter came, even if it didn't snow... the Wu Yi would stay there for a long time until spring.The Wu Yi are strong believers in spirits, and the practice of shamanism (magic) is very much a part of their culture. Because the daily culture is so thick with shamanic practices or magic, a strong magician or Shaman will be appointed as the leader or companion of the tribal chief.The practice of the Shaman is prevalent in the healing of diseases or trance cures and rituals. Those with magical talents would be recruited and joined a clan known as the Qilin Clan. It was this Qilin Clan that became known in the Central Region as the Nine Star Sect.It was recorded in the booklet that the Qilin Clan, when performing rituals to heal the sick, always invoked the power of the mythical Qilin creatures that they had immortalized in
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