All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
468 chapters
Utilizing Blood for the Water Chakra.
"Tsingg!" the sword thrusts of the opposing SAINT further overwhelmed Xong Hui Yong. He clearly felt outmatched in combat power when facing a sword strike from a white-mustached SAINT who was at SAINT level four.While his cultivation level was still at level two SAINT. The difference in strength between the two felt completely different and made it difficult for Xong Hui Yong.Repeatedly, Xong Hui Yong relied solely on agility techniques while rotating the sword in his hand, in order to perform defense techniques while avoiding the clash of forces."Rest!" boomed the mustachioed SAINT in the 'Twelve Steps of the Death Sword' technique."That's the end of my story!" thought Xong Hui Yung as he was thrown several spears backward with a tight chest.Meanwhile, his opponent, the white-whiskered SAINT, pursued with a deadly stab, the strange Twelve-Step Death Sword technique."Suiitttt" the sword squeaked, locking onto Xong Hui Yong's chest.However, Xong Hui Yong was suddenly reminded of
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Purple Spirit Gloves.
The figures of the seven heroes shot out by blasting open the tunnel door out of the Willow Tree,"Duar!"The small field shook violently when the tunnel door was blasted by Suma Fen. The shock caused the hall where Prince Ju Kai was crowned to shake violently."Intruders!""Intruders!"The coronation hall was instantly thrown into chaos. Ju Kai stared angrily as he saw his inauguration ceremony as Crown Prince come to a halt,"Insolent! Someone is deliberately sabotaging this inauguration ceremony."Ju Kai shouted loudly"Sabotage! Rebels are trying to sabotage this inauguration. Find the source and kill them off!""Wush - Wush"Hundreds of experts flew into the small field at the back of the palace. The experts consisted of hundreds of envoys from the Nine-Star and Eight-Star Sects and Clans. Everyone was curious to see who had dared to make a scene at the grand inauguration ceremony.As Suma Fen and his friends emerged from their prison cell, and had just taken a breath of fresh ai
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Sunflower Sect & Western Sunlight Sect - Part I.
The noisy atmosphere in the hall fell silent as the light from the lamp that used phosphorescent stones shone onto the stage, toward the figure that had just appeared.Mr. Yan Bai smilingly made an opening speech explaining the history of the establishment of the Hall of Treasures, until their current revival. The faces of the invited guests began to show boredom, when Mr. Yan Bai explained the history of the Hall of Treasures at length.Realizing that the invited guests were getting bored, Mr. Yan Bai immediately changed the subject."So without further ado, our New Hall of Treasures is pleased to introduce 'Mr. Morenyu', who will preside over the auction for the opening of our New Hall of Treasures!"When Mr. Yan Bai disappeared backstage, suddenly a shadowy figure could be seen flying swiftly, standing hovering in the middle of the hall."Suiitt!"The phosphor stone lamp came back to life and clearly highlighted the appearance of the newly appeared figure in full light."Apparently
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Sunflower Sect & Western Ufuk Sun Sect - Part Two.
You should know, due to the lack of resources in the North of the silver continent, the cultivation of the average expert is very far compared to other parts of the continent.Practitioners of the Five Star King Realm level are extremely high cultivations, which are generally only possessed by large sects.Of course, Li Fang Hua's request was completely ignored by the other major sects. Niu Li-liang for example. The Western Ufuk Sun Sect Master was extremely determined to possess the Purple Gloves.He ignored Li Fang Hua, and bid a higher price."45,000 energy stones!" he sneered as he glanced at Li Fang Hua, completely unafraid of the woman.Instantly Li Fang Hua's chest nearly exploded in rage. She had fingered the hilt of the Sunflower-embroidered sword with a trembling hand. Niu Li-liang, on the other hand, was pretending to be indifferent.The more the fire burned in the Sunflower Sect's fierce woman's chest. Unexpectedly, her body sped up as fast as a shadow with a sword pointed
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Chapter 413, The Three Experts of the Beacon Tower.
At that time, the hall of the New Treasure Hall was in an uproar because of the auction of the 5 Thunder Explosive Amulets, which were distilled by the DAO Inscription Master... without anyone noticing it, a giant spirit animal in the form of a giant crane flew in the sky and quickly approached Azalea City.A sip of tea later, three shadows of high-skilled Practitioners swooped down, flying as fast as lightning towards Azalea City.If one looked carefully, the cultivation levels of the three were at the peak Boundless Realm realm (B8 and B9) while one had the cultivation rank of the Holy Enlightenment Realm Quasi.+++"For these five Amulet items, our Treasure Hall is offering a price of only 5,000 energy stones. Each bid on this item is a multiple of 1,000 energy stones.Please bid" Mr. Morenyu ended his lecture."6000 energy stones""7000 energy stones""Give it to me, 10,000 energy stones""Huh it's not that easy.. 12,000 energy stones!"A price battle ensued in the room. It was a
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Ice Storm Curse - Spell Number 7.
