The Mysterious Morgan Johnson

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The Mysterious Morgan Johnson

By: Shuyu Bee OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 149

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Morgan has always liked Lyndsey since childhood but was rejected due to his background. His marriage was arranged, Morgan married Lyndsey and became the son-in-law of the Brown family. However, Morgan and Lyndsey’s marriage after marriage was not happy, because Lyndsey liked her ex-boyfriend, so after getting married for a few months, she didn’t even let Morgan touch her body. Mother-in-law and younger brother-in-law also often trouble Morgan, constantly mocking him, even withholding Morgan’s monthly salary and only giving him a few hundred dollars as pocket money. Morgan had thought of resisting, but because his father, Patrick Johnson, had heart disease and owed the Brown family sixty thousand, he could only endure and live in grievance under the roof of the Brown family. Will he be able to survive the humiliation?

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12 chapters
Lyndsey stumbled in the hotel lobby, her legs trembling and her steps unsteady. Excessive alcohol had made her lose control of herself. In her confusion, she attempted to steady herself, but only managed to fall to the ground with a thud. Morgan quickly approached her, trying to prevent Lyndsey from falling again. "Lyndsey, let me help you," Morgan said. But Lyndsey roughly pushed Morgan's hand away, grumbling in a slurred voice, "I'm fine on my own, Morgan! I don't need your help." Morgan was accustomed to Lyndsey's rejections, but he also knew he couldn't let Lyndsey lie sprawled in the hotel lobby like this. Not only were hotel staff still milling about, but there were also many wedding guests coming and going. Though irritated by Lyndsey's words, Morgan remained composed, though his anger showed on his face. They were out of town for Lyndsey's cousin's wedding, and with many wedding guests staying at this hotel, it wouldn't be amusing if he were caught by them neglecting his
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Their battle had concluded in the early hours of the morning. Just before drifting into unconsciousness, Lyndsey whispered, "... I love you."Morgan knew those words weren't directed at him, but hearing them made him happy. He responded with a whisper by Lyndsey's ear, "Yeah, I know."He didn't immediately sleep but instead helped clean Lyndsey's body and gently placed her back in bed. He lay beside her carefully, ignoring her habit of cursing and swearing, when she slept, her face looked very soft and sweet.Morgan reached out to touch her face, caressing it softly."Um... don't disturb me, Trav..." Lyndsey's sigh was heard as she brushed away the hand stroking her face, then returned to sleep after finding a comfortable position in his embrace.Morgan felt angry, but his emotions quickly subsided once he felt Lyndsey's movements in his arms.As a former soldier, he wasn't easily tempted by a woman, but Lyndsey was different. She wasn't just any woman who came and went quickly, she
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"No, I don't agree with you going alone to meet that man," Morgan said from the side, seeming to hide his concern.Lyndsey stared at him sharply, ignoring him, then said to her secretary, "Meet at Hotel Frost, okay. Tell Mr. Torrent that I can meet him tonight. Yes, I'll be back in Vanguard City now."Knowing that Lyndsey would meet Mr. Torrent at Hotel Frost, a top-class hotel in Vanguard City, their hometown, Morgan became even more upset, staring at Lyndsey firmly.After a few more words, the phone call between Lyndsey and her secretary ended."Listen to me, don't go to meet Mr. Torrent," Morgan said again anxiously, trying to convince Lyndsey not to go to meet Mr. Torrent.What people might know is that Mr. Torrent is just a wealthy and successful man with a very good background, but as a soldier with little previous connections, he knows very well what Mr. Torrent is really like.The man is a womanizer, he often manipulates and even rapes women. After demeaning these women, he wo
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Morgan, with a dark expression, burst into the hotel like a madman. It didn't matter that he was dressed in high-end clothes and looked like a young gentleman, but he entered the hotel area in his super simple attire. Consequently, it made the security guard on duty stare at him suspiciously and stop him."Excuse me, Sir, you are not allowed to enter the hotel," said the security guard firmly, blocking his path.Appearing like a demon incarnate, Morgan stared sharply at the security guard, his whole aura strong and oppressive. This made the security guard fearful, thinking that this person had truly come to cause trouble, so he had to stop him from entering or something bad would happen.The security guard lowered his gaze slightly and with coercion in his voice, he said again, "Sir, I'm sorry, you can't-""Move aside." Without letting the sentence finish, Morgan pushed the security guard's body to clear his way.The security guard almost fell, trying to chase after him and shouting t
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A few moments before the commotion outside.Inside the room, Mr. Torrent appeared very pleased as he had successfully drugged Lyndsey, the woman he had been targeting for a long time.Seeing the woman who moments ago was strong and dignified now lying helpless, defenseless, and completely submissive, intensified his desire. How to put it, Mr. Torrent liked someone like her, appearing strong but ending up weak and whimpering beneath him, crying out for him.It made him feel satisfied, like he had tamed a wild animal.With a wide grin, he pulled out a camera. Skillfully adjusting the device, he placed it in a position that would clearly capture the image of the beautiful figure on the bed.He peeked to adjust the angle and murmured, "Nice!"Then he walked over to the bed.Daniel Torrent, or commonly known as Mr. Torrent, was the chairman of the Infinity Group, a prominent figure in Vanguard City with business interests spanning several fields. Moreover, he also had quite a few connectio
