All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 391 - Chapter 400
468 chapters
Conversation in the Southwest Sky.
While on the spirit boat, which was still floating in the bordering sky, Suma Fen introduced Jiang Fai and Fei Ma as his two followers, and then he told a brief story of his time in the Central Region.Even when he narrated the story of traveling to a land in the East, Ye Bing Qing looked enthusiastic. The girl repeatedly chuckled as Suma Fen recounted their battle over the Eastern Dew Sea against many magical spirit beasts.Even Ye Bing Qing was surprised by Suma Fen's story when she heard that she was able to win over the Crown Prince of the Empire and even get the Eastern Dew Emperor to agree to an alliance with the Great Eagle Empire.Then he admiringly praised Suma Fen's rapid cultivation."I've been wondering, what caused your cultivation to so quickly leave the three of us behind? It's to the point that I'm now amazed to see your cultivation at the eighth-level SAGE Passing Realm realm. Let's share our experiences, just in case Bing Qing follows in your footsteps" Ye Bing Qing
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Fortune Mountain Gambling House.
The conversation between Mr. Fen and Ye Bing Qing, amidst the atmosphere of soft wind rustling, entered between the small spirit ship."So here's the story. The Divine Veil Organization that I joined while in this Northern Ancient City had many missions for its hitmen to complete.It just so happens that the mission I took was to escort the departure of a Qilin Clan core disciple named Orhideya to return home to the Wu Yi Tribe where the Qilin Clan is located.""Orhideya, that girl is carrying a sacred artifact, as tribute to the Alliance the Qilin Clan formed with a reclusive Sect in the Ancient City. For your information, there are many strange and reclusive sects north of here"."The reward the Organization will give me if I manage to escort Orhideya safely to the Qilin Clan is a Pill that can help me to survive and break through the 10 and 11 Star Sacred Enlightenment Realm. Of course, I'm very enthusiastic because I only intend to break through to the SAINT realm with the title o
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Wan Hui.
"Only the man named Wan Hui at the gambling house has access to the Valley of the Poisonous Sword. No one else knows the place or has ever been to the Valley of the Poisonous Sword, other than that Wan Hui." The servant's hand quickly scooped up twenty Blue Manna and hurriedly went to the back.The four people exchanged glances, with Fei Ma looking almost unable to control his temper. Luckily, the waiter had already left, so Fei Ma didn't bring down the iron fist on the greedy waiter.They enjoyed the meal, of which Fei Ma was the most ravenous. He ate the meat as if he hadn't had such a delicious meal in months...+++The Fortune Mountain Gambling House was bustling with visitors that afternoon. Various types and models of people crowded around the gambling tables, where the sound of giggling comfort women accompanied by puffs of marijuana smoke filled the gambling house.The four practitioners entered the hall of Mount Fortune, and in front of the hall door alone they were confronte
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Grains of Snow - Part One.
"There are matters I wish to settle with that sect. They owe me this artifact that was robbed from my friend. Take us there, and you get paid professionally for your services."Suma Fen pointed at Ye Bing Qing who was covered by Dou Peng. He then threw a spatial ring towards Wan Hui, and was caught by him. Wan Hui faintly examined the contents of the ring. The Blue Manna value inside the ring amounted to 15,000 top-ranked Blue Manna.Wan Hui was shocked inwardly. 15,000 Blue Manna was not a small amount. He then replied,"Wan Hui does know the way to the poisonous valley, and can even open the access door to the valley. However, as gentlemen know, that valley is extremely dangerous. Many experts have tried to attack the Poisonous Sword Sect, but their fate ended tragically. The people in there are extremely dangerous. They are experts in the science of poison," Wan Hui said, trying to persuade.Suma Fen snorted coldly."You don't have to worry about that, you can look at that fancy dr
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Grains of Snow - Part Two.
Suma Fen hurriedly took out a green colored pill and gave it to Ye Bing Qing and Wan Hui...."Before anything happens, you should consume this pill" Of course, the two people immediately swallowed the pill that Suma Fen gave them.After everyone had consumed the pills he gave them, he said,"I think the situation inside will be much more dangerous than out here. Inside there will obviously be more traps and deadly poisons. I won't be free if you follow me, it's too difficult to fight while protecting two people who are being attacked with poison. Let me go in alone" said Suma Fen."But Mr. Fen, I'm worried if you go in alone, while the danger of poison is very threatening in there" Ye Bing Qing said worriedly."Don't worry. Have you forgotten that I am an alchemist?" Suma Fen smiled. When Ye Bing Qing finally looked relieved, she jumped inside the high-fenced Poisonous Sect building...+++The huge spirit ship sped through the sky towards the northern direction of the Silver Continent
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Once again - Morning Star City.
