All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
468 chapters
Rocky Mountains Full of Old Pines.
When the green robe seemed to start executing his attack, there was a rumbling sound accompanied by flashes of lightning as an effect of the technique used. However, when the attack was released, it seemed that the energy coils were like ordinary wind, broadcasting an aura of gentleness."As I suspected. This SAGE originated from the Super Sect on the Western Border. This gentle technique is only practiced by their experts" Suma Fen's brain moved quickly, looking at the gentle attack.According to the rumors circulating among high-class experts, there were some experts in the Western Region Super Sect who practiced using gentle cultivation. Although it looked gentle, in reality, such techniques were extremely dangerous when they hit an opponent.Suma Fen naturally did not dare to act rashly against an opponent who clearly had a cultivation in the SAGE Level three realm. He pumped Ice energy into both hands, preparing for the Green Robe's incoming attack.The sound of a whirlwind could
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Beacon Tower Organization.
Now it was left to the dark black suit who immediately fell into a stunned silence watching the final action launched by the demigods (Suma Fen) who had just risen to the surface in the Central Region,"That guy is really dangerous, he's able to execute sword intent up to the middle level and is able to control wind power (Bianfu Chakra)"After whispering for a while, the black shadow disappeared in the darkness of the night, leaving a lonely aura among the rocky mountains and old pine forests.Jiang Fai, who remained shut up in the spirit boat's chamber, was completely unaware of what was happening outside. Moreover, when the two experts fought, they had left the location of the spirit boat a hundred Lies away... the spirit boat was moving automatically towards the Great Eagle Empire.+++The five practitioners were seated on the second floor of a famous restaurant in Azalea City called "Heavenly Jewel". The choice fell on that restaurant because in addition to having such a culinary
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New Hall of Treasures.
Meirenyu finally got her turn to enter the building called the "Beacon Tower". Having just entered the main courtyard, the view was already presented with a garden setting that left him completely flabbergasted..."Having just begun the journey into the showroom, visitors are already presented with beautiful artworks, and bring about an intoxicating feeling of peace"Meirenyu was amazed, even as she stepped into the Beacon Tower Building,"Well... let's take a look at the inside of this Treasure Institute building that is said to be the best in the Silver Continent"As soon as he-Meirenyu set foot at the very front of the hall, he was immediately greeted by an attractive-looking girl."Noble literary master... welcome to the Hall of the famous Beacon Tower. Please tell us your needs, then the Beacon Tower will help you find the items you desire.""So professional" Meirenyu praised inwardly.The girl then served wine from the tray she always held in her right hand.On the tray was not
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Bianfu Wang Palace.
Meirenyu waited not too long, when an elderly man appeared to come towards the place where she stood in a hurry.Mr. Yan Bai came out of his study as soon as Uncle Gu told him that someone with a jade token wanted to see him."I've returned" was the message of the guest who wanted to see him, Uncle Gu said. Mr. Yan Bai immediately felt his heart beating fast."Has Heaven opened the door of fortune again for our Treasure Hall?"Mr. Yan Bai couldn't wait to meet the person who owned the Jade Token."Is your name Mr. Yan Bai?" the man in literary garb asked kindly as he turned his face towards Mr. Yan Bai.Although he could not hide a disappointed look, Mr. Yan Bai still spoke kindly to the literati."Although this man is no less handsome than him, but this person is not what I imagined. Did our Hall of Treasures really have to disappear from the face of the earth, after 200 years as the most elite institution in the north?" Mr. Yan Bai let out a long breath.He answered the literati's q
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When you wake up.
The fifth bell had just finished ringing in the nearby towns. The faint sound of partridges crowing could be heard. Soon the sun would rise and a new day would begin.A human body was lying on a rock at the edge of an old pine forest that broadcast the distinctive scent of the tree's leaves that morning. The figure still hadn't moved when the sun appeared on the eastern horizon and began to shine down on the pine forest.Vultures, a type of vulture eagle, were seen cawing in the sky, getting ready to pounce on the dying figures lying below them.A sip of tea later when the vultures were about to begin their act, the vultures had to swallow their disappointment. The hand of the man lying on the rock began to move, a sign that the rhythm of life had risen from his figure that had previously looked like a near-dead man.Then in a small murmur the man whispered,"I will not allow you to devour me.""Tsingg!" from his hands flew three pebbles, flying swiftly and hitting the three vultures
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Gate of Pain.
