All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
468 chapters
New Treasure Hall.
Inside the warm room, there was a luxurious fireplace, the group's conversation was sometimes interrupted by laughter when laughing at success, Wei Durui and Hui Chunying easily ignited the red rooster and evenly destroyed the Treasure Hall which was actually just a day away from being operational again.Again, accompanying the discussion between the three bigwigs of the Beacon Tower Organization, sometimes a beautiful female waitress came out of the inner room, with her hands holding a tray on which there were beef and chicken dishes steaming with smoke, indicating that they had just come out of the cauldron.Accompanied by the laughter of joy and the influence of the wine, the mischievous hands of the three Suar Tower officials always did not forget to grope the slender waists of the female servants whose faces looked uncomfortable, but tried desperately not to say curse words."Glory only to Our Beacon Tower in all of the Northern Regions here" Kong Ping's nasal voice rang out as h
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Palace Chef Auditions.
Kong Ping, the Head of the Beacon Tower Branch in Azalea City stumbles out of his room, after a night of confinement with a comfort woman he met at an Azalea City entertainment house.He was still sleepy when the male servant knocked loudly on his door and informed him of the unfortunate incident with Wei Durui and Hui Chunying.Kong Ping almost spurted yellow liquid from his stomach when he saw the bodies of his two right-hand men. Fortunately, because of the cold winter air in Azalea City, the corpses of the two people did not have a foul odor."Take down the bodies and give them a proper burial," ordered Kong Ping, who was immediately followed by the security guards at the Beacon Tower."Announce that our Beacon Tower will be out of operation for the next two days" said Kong Ping, followed by the writing of a notice on the gate of the Beacon Tower informing that the Organization was temporarily closed."The Hall of Treasures has a high-skilled wizard?" thought Kong Ping anxiously.
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Xifang Meinu Art Group.
Unlike Yu Mian who had to take an entrance exam to become a palace employee in the kitchen. Wei Park didn't have too much trouble, as he changed into a raggedy shirt that made him look like a malnourished rudin student."Uncle, do you need any laborers to help you?I haven't touched food in two days. Please be merciful enough to let me help you carry the firewood and become a train driver. I don't expect much, just one silver tail per month.As long as you feed me 3 times a day and give me a ride to sleep at night, that's enough" Wei Park put on the saddest face he could.The sight of a miserable-looking student approaching Li Tao, one of the firewood suppliers in the kitchen section of the palace, made the firewood supplier's merchant parents quite surprised.Indeed, Wei Park had been observing at the back of the palace for the past few days, and he had learned that the kitchen section of the Great Rajawali Palace had five regular suppliers of firewood.This Li Tao was one of those f
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Bat Embroidered Handkerchief.
Xong Hui Yung kept a friendly smile on his face. He softly said,"Give me one burnt hio to apply makeup and dress appropriately for this performance."One burnt hio had passed, but the beautiful man had yet to come out of the artist's dressing room. The art troupe leader was getting impatient waiting for the beauty to come out of the dressing room.Just as he was about to shout an order for the beauty to hurry up and finish the audition performance he had promised, suddenly his nose was filled with an intoxicating, enchanting fragrance.Then from inside the dressing room, stepped gracefully a beautiful woman, very beautiful in fact. Dressed like a royal princess, she stepped gracefully towards the strands of rope that would be used as the main tool for the acrobatics performance later. The fragrance of the body perfume she used, seemed to give a feeling of relaxation to anyone.The leader of the art troupe, Mustache, gawked,"A-is he really the beautiful man who said he would be the s
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Invitation to the Coronation of the Crown Prince.
At one point, the ambusher said coldly,"I've played enough!"From the black-clad ambusher's hands flew two objects that Kong Ping knew were the Amulets of attack.In a low hissing voice the ambusher whispered,"Lightning blast!"As if obeying the black-clad ambusher's command, the two Amulets he threw exploded and caused lightning like a storm in the middle of a heavy rain. Kong Ping could not make much noise as he was struck by lightning three times, followed by a slash to the head, sending a fountain of blood out of the headless body.The all-black ambush figure stood still, then he pulled a cheap calico cloth over the body, which had a bat embroidered on it.The figure disappeared like the wind from the training room of the Beacon Tower, leaving the body with its head separated, in a state of disarray.The next day, Azalea City was once again in an uproar, when the Beacon Tower announced that their Chief Representative, Kong Ping had been killed by a secret organization, while tra
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Under the Willow Tree - Part 1.
