Cloud Sword Sect Junior Master.

Just as everyone was falling silent at the tense atmosphere, a voice suddenly broke the frosty atmosphere,

"If I offered to repair the two melted artifacts, would you believe in my abilities?"

All eyes were instantly drawn to where the voice came from. Suma Fen stood up from where the voice came from. He had a slightly embarrassed look on his face as he felt all eyes were on him.

Aqildi Ayel's eyes bulged in disbelief.

"This kid is too young to possess Spirit power in the realm of a Master Spirit SAINT. Does he mean to belittle me by offering himself like that" Aqildi Ayel turned displeased to Suma Fen.

It was different compared to Aqildi Ayel. Patriak Xie instead looked admiringly at Sima Yon. He had been suspicious of this youngster from the start. Other than his high cultivation, it turned out that this youngster had a bit of skill as a Spirit power master.

"What do you mean young man? Are you a refiner?" a displeased tone could be heard in Aqildi Ayel's voice as he reprimanded Sum
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