Liao Qion - Part Two.

It was apparently the weak-looking man in the sling who ordered them to stop earlier.

"Commander Ju Lianyi!" said the voice of the people who recognized the man as Ju Lianyi, the seventh prince's teacher.

"Captain Liao Quon, if you want to kill that man... Then you must also aim those arrows at me" Ju Lianyi looked into the eyes of the now downcast Liao Quon. Ju Lianyi used to be his superior. But now they met in a different situation.

Liao Quon was silent for a moment, then said.

"Commander Ju Lianyi. Master can continue his journey alone, going away from here. I will not obstruct.

However... Those two people must be restrained by me. They are the rebels who broke into our palace." Liao Quon was now not as fierce as before.

"Captain Laio Quon, are you referring to all those who intended to help free our Seventh Prince from custody, after being accused of being rebels.

Do you really believe the slanderous news that Prince Ju Qin is now a hunted person in the Empire?

What a pity... I o
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