Stranded Stranger

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Stranded Stranger

By: Author Warren II OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 33 views: 208

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Shawn Pendragon, a seventeen-year-old boy, was living an ordinary life on earth. He was a student at Jefferson High School. Just like other people, he had a low profile. He loved keeping things private, never posting on social media about what was going on in his life, and never trusting anyone, not even his own family and closest friends. That day, about one o'clock in the afternoon, Shawn and his best friend, Justin Meyer, were crossing the highway when a rushing ambulance suddenly appeared. His friend managed to survive, but he was unfortunately hit and died on the spot. That ambulance didn't have a chance to bring him to a hospital; he was brought to a morgue instead. "Where am I?" Shawn wondered when he opened his eyes and found out he was lost in the middle of nowhere. It was a place he had never been; it wasn't familiar at all, and everything seemed different . . .

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33 chapters
Chapter One: Stranger
"Where am I?" Shawn wondered when he opened his eyes and found out he was lost in the middle of nowhere. It was a place he had never been; it wasn't familiar at all, and everything seemed different."What's going on here?" he asked again, seeing dust floating with the wind, creating a tornado. "What the hell? Is this a joke?" He screamed in shock and ran as the tornado became greater than he anticipated."Stop!" An unfamiliar girl, wearing a lilac shirt and pants, shouted at him. She had long, straight black hair and violet eyes that were sharp as daggers. She moved swiftly towards him and asked, "What are you doing here, stranger?""Stranger?" Shawn replied in a curious tone. "I don't know; I don't know what I am doing here. Am I not dead yet? Aren't you an angel fallen from heaven?" He lightly scratched his head and smiled like this was a joke before saying, "I think I'm lost.""What are you talking about? Of course you're lost; you might have been from another kingdom, because you
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Chapter Two: Adventurer's Guild
Days before, Shawn was living an ordinary life on earth. He was a student at Jefferson High School. Just like other people, he had a low profile. He loved keeping things private, never posting on social media about what was going on in his life, and never trusting anyone, not even his own family.That day, about one o'clock in the afternoon, he and his best friend, Justin, were crossing the highway when a rushing ambulance suddenly appeared. His friend managed to survive, but he was hit and died on the spot. That ambulance didn't have a chance to bring him to a hospital; he was brought to a morgue instead.He would usually crack a joke to his classmates, telling them that if they were tired of their lives, they should not worry because there was free makeup in a funeral home, but he couldn't imagine or never expect that he would taste that free makeup first."Hang in there, Shawn!" were the last words he heard from his friend before everything turned dark. He wished he had lost his vi
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Chapter Three: Forbidden Forest
Shawn was shocked by what he saw as he opened his eyes. Ava was inside his room, sleeping beside him, and they were hugging each other.He was dumbfounded for a while, then he quickly withdrew his arms and stood up to avoid being misinterpreted, but he didn't know what to do as his ugly thoughts began swirling around his head.He didn't know how this woman got inside his room; he couldn't recall anything. Was there something that happened between them?"You're awake?" Ava asked in a sleepy tone. She rubbed her eyelids and gazed at Shawn. "You looked shocked; is there something wrong?""Nothing, um, by the way, what are you doing in my room?" Shawn asked while holding a bolster."Your room?" Ava asked and looked around. "What am I doing here?" She suddenly stood up and walked towards Shawn, thinking about what happened last night. She couldn't even sleep because he kept snoring and squeezing her breasts.Shawn was surprised by what Ava did next. Her palm left a reddish mark on his skin
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Chapter Four: Encounter
Shawn arrived at the front of the vast Forbidden Forest. He saw a placard nailed to a huge oak tree. It warned him to take care of the dangerous creatures such as creepers, which explode, skeletons that shoot arrows, zombies, and aggressive Endermen that might be strolling around.Without hesitation, Shawn began his journey to the forest. While walking, he glanced at the monochrome drawing Emma gave him before he left the capital. He started looking around for the thought that he might find what he was looking for.He found other plants such as nether wart, kelp, vines, poppy, azure bluet, oxeye daisy, rose bush, and tulips, but he hadn't seen any clover plants yet. He also encountered some slimes leaping around, but they weren't dangerous at all because of their low levels."It's too early to give up," Shawn reminded himself, and he continued his journey. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult to get one.As he walked in the woodland, he saw an orc approaching him from the bu
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Chapter Five: Possession