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After defeating one by one the guards in front of the door, Morgan angrily attempted to open it. Earlier, he had checked the guard's trouser pockets and found no key, so he kicked the door open.His hands clenched tightly and trembled with anger.*Gently, Mr. Torrent stroked Lyndsey's cheek, but she turned her face away in disgust, avoiding his touch. As if the gentle caress were a knife aimed at her, ready to destroy her.However, Mr. Torrent was in a good mood, so he didn't take offense at her action, only tightening his grip on her soft jaw."Don't be too stubborn, your efforts will be in vain," he warned with a repulsive, tempting voice.Lyndsey stared at the face she once admired and praised for being better than her useless husband. However, she later realized that her husband was slightly better. At least he didn't humiliate her and treat her like a commodity that could be bought with a little profit.Moreover, Morgan always worried about her, although sometimes that attitude
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Upon hearing Lyndsey's weak call, Morgan unconsciously let out a long sigh of relief. She felt relieved, at least she hadn't arrived too late, Lyndsey hadn't suffered too much harm.Morgan came to help straighten out her clothes a bit and reassure her, "Don't worry, I'm here now.""Um..." mumbled Lyndsey in response. Her body was still weak and under the influence of anesthesia, but her mind was very clear; she knew the situation a moment ago had been very dangerous and unfavorable.If Morgan hadn't come, she might... Lyndsey didn't even dare to think about it anymore. Comfortably, she felt the warmth of Morgan's hand stroking her back gently, and his strong body embracing her, slowly calming her down.After patting her back a few times, Morgan released their embrace, saying, "Wait here, there's still something I need to do."Not knowing what Morgan was going to do, Lyndsey let him go. She trusted that he wouldn't leave her.Under Lyndsey's gaze, Morgan stood up and walked towards the
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Ignoring what was happening there, Morgan took off his coat and put it on Lyndsey, who was still under the influence of anesthesia.Lyndsey's body was limp, especially after her struggle a few moments ago to stay conscious. So, once she felt safe, she immediately leaned against Morgan's body.“Morgan…,” she called weakly, as if making sure that she had indeed been rescued. Her hand also tightly gripped his clothes.Morgan liked it when Lyndsey clung to him like this, but he felt heartbroken thinking about the reason behind her behavior. It would be better if this woman clung to him because she liked him, not because of a disaster.And if he could choose, it would be better if Lyndsey behaved arrogantly as usual, but she was fine rather than like this.Holding her tighter, Morgan comforted her by saying, “I'm here, I'll take you away from here, and we'll go home.”After hearing that answer, Lyndsey's body completely relaxed, as if surrendering everything to him and almost losing consci
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Morgan carried Lyndsey into the room. It was well past the bedtime of the Brown family members, so nobody noticed them, especially Lyndsey's condition.They were almost at their room when Lyndsey regained consciousness. Seeing Morgan's sharp jawline when she opened her eyes made her slightly confused. Then she remembered what had just happened and realized that the man carrying her was Morgan, her husband.Feeling the movement of the person in his arms, Morgan looked down, their gazes met. At that moment, Lyndsey was surprised to find tenderness in his eyes, which made her slightly contemplative.With Morgan's distinctive voice echoing, he said, "We've reached home."As soon as he finished his sentence, the bedroom door opened.Hearing that, Lyndsey became alert again, she shifted her gaze from his face and looked towards the familiar room.Stopping Morgan from taking her into the room, Lyndsey quickly said, "M-Morgan, put me down... I can manage on my own."There was a crease in Morg
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The next day, Morgan woke up earlier than usual. As soon as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Lyndsey's sleeping face.It was a new sight for him considering that during their marriage, he usually slept secretly in the guest room if not known by his father-in-law, and sometimes if he had to sleep in the room, he would sleep on the sofa instead of being in the same bed as Lyndsey.Morgan gazed at Lyndsey for a moment, recalling her attitude the night before, it seemed like their relationship could improve.He reached out to touch Lyndsey's black hair and murmured, "I'll help you deal with last night's issues."With a thin smile on his lips, Morgan got out of bed, went to the bathroom to freshen up. Even after almost half an hour in the bathroom, Lyndsey was still sound asleep.Morgan went to the balcony to contact someone.Once the phone call connected, the excited voice on the other end echoed, "Young Master, you've contacted me again, this is truly a blessing."Morgan li
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