In fact the man in front of them instead of stepping aside and making a face, instead only let out a laughing sound that made their feelings shaken. The faces of the three people then turned pale as white as paper"Wretch! This man has a SAGE Quasi cultivation. What does he want to block our way? Never once has our Black and White Sect sowed any enmity with this monstrous cultivated person" Lu Huang Fu thought."Dear Lord Demigods, if our Black and White Sect has any enmity or offends your side, please inform Lu Huang Fu.This lowly me will take direct action against the sect members who have offended your side" once again the man gestured towards the Demigods.Sweet were the words that came out of Lu Huang Fu's lips. He was very good at reading the situation, and was not shy about groveling when dealing with a much stronger party."I want the invitation issued by the imperial party.Give it to me and the three of you can return to the Black and White Sect lacking nothing.In fact, I
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Under the Willow Tree - Part 2
The two SAGEs and the five SAINTs walked down the corridor of the Great King Imperial Palace. Meanwhile, Oracle Spirit Suma Fen quietly followed them while keeping his distance.Suma Fen figured that all the prisoners who were his friends were the responsibility of the two SAGEs and the SAINTs, so they must be moving towards the location of the captivity.After about a cup of tea, SAGE and the five SAINTS had walked into a large field at the back of the palace.In the middle of the field grew a giant Willow tree that was about five hundred years old. (This Willow tree is called the Yang Liu tree in China or the Willow tree in the west).Despite its age, the Willow still looked lush, with its trunk constantly swaying when the wind blew.Each of them then leapt into flight, and sat in a lotus position on two of the Willow's leafy branches, standing guard in almost all cardinal directions. The cultivation techniques of top heroes were often performed under such strange conditions and pos
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Within the Amulet of Mirage.
The fourth horn had almost passed, when on the cliff edge of a ravine near Ju Ying Capital, the black masked figure stood with his clothes fluttering in the wind.There was not the slightest sound made by the fluttering of the cloth flapping in the wind, from the loose robes of a public official that the figure wore. That figure was Suma Fen or what they called the Bat King.(when the fourth bell was sounded, it indicated the time was entered between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.)Fei Ma stood patiently, eyes closed, beside his master. The two of them waited for the three experts that they were going to have a secret meeting with in a quiet place where no one would pass by."Suiiittt" the whistling sound that was exerted using high Qi power broke the silence of the early morning.One after another, hitmen like Yu Mian, Wei Park and Xong Hui Yung arrived.Suma Fen then cast the Amulet of Mirage, which magically formed and isolated a room for them so that the secret conversation would not be picked
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When the Drum Beats.
That morning in Ju Ying Capital was filled with the enthusiastic aura of the entire city. It wasn't just the locals who were excited about the coronation of the third Prince Ju Kai as Crown Prince.It was not only the people of Ju Ying City who were excited about the coronation, but also many people from the surrounding cities that were still counted in the Great King Jade Empire, flocked to the capital to witness this momentous occasion. Crowds could be seen queuing at the gates of Ju Ying Capital to witness the rare event.Not only were the largest hotels filled to capacity with invited guests who had no place in the palace, but travelers had also filled the cheap inns in the capital. The city of Ju Ying was literally teeming with a sea of people, all of whom seemed to be full of joy.In the palace itself, things were busy on all sides. The palace kitchens were steaming, with food being prepared to entertain the guests, while servants and court ladies were busy milling around to hel
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The Battle of One Demigod VS Two Demigods.
In a cold tone, Suma Fen replied."It turns out you can recognize me even though I was only a silhouette that night" a smile appeared on the stiff face."The second time I come, I hope you realize, as I promised, I won't be merciful to any of you!" The stiff smile grew wider, and caused hatred in the viewer."Arrogant! You overestimate yourself. Please don't tell me that, when scanning your aura alone, I guessed you were only half a step closer to the realm called SAGE!How dare you act arrogant in front of two SAGE experts. Go on your knees begging for mercy, and I might kill you without pain" the female SAGE snapped. Her face was very dismissive of Suma Fen.When she swung the staff while pointing at Suma Fen. The sound of wind roaring from a weapon containing Qi energy was seen flying and slapping Suma Fen's group. The SAGE released the power of 60 parts of its power.Suma Fen waved his hand, and the ends of his sleeves spread cold energy that easily absorbed the ferocious power th
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