Morgan, with a dark expression, burst into the hotel like a madman. It didn't matter that he was dressed in high-end clothes and looked like a young gentleman, but he entered the hotel area in his super simple attire. Consequently, it made the security guard on duty stare at him suspiciously and stop him.

"Excuse me, Sir, you are not allowed to enter the hotel," said the security guard firmly, blocking his path.

Appearing like a demon incarnate, Morgan stared sharply at the security guard, his whole aura strong and oppressive. This made the security guard fearful, thinking that this person had truly come to cause trouble, so he had to stop him from entering or something bad would happen.

The security guard lowered his gaze slightly and with coercion in his voice, he said again, "Sir, I'm sorry, you can't-"

"Move aside." Without letting the sentence finish, Morgan pushed the security guard's body to clear his way.

The security guard almost fell, trying to chase after him and shouting to other guards inside, "Stop him!"

A small commotion ensued, people seeing his grim face dared not act rashly, and the lobby manager on duty immediately approached.

"What's going on?" he asked loudly, but still controlled. He saw Morgan's figure looking ordinary, but his aura was anything but weak.

Because there were too many people there, he was forced to stop. Making his mood even worse. He heard the security guard explaining the situation and accusing him of causing trouble, Morgan frowned.

"I didn't come to cause trouble, but I came to take my wife home."

Hearing what he said, the people who heard it exchanged looks that were hard to interpret.

How could they not, he came to this luxury hotel to take his wife home, isn't that something strange? Look at his appearance, what kind of clothes he's wearing, those shoes, that cheap watch, ... yes, forget about his handsome face and his somewhat intimidating aura at the moment.

They thought that it's impossible for an ordinary person's wife like that to enter this hotel, or at most the wife in question is sleeping with a rich man to make money because she's tired of living poor with her husband.

The lobby manager sighed inwardly, suppressing his mockery, and said with a tone that sounded arrogant, "Your wife is not here, Sir, you better go back and not cause any more trouble."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Morgan took out his phone, dialed the number he had when he was still in Emberford City, and gave a brief command, "Talk to someone from Frost Hotel."

The people listening scoffed as they heard him speak. Even if the person talking to him said something to them, nothing could be changed.

Morgan didn't care about them, so he handed his phone to the lobby manager and let him speak. It didn't take long, the arrogance on the lobby manager's face was immediately replaced with a humble attitude, which influenced the security guard.

After the call ended, the lobby manager handed the phone to Morgan respectfully and said, "Sir, forgive us for the recklessness of the security guard here. We will not obstruct you anymore."

He also instructed the security guard to apologize to Morgan. And they apologized repeatedly.

Ignoring their apologies, Morgan took hurried steps. This time no one stopped him and he smoothly went up to the upper floor.

He had obtained Mr. Torrent's room number and his goal was very clear now. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw some of Mr. Torrent's guards standing in front of the door, chatting.

Guard 1 spoke plainly, "The woman Boss brought this time looks very beautiful, hey imagine having a woman like that under you."

Guard 2 replied by nudging his friend, "Lower your voice, if Boss hears, he'll cut your junior off."

"Sigh," Guard 1's breath could be heard, then he continued, "It's a shame."

Guard 3, who had been silent from the start, now spoke up, "But the boss is probably making another film this time, if he's in a good mood, he'll let us watch it."

"Ah, you're right. At least there's still hope to see that woman. But unfortunately, the woman is drugged, if they did it while conscious, it would be more thrilling!"

"Tsk, you."

Listening to their filthy talk about his wife, Morgan felt immense anger in his heart that was difficult to contain. Especially when he knew that his wife was drugged and would still be recorded.

With tightly clenched fists and a hard jaw, he approached them.

Of course, these guards were not pushovers, they were trained and among the best among their peers, hence their employment on the side of Mr. Torrent, the big boss. They immediately stopped him. One of them asked sternly, "Who are you?"

Morgan didn't respond and just stared at them sharply.

The guards, experienced as they were, became even more alert.

"Get out of here, don't stir up trouble or you won't see the sunrise tomorrow!"

As the guards tried to push him, Morgan moved first, twisting the guard's hand and a fight ensued, causing a commotion. The floor was an exclusive area of Mr. Torrent's, so there were no security guards there except for his few private guards.

One guard pulled out a knife, with anger on his face, he stabbed Morgan from behind.

Unfortunately, Morgan had good instincts and reflexes, not only did he manage to dodge, but he also counterattacked by twisting the man's neck, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

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