Xifang Meinu Art Group.

Unlike Yu Mian who had to take an entrance exam to become a palace employee in the kitchen. Wei Park didn't have too much trouble, as he changed into a raggedy shirt that made him look like a malnourished rudin student.

"Uncle, do you need any laborers to help you?

I haven't touched food in two days. Please be merciful enough to let me help you carry the firewood and become a train driver. I don't expect much, just one silver tail per month.

As long as you feed me 3 times a day and give me a ride to sleep at night, that's enough" Wei Park put on the saddest face he could.

The sight of a miserable-looking student approaching Li Tao, one of the firewood suppliers in the kitchen section of the palace, made the firewood supplier's merchant parents quite surprised.

Indeed, Wei Park had been observing at the back of the palace for the past few days, and he had learned that the kitchen section of the Great Rajawali Palace had five regular suppliers of firewood.

This Li Tao was one of those f
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