All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
468 chapters
An Old Acquaintance - Part Two.
The next day, a spirit boat that was quite large for a boat, was seen flying across the sky of the Imperial Capital. The spirit boat flew quickly towards the Northwest.Standing on the platform was Suma Fen dressed in gray, while on the deck of the boat was Jiang Fai who would always follow where his mater went.+++Meirenyu sharpened her sense of hearing. She was interested in hearing the conversation between the white-clothed man named Cui Cheng Gong.The man dressed in purple who apparently had the name Xia Geng glanced at his two friends. Both of them nodded their heads, and then they left the restaurant."I have instructed our two Xia Clan members to meet Senior Mao Kang who is still awaiting the arrival of our two targets in Western City of Light. Who would have thought that Chairman Cui would have gotten ahead of us by capturing those two boys..." Xia Geng chuckled happily.He imagined that Senior Mao Kang was so pleased and would compensate him well for his efforts."Chairman
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The Refiner's Profession.
The spirit boat sped through space. Suma Fen stood still on the bridge of the vehicle as he looked out over the land. The journey to the northwest where the Wu Yi Tribe was located was estimated to take three to five days using the spirit boat.Since he felt that he had plenty of time, Suma Fen thought that he would do some things that he had not practiced for a long time.The first thing he thought of was to try refining some of the spirit items he had. This refining activity had been learned when he was in the Hui Tianshi Sacred Sect and specially trained by Patriarch Huang Chi.He took out the fragments he had collected during the competition at the Golden Peacock Castle some time ago. Suma Fen counted his fragment treasures which were as follows:Head guard or helmet; a total of 10 Gold-colored Helmet Fragments and 20 Orange-colored Helmet Fragments.Shoulder armor; a total of 15 gold-colored fragments and 20 orange fragments.Armor or chest protector; a total of 8 gold-colored fr
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The Illusion of Ice Storms, and the Sound of Flutes.
Suma Fen hurriedly left his meditation and stepped quickly onto the bridge of the large boat.A person dressed in dark blue robes stood on a winged horse magic spirit animal. His clothes waved in the night breeze, which was getting chilly with tiny ice beads, giving the impression that he was a god of the night. A sword was held in the man's right hand."What is it that makes the night air instantly snow" Suma Fen wondered. He paid no attention to the man in the blue robe. He concentrated on the icy cold air. Something familiar he felt with the phenomenon.His reverie was broken by the haunting voice of the man in blue robes,"Retreat and take the circular path. You are not allowed to cross this path. The Poisonous Sword Sect is completing a mission ahead" the cold voice of the blue-robed man."Introducing my name is Traveler Fen, I and my disciple Jiang Fai request permission to cross your airspace. We are alchemists who will be heading to the Northwest. Please allow us to pass throu
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Western City of Light.
Teng Jun was not content to stop there after his sword slash was blocked by Fei Ma. His sword rolled again, forming a deadly strike that targeted Fei Ma's neck."Wush..." Fei Ma moved quickly, bending his body so that Teng Jun's sword strike once again missed its target.Teng Jun was desperate. All of his most bizarre and ultimate techniques had been expended. Yet all were only considered toys by this noble man named Fei Ma. He was starting to get scared."I think I've played enough. You are simply not someone to work with." Fei Ma ended his words by spreading his hands with two palms pointing at Teng Jun."Die!" Wide-eyed Teng Jun saw the flash of two giant claws that were quickly heading towards his body."Slash!" Teng Jun's body was mutilated into four pieces, which then quickly floated down to the ground.Fei Ma stared coldly at the sliding body pieces. He coldly shifted his gaze far ahead, from where the sound of battle cries could be heard.Meanwhile, the air grew colder as snow
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Mao Kang.
Without being seen at all by Xia Geng and his two friends, Senior Mao Kang, released a small vapor from the bottle in his hand. He opened a bottle containing a deadly poison."Whoosh." The vapor invisibly spread in the room. The vapor from the bottle was the red scorpion venom from the Burning Land, it was the domain where the demon race lived.Mao Kang turned his back to the three people, pretending not to care when the red scorpion vapor reacted."K-you traitors" Xia Geng's eyes bulged. He felt like his neck was being strangled by something. He instantly realized that he and the other two Xia Clan members had been poisoned by Mao Kang's senior.Xia Geng died before mentioning that his Xia Clan would take revenge for Mao Kang's deeds."Witch... no one witnessed this murder by me. So you please rest in peace here. Don't bother threatening me with your xai clan." Mao Kang spat at the three stiff corpses.When he was just about to drip the corpse pulverizing liquid onto the three corpse
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Three Poison Sword Sect Experts.