Morning Star City was a small city near the end of the Silver Continent's West-North border. Although Morning Star City was not that big, it had its own uniqueness that most cities in the Great Ying Empire did not have.As discussed above, although it was a small city, a sect that belonged to the Association of the 7 Great Sects in the northern Great Ying Empire stood near Morning Star City. The existence of this Cloud Sword Sect made a lot of travelers visit to just take a look or exchange knowledge with Practitioners in the Cloud Sword Sect.And also in Morning Star City, there was a large company called the Hall of Treasures that specialized in selling goods for Cultivators. The Hall of Treasures was a branch of Azalea City that was not established in just any city, only in cities that were considered potential did this company open branches.The last point was, in Morning Star City, there was a society of the best mechanics and blacksmiths in the entire Great Ying Empire. Of cours
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10 Youngsters at the Foot of the Mountain.
After they finished their lunch, the four practitioners; Meirenyu, Lin Hong, BaiseDhe and SuzheDhe hurriedly left Morning Star City. Meirenyu was of course still carrying Yu Long, which then aroused the curiosity of anyone who passed by them. But Meirenyu still wore a cold and unconcerned face.Because of their high cultivation levels, the four practitioners were at the foot of the Five-Colored Peak Mountain Range in no time.A sense of longing welled up in Lin Hong's heart. That sense of longing for the past had burst out amongst the cold feeling after wandering this cruel Lake River for so long. Lin Hong hurriedly threw away the melancholy, and his face turned back into the face of the stern Jiang Hu girl."Stop!"Ten youngsters aged 18 to 23 blocked them, as the four experts were about to enter the gate, heading towards the Cloud Sword Sect's small village. The drawn swords seemed to say "You are not allowed to enter".The appearance of the ten Cloud Sword Sect disciples looked ver
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In the Dungeon.
"This Chang Bingjie should have immediately admitted defeat so that he would not perish in the scroll of that dangerous sword technique. That technique was a sword technique taught directly by the sect master to Wan Junqing. There's no way Chang Bingjie could have escaped that sword fortress," the man Lin Hong asked earlier said.Lin Hong did not answer, because he knew... an Inscription expert or Spirit power expert always kept many unexpected things up their sleeves. He understood that, because he himself after becoming a Spirit power expert (following Master Fen's footsteps) his perception of combat became different."Well we'll see" Lin Hong said softly.It was just as Lin Hong had predicted. When everyone was shouting Wan Junqing's praises and mocking Chang Bingjie, Chang Bingjie suddenly formed a seal in his hand and released an object."Duarrr...!" an extremely loud explosion sound rang out from the direction of the competition arena.A bolt of lightning exploded the sword scro
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1000 Samsaras - Part One.
"All the living beings in this Sect were poisoned by the Du Hua Sect's experts. All of this is because of that ungrateful demon-hearted human Teng Jun. He cooperated with a famous figure from the Du Hua Sect.""I was lucky, I was out shopping at the market in the city nearby this valley. When I came back, I saw that everyone was lying on the ground. They even poisoned all the animals here.""I learned of all this after returning secretly and overhearing Teng Jun's conversation with three of his followers. They asked Patriarch Qiu Zongxian to cooperate by accepting the Du Hua Sect's alliance invitation, and support a prince in the Great King Empire to become the next Emperor.""But from the beginning, Patriarch Qiu Zongxian refused to interfere in the political affairs of the empire. Perhaps that is what caused that Teng Jun to become angry and intend to take control of the Poisonous Sword Sect. Unfortunately, he found out that all the sect members remained loyal to the Patriarch, and
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1000 Samsaras - Part Two.
It was even rumored that the Poison Flower Du Hua Sect Master had been brought to his knees in just a few blows when exchanging blows against this Suma Fen.Nervously the man made a feint by sowing poison powder in an agile motion towards Suma Fen."Wushh" white powder instantly enveloped Suma Fen's body. It was the poison he had concocted himself using poisonous soft animal skins on the Du Hua Sect headquarters mountain.Then with a lightning-fast movement he turned into an afterimage, darting away, trying to sneak him way out of the dungeon."Tap - tap - tap" the man laughed inwardly. It turned out that the expert named Suma Fen was an easy outsmart. His movements were still faster than his.But the smug smile on his face soon faded, as his body tried to float out of the underground hole, he felt his whole body stiffen. His Qi energy was rapidly dissipating from his dantian. An invisible force had paralyzed him."Bruak...!!!" the man fell from a height of ten feet. His face instantl
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