It wasn't easy to take the clover leaves since there were many orcs watching over them. Without hesitation, Shawn did his best to help Alice kill them because it was his task after all, and he also wanted to become stronger.It was quite convenient to have the equipment he borrowed from the adventurer's guild, as he used it to attack the orcs and defend himself. He wasn't hurt due to his silvery-white armor, and he could fight the orcs using his sword.“Are you okay?" Alice asked and slashed an orc that growled behind her. She had fully mastered her skills as a superspeed, and killing those orcs was just a piece of cake for her, unlike Shawn, who was already struggling. “Do you need help? It seems like you can't defeat an average-size orc.""What? An average-size? How can you say that if it is the largest orc I have ever seen?" Shawn asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.Alice laughed at him mockingly and sneered, "Please step back, mister strange. Let me handle this ogre before it c
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Chapter Six: Demonic Dragon
Florence Elmore told the old man that Ash was possessed due to his inability to control his power. It was natural that he couldn't resist Lynx's possession if he couldn't manipulate his skills, and there was only one solution he could think of to solve this problem."What did you say, master?" Ava asked as she suddenly stood up from her chair beside the table inside the dining room where they were having dinner."I respect your decision to let my brother join the Adventurer's Guild, but you should know how dangerous it could be for a kid like him," she added."Don't worry, Ava. I will protect your brother," Shawn said with a smirk on his face."No, I can't trust my brother's safety to a weak stranger like you. Besides, you can't even protect yourself from a single orc, so how can you protect him?" Ava asked in a worried tone."I will train harder and become immortal, so that you won't have to worry about your brother anymore," Shawn replied while slightly scratching his nape. He didn'
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Chapter Seven: Overprotective
Earlier, Ash was walking unconsciously like a zombie in the kitchen when he got possessed. He took a knife from a cupboard; fortunately, the old man found him before he got himself killed. Ash fought with him, so the old man decided to tie him up and wait for Florence.Even though he was a strong sorcerer, the old man knew that he couldn't deal with a possessed person. All he could do was ask for help from an exorcist.Florence was known in their land for his ability to expel evil spirits from a person or even places. He also studied at the Land of Dusk Academy and became a master; then he earned a living by doing his passion.There were times when in almost every place there were possessions happening. If it weren't for him and his apprentice, they would never recover from that epidemic.Ava stood up and asked worriedly, "Dammit! Why didn't you inform me? He might have gone somewhere dangerous again."Ava knew that her brother wouldn't go somewhere without telling her, especially whe
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Chapter Eight: Masked Devil
After the registration, Ash was officially part of the guild. Emma gave him his guild card, and he dropped some blood on it, just like Shawn did before. It was his first time to meet those adventurers, but he really got along well with them.Due to their openness and sarcasm, Ash became more excited to work with them. He wanted to see their real strength when it came to fighting. He also wanted to fight strong opponents.Ash, Ava, the old man, and Shawn had so much fun with other adventurers that they hadn't noticed the sun setting on the horizon, and dusk had already gathered. The wolves were howling in the twilight."We should find a place where you can stay," Ava suggested. "It's getting dark already, and it's dangerous for us to go home just by walking, especially since there are zombies strolling around at night.""Ehhhhh? Zombies?" Shawn asked. "For real? I never thought they existed in this world.""Yes, they do. Look, there's one behind you!" Ava said, pointing behind Shawn.S
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Chapter Nine: Attack and Defend
"Aren't we going to take a quest today, brother?" Ash asked. He was so excited to take on a quest and fight monsters in the forbidden forest. It had been a week since the last time they had a quest.He had been practicing these days, but he had made no progress at all. He wondered why he was given this power that he couldn't really manipulate. What'd happen to him if there was an enemy and he still couldn't use his power?"How I wish I could master this skill soon." Ash sighed deeply. Whenever he summons the wind, it causes trouble. The amount of elements was always too much for him to control. How could he defeat the demon lord who killed his parents if that's all he can do?"How about you, brother? Have you found out what your power is?" Ash asked."No, I don't have any idea about my power yet. But I hope I can find it out soon so that I can fight the demon lord along with those adventurers," Shawn replied."That's hard for you, brother. I may not know how it feels to have no power,
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Chapter Ten: King Orc the Great
"We're finally here!" Ava panted as she jumped down from her broomstick, and so did Shawn. "Where's my brother?" she asked, looking around.She saw him ahead, sitting on the ground with Alice and the old man. They were in a vast grassland. She walked towards them and noticed that his face was full of bruises, as if he had been in a shootout."I told you not to do that, Ash!" Ava scolded. "Look what happened to your face!" She was so worried that she couldn't stop herself from rebuking him."Don't worry, sister!" Ash smiled, showing that he lost one of his fore teeth, making him look like a badass anime kid. "That was a great rehearsal for me.""Great rehearsal?" Ava asked angrily. "After what happened to your face, you'll call it a rehearsal. Where's your brain, Ash? Have you lost it?""I'm sorry to interrupt, but we don't have much time left, guys!" Alice interrupted when she saw something beyond the grassland. "The monsters are approaching this way.""Ash, please don't fight for now
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