Suma Fen was stunned when he saw the battle in the sky, in front of him.A beautiful woman, whose hair glowed like golden silver in the moonlight, was fighting amongst the illusion of a snowstorm that was ferociously attacking the three men on the other side.He occasionally snapped and formed black hole traps that ensnared the three opposing experts in the black hole mines he created. Despite being ganged up on by three other experts, the Jinling race woman didn't seem to be fazed in the slightest.In fact, the jingling female's cultivation was in the realm of the 9th lev Holy Enlightenment Realm and her three assailants were between the 7th and 8th lev Holy Enlightenment Realms. All of her magic techniques were truly high-end magic techniques that rendered the other three experts helpless."Blackhole, soul-shaking ice storm illusion? I recognize that jingling" Suma Fen mused."Ye Bing Qing!" Suma Fen unconsciously shouted.Ye Bing Qing glanced towards Suma Fen when she heard her nam
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Battle in the Cursed Desert - Part One.
Dust was seen billowing in the desert, as three men were seen galloping on three huge lizard-like magical beasts that seemed to be flying above the ground, extremely fast. Anyone would have guessed that the three men seemed to be in a hurry, as if something was chasing them.Intermittently, the youngest man turned his face back, checking to see if anyone was stalking the three.The three practitioners looked very tired, with their clothes covered in dust and their eyes looking like they hadn't slept in two days.The heads of the three were wrapped in a cloth like the hoods of travelers in the wilderness. The cloth was useful to protect themselves from the scorching heat of the desert sun."Brother Yu Long, if we keep running without stopping like this, I'm afraid this magic lizard will die of exhaustion. I think we should rest for a while, as well as fill this empty stomach that has not been filled for two days," said a man wearing all white clothes.The man called Yu Long then said,
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Battle in the Cursed Desert - Part Two.
Each of the swords had a flag-like strand with the left one reading "Loyal to the death, only to the Light Religion and the Head of the Light Religion". The left flag read "Live with honor, Good deeds remembered and carried to death".The flags waved in the desert breeze, making Yu Long moved as he read the inscription.Meanwhile, the purple protector also took out two sword blades that had flags inscribed with the same words as the inscription on the White Protector's flag..."Let us fight to the death. It's better to die fighting for loyalty, than to run away and live to be the laughing stock of people. Two Protectors of the Bright Sect are ready to fight." Purple Protector ZuseDe hissed.Yu Long was so moved that he tremblingly took out his lute (GuZheng)."Then let the three of us fight them to the death."Yu Long then plucked the lute with a powerful exertion of Qi attached to the notes."Tring-tring-tring"A wave of energy sounded painful to the ears, striking the two giant came
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Battle in the Cursed Desert - Part 3.
If before he had a level two Earth-class Spirit power, now suddenly he felt his Spirit power break through to a level one Heavenly Spirit Master power. This Spirit power he felt was enough to tear apart the Spirit of these twenty-five people in Yu Long's heart.Those twenty-five Xia Clan swordsmen turned nervous, when they saw their opponent's eyes become wide open. They moved vigilantly, then the leader of the Xia Clan Sword Formation gave a command.""Moon Formation!"The ten swordsmen moved and seemed to suck in the Qi energy of the moon, and there was a cold stream of energy moving, flowing with the ten men who were quickly stabbing Yu Long from all directions. "Wush!""Tap-tap-tap" came the sound of footsteps on the desert sand, as ten sword blades were aimed at the deadly parts of Yu Long's body.Yu Long hissed then his hand plucked the lute with a chaotic rhythm. He channeled all the Spirit power he currently possessed-Level One Heavenly Spirit Master."tring-tring-tring" that
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Battle in the Cursed Desert - Part 4.
He accelerated his flight and whistled loudly, signaling a warning to his master disciple's attackers."Kraaaaaakkk" The whistle sounded like the sound of a vulture that made the hairs stand up.+++When the literati-clad SAINT expert set his foot on the desert sand, all fighting instantly came to a halt. The aura released was oppressive and made the chests of all practitioners feel tight.With an indifferent gleam in his eyes, the SAINT asked,"Who attacked that young man over there?" he pointed with his gaze towards Yu Long.His gaze now seemed to be probing everyone, still indifferent. The Xia Clan Elder, the man who possessed the Boundless Realm Quasi cultivation came forward and introduced himself in a friendly manner."Dear seniors, I am from the Xia Clan and my friend from the Demon Race Clan has come to greet you" the man along with the Demon Race Clan protector then bowed respectfully to Meirenyu.Meanwhile, the two protectors of the Bright Sect looked troubled. Both of them
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