Suma Fen was meditating to repair the damage to his meridians from being secretly attacked. Although he had taken a high-class healing pill, it did not necessarily mean that the internal wounds on his body would instantly heal.Just like any other external wounds, internal wounds needed a process to heal.And to help the key ingredients in the pills to be fully absorbed by the body-leaving no dregs to be disposed of as waste, meditation was necessary to let all the body's meridians absorb the magic ingredients and circulate them to the injured organs.Suma Fen had just finished meditating on absorbing the healing pills, he decided to take a short break and eat some fruit, but his expert instincts told him that a person of extremely high strength was flying very fast towards the old pine forest."The air emanating from this figure contains a very strong murderous intent. Is this the SAGE group that backed me up that night?" thought Suma Fen.He hurriedly entered a cave located under a
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When the First Bell Sounds.
The young man soared through the air at an indescribable speed.But if one could see the way he stepped in the clouds, one would feel shocked. Actually, the young man was not just stepping in the air. Rather, his feet just stood still without moving at all, carried by the rhythm of the surrounding wind. It was the whirlwind that carried him across the sky.Suma Fen did not rush to the Imperial Palace and meet Prince Ju Qin.At that time, while he was flying towards the empire, the Eagle Amulet that he had given to Prince Ju Qin suddenly came to him.There was no image, but a voice message that sounded like Prince Ju Qin's voice..."There's been a big change. The coronation as Crown Prince is canceled. Prince Ju Kai is collaborating with a group of foreign experts and he will be crowned Crown Prince. We are being held captive in a special imperial prison."The secret message carried by the Amulet made Suma Fen feel lucky. Had he not known this secret information, wouldn't he have been
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The waiter ended his whispering after he saw two people dressed all in black, enter the Ni Dei Kouwei Restaurant and take their places, just a few seats away from where Suma Fen was. The waiter's eyes repeatedly glanced as if giving a code to Suma Fen who nodded slowly.The first bugle had just been struck by the traveling bugler, when a noble figure in blue was seen walking leisurely down a quiet street towards the inn where he was staying.Suma Fen snorted coldly, as he felt the aura of the two people who had followed him since he left the restaurant earlier. Right around the corner that led to the place where he was staying, his figure disappeared. Not even his shadow remained.Out of the darkness rushed two people who had been sitting not far from Suma Fen."He has disappeared. I didn't think that person's ability was so great. In less than two blinks of an eye, his figure vanished along with his aura."The other friend said,"Are you sure that that person is the man who was alway
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The Action of the Four Assassins.
Four shadowy figures stood on a steep cliff near the forest, which was not too far from Ju Ying City.The appearance of the four people looked strange if one saw them casually standing on the steep cliff far away from the crowd.One was a beautiful woman in a dress that accentuated her limbs, her long hair let down. That was Yu Mian "The Angel with the Face of Kumala".Standing next to Yu Mian was a writer who never let go of the fan in his hand. His demeanor looks regal like that of a typical scholar. He is Wei Park "Literature without rules".The last one was a beautiful face full of thick makeup, but it was hard to tell whether her gender was female or male. She was Xong Hui Ying "The Life Chasing Demoness".They were all assassins with the title of General in the dangerous Dong Xing Organization.The woman, Yu Mian spoke up to break the silence,"So... what kind of favor do you want from us this time, Mr. Bianfu Wang?"Suma Fen who was still dressed as before, all blue, only cover
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Two Men in Black.
A good amount of money can change a person's appearance from that of a hobo to that of a proper person when spent on facial equipment and proper clothing.Such was the case with the building of the Hall of Treasures. Armed with an abundance of energy stones, Mr. Yan Bai meticulously spent the money again to beautify the Hall of Treasures, so that within two weeks, noticeable changes began to appear.Large quantities of expertly crafted ceramic and pottery ornaments now adorned every corner of the Hall of Treasures. An abandoned vacant lot has been transformed into a beautiful garden that is a feast for the eyes."This requires a lot of money" was the discussion among the workers who carried out the restoration at the Hall of Treasures.Whenever people pass in front of the Balai Harta building, whispers often occur..."Will the Hall of Treasures rise from its ruins?""Where did they get the money from? Weren't they made bankrupt by the Beacon Tower before?""However, I think that when
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