After defeating one by one the guards in front of the door, Morgan angrily attempted to open it. Earlier, he had checked the guard's trouser pockets and found no key, so he kicked the door open.

His hands clenched tightly and trembled with anger.


Gently, Mr. Torrent stroked Lyndsey's cheek, but she turned her face away in disgust, avoiding his touch. As if the gentle caress were a knife aimed at her, ready to destroy her.

However, Mr. Torrent was in a good mood, so he didn't take offense at her action, only tightening his grip on her soft jaw.

"Don't be too stubborn, your efforts will be in vain," he warned with a repulsive, tempting voice.

Lyndsey stared at the face she once admired and praised for being better than her useless husband. However, she later realized that her husband was slightly better. At least he didn't humiliate her and treat her like a commodity that could be bought with a little profit.

Moreover, Morgan always worried about her, although sometimes that attitude annoyed her. Thinking about it involuntarily gave Lyndsey a strange hope in her heart, hoping Morgan would come and rescue her.

If Morgan knew what was on Lyndsey's mind right now, he would just laugh bitterly, but powerless.

Mr. Torrent had taken off his clothes when he bathed a few moments ago; he only wore a bathrobe to facilitate his actions. Now, he pulled the bathrobe's belt, almost revealing his entire naked body in front of Lyndsey, when he heard the commotion outside.

Wrinkles appeared on his face, and his eyes showed impatience. Thinking that his subordinates were joking around until it escalated, he shouted from inside, "Hey, why are you so noisy?! Be quiet!"

Unfortunately, the commotion didn't stop at all but grew more intense. Mr. Torrent cursed angrily, his chest heaving.

"You fuckermother, you disruptive bastards! Leave if-"


The bedroom door was kicked open, startling and leaving the people inside dumbfounded. Mr. Torrent looked at the unfamiliar face that came to disturb his pleasure; he gritted his teeth angrily and scolded, "What are you doing?! Don't you know who I am?! Guards?!"

Morgan appeared fiercely, anger evident on his face, especially his sharp eagle-like gaze, making Mr. Torrent shudder with fear, forgetting his complaint.

That was different with Lyndsey, who stared at him as if she was gazing at a light and a last resort, her tears flowing even more heavily without her realizing it. For a moment, Morgan looked at Lyndsey and conveyed calmness through their eye contact.

Ignoring the man's anger, Morgan surveyed the situation inside the room, which appeared ordinary from the outside but looked extremely vulgar and repulsive inside. His attention then shifted to the figure lying on the bed.

Lyndsey, disheveled and tear-stained, some parts of her body showing signs of anger, even slightly bruised, indicating her futile resistance. Seeing her appearance made Morgan extremely angry.

Mr. Torrent hurriedly got off the bed, intending to call his guards when Morgan's attention was diverted, but instead received blows that made him stagger back before falling to the cold floor.

"How dare you touch my wife!" It was Morgan's first roar of anger uttered after entering this place. He struck the man several times more, still within limits.

However, when he finished beating Mr. Torrent and was about to help Lyndsey, he saw a camera in a semi-hidden position.

Judging from its position, it dangerously recorded Lyndsey. It could be seen at a glance that the person who installed it was very skilled and experienced. This made Morgan even angrier and unable to control himself anymore.

"You're truly despicable!" he cursed, grabbing Mr. Torrent's neck and hitting him even worse, without any restraint of strength, even breaking Mr. Torrent's nose.

The man screamed in anger mixed with pain, "... you, you crazy person...!"

Morgan saw red, all he had in his mind was to destroy this person who tried to humiliate his wife. He couldn't accept this happening.

Mr. Torrent was beaten into submission and fell to the floor, his body lying like a corpse, but his consciousness was still fully awake. Although the external wounds on his skin didn't look so bad, the internal injuries made him suffer severely.

"Morgan...," Lyndsey called out with a sigh and a sorrowful tone, managing to slightly alleviate the anger in Morgan's heart.

He looked at her, her eyes surely showing deep pain, which confused Lyndsey for a moment.

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