A few moments before the commotion outside.

Inside the room, Mr. Torrent appeared very pleased as he had successfully drugged Lyndsey, the woman he had been targeting for a long time.

Seeing the woman who moments ago was strong and dignified now lying helpless, defenseless, and completely submissive, intensified his desire. How to put it, Mr. Torrent liked someone like her, appearing strong but ending up weak and whimpering beneath him, crying out for him.

It made him feel satisfied, like he had tamed a wild animal.

With a wide grin, he pulled out a camera. Skillfully adjusting the device, he placed it in a position that would clearly capture the image of the beautiful figure on the bed.

He peeked to adjust the angle and murmured, "Nice!"

Then he walked over to the bed.

Daniel Torrent, or commonly known as Mr. Torrent, was the chairman of the Infinity Group, a prominent figure in Vanguard City with business interests spanning several fields. Moreover, he also had quite a few connections with thugs. Because of this background, he could freely engage in morally reprehensible activities, knowing he would always be safe.

Nothing scared him as long as he had money and power.

Unconscious Lyndsey lay on the bed, looking alluring as if inviting a man.

Mr. Torrent licked his lips, his gaze appearing lecherous. With enthusiasm, he began to touch the woman's smooth legs, caressing them obsessively, then kissing them until he felt satisfied.

Gazing at that beautiful face, with its full, glossy red lips and slightly flushed cheeks. Her black hair cascaded, some strands still clinging to her shoulders.

"Darling, let's continue," Mr. Torrent whispered huskily.

Mr. Torrent brought his face closer, closer and closer. The scent of perfume mingled with the sweet scent of the owner's body, making him more excited. Then his lips fell upon those lips. He kissed Lyndsey passionately, regardless of whether she was conscious or not.

The kiss grew increasingly dominant, causing the recipient to feel choked, making breathing more difficult. Because of this, Lyndsey slowly regained consciousness little by little. She blinked, processing her situation.

When she realized the presence of a stranger, she tried to resist by hitting the man's shoulder who was kissing her.

Mr. Torrent was clearly surprised, but he did not panic. He calmly released their kiss and said, "Oh, you are awake? Well then, let's continue, it will be more enjoyable."

The smirk on the man's lips was caught by Lyndsey, making her panic and feel afraid. Especially the feeling of disgust.

Lyndsey struggled even more to resist, squirming, trying to free herself from the man's touch. However, only to realize that her body felt weak. She had been drugged.

"Calm down, sweetheart," Mr. Torrent said, then warned, "The harder you struggle, the rougher you will be treated! But, I will be gentle and make you feel good."

"Let me go!" Lyndsey squirmed again with her remaining strength. “Please … do not do this .…”

This made Mr. Torrent annoyed. "Ah, what are you saying? Begging to be violated harshly? Fine, I will give you what you want."

He pressed the woman's hand with one hand, while the other hand moved around Lyndsey's body, slowly uncovering the skirt she was wearing and pulling the shoulder strap until it tore. A smooth naked body lay before him, beautiful and enticing.

The wide and satisfied smile on his lips looked repulsive in the panicked eyes of Lyndsey.

"...please, let me go… I will do anything, but not this .…" Lyndsey cried softly, tears streaming down her face.

Instead of feeling pity and releasing her, Mr. Torrent became even more excited. What he liked the most was the desperation and cries of a woman. Those teary eyes looked so beautiful and tempting, the desperate voice, and the futile struggle. All of it made his blood boil.

"Don't be afraid, specifically for you, I will pay compensation. Don't you need funds for that small company? I can help you, as long as you satisfy me and be obedient."

Hearing that, Lyndsey's eyes widened. Not surprised let alone moved by Mr. Torrent's generosity, but shocked because of the man's dirty thinking and arbitrary attitude, which was very far from the image spread outside.

She felt even more disgusted with the man.

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