All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 401 - Chapter 410
468 chapters
Sacred Gate Sect.
On the spirit boat, Suma Fen recounted all the events in the Poison Sword Sect's dungeon.She was the one who finally freed that Qilin Clan girl Orhideya, and helped treat the Poisonous Sword Sect Master as per her promise to Aunt Min, the Poisonous Sword Sect's cook, completing the mission successfully.This, about releasing the Poison Sword Sect Master, was in accordance with his consideration that Patriarch Qiu Zongxian had no involvement with the Du Hua Sect in terms of attacking Ye Bing Qing and taking that Qilin Clan girl captive.The proof that Patriarch Qiu Zongxian was not involved, was that he was severely poisoned using Hydra (nine-headed snake) saliva venom, and he was even held captive in the earthen prison.Everyone was thrilled to hear Suma Fen's story, especially the part where he defeated that practitioner from the Du Hua Clan. Although his cultivation was ordinary, but as a poison expert, all Du Hua Sect practitioners could be considered dangerous.+++It was fortuna
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Chapter 372, Wu Yi Tribe Shaman.
Patriarch Xie Ying looked happy to return Orhideya's greeting, then one by one the guests Orhideya brought were greeted kindly.When he finally caught sight of Suma Fen-who was also bowing in greeting... Patriarch Xie Ying instantly trembled inwardly..."A Level eight SAGE Crossing Realm expert?"Patriarch Xie Sying truly could not hide his shock. This youngster's cultivation was extremely high. Himself, until recently, was still at the SAGE Crossing Realm Quasi rank.He hurriedly returned Suma Fen's respectful greeting while saying,"This young master has extremely high intelligence. I've stayed in this remote place for so long that I didn't know that such a capable youngster had appeared on the Screening Continent."Suma Fen politely and humbly replied, "This young me still has a lot to learn from you seniors who have been here in the River. If Patriarch Xie Sying sees any shortcomings, please instruct the young me."The Qilin Clan Patriarch hurriedly embraced Suma Fen intimately...
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On a Cold Night.
Fei Ma only laughed loudly when people asked... "How did you conquer the legendary horse?" of course Fei Ma was reluctant to say that he was the transformation of a winged horse creature."Do you want to sell it?" some Wu Yi Tribe people asked Fei Ma.With bulging eyes, Fei Ma replied curtly..."Do you think it's so easy to subdue a red-haired creature like this? This thing is the descendant of a legendary horse. Conquering him is not as easy as conquering his fellow ordinary descendants.From then on, Fei Ma became very famous among the Wu Yi Tribe. They called him the Horse Conqueror. Fei Ma himself was very happy with the nickname. He really enjoyed his vacation in the Wu Yi tribe...>>>>>>It was the night of Kogildir's (Orhideya's brother) wedding celebration with a girl named Kemeyu. Since Orhideya's family was from the nobility, the bonfire party was naturally very big, festive and cost a lot of money.Of course, because they were from the nobility, the invitation given by the
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Cloud Sword Sect Junior Master.
Just as everyone was falling silent at the tense atmosphere, a voice suddenly broke the frosty atmosphere,"If I offered to repair the two melted artifacts, would you believe in my abilities?"All eyes were instantly drawn to where the voice came from. Suma Fen stood up from where the voice came from. He had a slightly embarrassed look on his face as he felt all eyes were on him.Aqildi Ayel's eyes bulged in disbelief."This kid is too young to possess Spirit power in the realm of a Master Spirit SAINT. Does he mean to belittle me by offering himself like that" Aqildi Ayel turned displeased to Suma Fen.It was different compared to Aqildi Ayel. Patriak Xie instead looked admiringly at Sima Yon. He had been suspicious of this youngster from the start. Other than his high cultivation, it turned out that this youngster had a bit of skill as a Spirit power master."What do you mean young man? Are you a refiner?" a displeased tone could be heard in Aqildi Ayel's voice as he reprimanded Sum
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The Sword Art of Painting Nirvana - Part One.
Suma Fen nodded his head, following along as Patriak Xie recited the incantation to open the Qilin Domain."Wush..."A circle formed in front of the two of them, which happened after the incantation was recited. Patriarch Xie then looked at Suma Fen and explained,"This is the only entrance into Qilin Domain. In this sect, only the Patriarch and Shaman of the Wu Yi Tribe can open access to the domain.""Let's go in" he said, to which he immediately stepped through the circle and Suma Fen followed.The situation inside the Qilin Domain was more or less like a cave that was about 100 lie wide (1 lie is 500 meters).Inside the warehouse were many small statues of Qilin, as well as weapons of various ranks. But that wasn't strange. The Qilin clan who claimed to be descendants of the Qilin race, as well as worshiping the Qilin creatures had always collected those mythical creatures in various forms.In another corner of the Qilin domain, there were bookshelves containing copies of martial
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The Sword Art of Painting Nirvana - Part Two.