After saying that, Mr. Morenyu's body disappeared from the height above, and one could only see a beam of light as fast as a meteor, striking the three practitioners of the Beacon Tower. It was so fast that people's ears could hear the sound of arrows being shot by a bow.In a state of shock, the three Beacon Tower experts immediately formed a defensive technique stance. Swords glittered as the three drew their swords and pointed them at the light flashing toward them."Trang-trang-trang" the sound of three weapons clashing was deafening. It was followed by the fall of three junk swords as if they were broken by the impact.As for the three beacon tower experts, they were still standing with their eyes bulging. Everyone saw the necks of the three people bleeding, as if they were sliced with a sharp object.The situation was again chaotic when the three beacon tower experts suddenly became a fountain of blood, where their heads now fell rolling on the floor. That was how fast Mr. Moren
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Wei Park and the Earth Lord.
Ju Kai's face broke into a devilish smile, from his hands the lightning flashed incessantly and tried to damage the array.Suma Fen smiled and said,"Weren't you the brains behind the Qilin Clan's seizure of the Artifact? It seems that the resources provided by your mysterious sect in the West have been exhausted to support your ambitions of becoming a SAGE."Suma Fen deliberately displayed two small Qilin statues whose spirits had been absorbed some time ago. Seeing those two objects, Prince Ju Kai's face turned unpleasant. He angrily said,"So you're the culprit that those artifacts that I was supposed to have ended up in a mess!"Ju Kai increased his strength. If he had previously only exerted 60 parts of his Qi energy, he now increased his strength to 80 parts. The protective array began to look shaky and about to explode.Until no more than halfway through the burning of the hio, a loud explosion sound rang out, as the Willow Tree's field-wrapping array fell apart."Tsing-tsing-t
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Liao Qion - Part One.
Upon Wei Park's departure with Ju Lianyi, Mr. Earth pulled the sword out of his hand. He now flew back quickly to greet the spirit ship that was chasing after them."Wush - wush" the roar of the wind erected goosebumps, due to the sound of the spirit ship splitting the wind, darting quickly towards Mr. Earth."Let's die together!" roared the earth lord. He formed a seal on his chest which then shot out a sword aura that struck towards the two spirit ships."Tsing!"Suddenly, twenty figures flew out from the direction of the spirit ship while holding spears. The movements of the twenty soldiers were extremely fast. On their backs were ropes that regulated their agility and movement speed."Rest!" snapped the twenty soldiers together. The roar of spear stabs containing thick Qi rumbled, slamming towards the Earth Lord.Those twenty people were the twenty elite troops of the Great Eagle Empire's army commanded by Captain Liao Quon. The captain stood fiercely on the bridge of the spirit s
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Liao Qion - Part Two.
It was apparently the weak-looking man in the sling who ordered them to stop earlier."Commander Ju Lianyi!" said the voice of the people who recognized the man as Ju Lianyi, the seventh prince's teacher."Captain Liao Quon, if you want to kill that man... Then you must also aim those arrows at me" Ju Lianyi looked into the eyes of the now downcast Liao Quon. Ju Lianyi used to be his superior. But now they met in a different situation.Liao Quon was silent for a moment, then said."Commander Ju Lianyi. Master can continue his journey alone, going away from here. I will not obstruct.However... Those two people must be restrained by me. They are the rebels who broke into our palace." Liao Quon was now not as fierce as before."Captain Laio Quon, are you referring to all those who intended to help free our Seventh Prince from custody, after being accused of being rebels.Do you really believe the slanderous news that Prince Ju Qin is now a hunted person in the Empire?What a pity... I o
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The Fugitives.
A few days later, everyone mourned when Mr. Earth finally breathed his last. Indeed, the condition of Mr. Bumi's injuries was already severe.According to Mr. Awan, because Mr. Bumi used the Ultimate Technique of the Sky-Scribing Sword Art, all of his energy was drained and the impact of the spears and arrows during the battle made the energy source in his dantian dissipate. Under such conditions, the healing of internal wounds could not take place properly.Earth Master was buried on Du Hua Mountain, with a simple ceremony consisting of the escape group's practitioners as well as the Du Hua Sect Master.Everyone was deeply grieved and saddened by Master Earth's passing. Especially Prince Ju Qin and Ju Lianyi. This Earth Lord sacrificed to defend Ju Qin from the third Prince's dictatorship."In the future when all is well again... I will not forget the services of the Religion of Light," Prince Ju Qin promised Mr. Awan.+++"We've grieved enough for the departure of Lord Earth. And th
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