After Yi Ping came down from the stage, in the quiet atmosphere of everyone wanting to know what had happened, Peng Fai once again spoke in a voice that contained the power of Qi."Apparently our Cloud Sword Sect has had the arrival of experts from the Western Region. Why don't you gentlemen show up and meet me? The Cloud Sword Sect is not stingy with entertaining our guests with wine."The voice was so powerful that the disciples whose cultivation foundations had yet to stabilize were seen falling down.They then hurriedly assumed the lotus position, sat cross-legged and adjusted their breathing. All of the invited guests in the event immediately whispered to each other, marveling at this Cloud Sword Sect's Junior Master's ability."The Cloud Sword Sect will be one of the strongest among the seven great sects in the Great Ying Empire" someone praised."That Junior Master with such a young age, yet already possesses a one-star King Realm Cultivation. It's not a waste to see that he wi
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Sword Skills - The Dance of the Goddess of War.
Peng Fai performed a somersault in the air in several turns. His body jumped back a few spears, then landed beautifully on the arena.Then the Junior Sect Master solemnly said,"Master... uh miss... uh... forgive me. You are a lady aren't you? I would like to ask you a question."Peng Fai's voice sounded nervous. For some reason, he felt his heart pounding every time he looked into the eyes of the all-white clothed figure. The figure and the gleam in that person's eyes really felt familiar to Peng Fai.The white-clothed figure let out a melodious laugh. His voice sounded like a melodious songstress in the ears of all those present in the Blue Peak Hall. In a smooth-sounding tone he answered Peng Fai's question,"Cloud Sword Sect Master can directly ask me questions. There is no need for you to feel reluctant.""Very well," Peng Fai replied."A long time ago, perhaps about five or six years ago... The Northern Region here was galvanized by the appearance of someone called the Green-rob
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Goddess of War Dance Skills - Part Two.
"The Cloud Sword Sect is indeed worthy of being called the strongest and most skillful sword sect in the empire.""Never have I witnessed such a high-level battle as the one happening right now" were the discussions of practitioners who had either come because they were invited, or had deliberately made time to witness the grand event in the Cloud Sword Sect.Meanwhile in the battle sky...It seemed that the swordfight was about to end. The Cloud Sword Sect's Junior Master was visibly struggling, as the white-robed figure repeatedly almost scraped Master Peng Fai's robe. But always, the white-robed figure's sword moves were canceled from injuring Master Peng Fai's body.Moments passed, when in a sword slash, Peng Fai intended to dodge, unexpectedly the white robe figure managed to release a palm strike that struck Master Peng Fai in the chest.Master Peng Fai was pushed back, then he floated down on the stage of the competition arena."Junior Master... are you alright?" several elders
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Haughtily Xia Chyou asked Lin Hong, "Didn't you escape our pursuit all this time? This time you have bad luck..." he whinnied laughing"In fact, we have no malicious intentions. We just want to make sure, when that teacher of yours comes out of the gray Xianren Domain, he will hand over the Totem to both of us." The old woman Xia Chyou's voice sounded commanding and irrefutable.Hearing that, Lin Hong fearlessly replied,"You old woman who is about to die of age, instead of you going to repent and give a lot of charity to the poor, but look......." Lin Hong made a face with a disgusted look towards Xia Chyou..."You still look greedy and wish to master the gray Xianren Totem. When my master later exits the domain, I wonder... whether you will still be alive given that cultivation has stalled and not increased. Isn't that why you're actually on the brink of death?" she was truly furious.It was this old granny who ordered many ali to hunt her and Yu Long down, to the point that they we
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The Little Qilin Artifact.
Suma Fen, satisfied that he had frightened the old spirit, instructed, "Then you can help me unite your two spirits. I will transform you both into a new artifact in the form of a perfect Qilin. Do you understand?" said the young man's voice."Yes-yes-yes... you can unite you but don't kill my own spirit" said the deformed artifact."Psssttt...." a flame was again emitted from Suma Fen's hand as he formed a magic fire that burned the two artifacts.Now, there was no more resistance from the two artifact spirits."Now is the time to refine" Suma Fen hissed.At that moment, his Spirit shot out of his physical body in the form of two large hands-which then repeatedly slammed using the power of the DAO Spirit towards the two artifact chunks."Formation process!" ordered Suma Fen in a voice that sounded like a whisper.+++For one day, and two nights, he didn't sleep at all. During that time he was extremely focused on refining the new Qilin artifact.Finally...A small Qilin statue the si
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