Upon hearing Lyndsey's weak call, Morgan unconsciously let out a long sigh of relief. She felt relieved, at least she hadn't arrived too late, Lyndsey hadn't suffered too much harm.

Morgan came to help straighten out her clothes a bit and reassure her, "Don't worry, I'm here now."

"Um..." mumbled Lyndsey in response. Her body was still weak and under the influence of anesthesia, but her mind was very clear; she knew the situation a moment ago had been very dangerous and unfavorable.

If Morgan hadn't come, she might... Lyndsey didn't even dare to think about it anymore. Comfortably, she felt the warmth of Morgan's hand stroking her back gently, and his strong body embracing her, slowly calming her down.

After patting her back a few times, Morgan released their embrace, saying, "Wait here, there's still something I need to do."

Not knowing what Morgan was going to do, Lyndsey let him go. She trusted that he wouldn't leave her.

Under Lyndsey's gaze, Morgan stood up and walked towards the camera, which was still recording. He took it, deleting the recording. However, he didn't throw it away.

Instead, he adjusted the camera and turned on recording mode before approaching Mr. Torrent, who was still lying on the floor. Just a few moments had passed, and his position hadn't changed much.

Glancing at Lyndsey, Morgan said, "Close your eyes."

Lyndsey did as Morgan said, closing her eyes tightly. Even though she was very curious, she wouldn't peek at all.

It was then that Morgan recorded Mr. Torrent's beaten face, not just his face, but other parts of his body as well. He also uttered a few controversial words, angering Mr. Torrent.

It was unfortunate that Mr. Torrent couldn't even lift a finger and could only whimper.

"Stop... stop recording me...."

As someone accustomed to fine dining and ease, how could he accept such treatment? Shameful! Very shameful!

"I said, stop recording me... Do you know who I am? I am-"

Morgan clicked his tongue in annoyance, cutting off the man's words, and said, "I don't care who you are, Daniel Torrent. Don't you enjoy something like this? I'm helping you gather your own disgrace. Oh, I've been thinking, what if the Torrent family members see you looking like this?"

"No, no, please... don't show it to anyone," Mr. Torrent whimpered with a nasal voice, remembering his injured nose at the moment.

There was a mocking smile at the corner of Morgan's lips as he took quite a few embarrassing poses of Mr. Torrent, crouching by the man's side and patting his cheek firmly.

"Listen to me carefully," he said again seriously, forcing Mr. Torrent to look at him. "If even a bit of what happened tonight leaks out, I won't hesitate to spread this video. You value your family name so much, don't you?"

What Mr. Torrent feared the most was Morgan's sharp gaze, making him shudder and remember again how he was brutally beaten just moments ago. Not to mention the threats he heard, it was enough to make him unwilling to discuss tonight's events.

Getting no response, Morgan gripped the man's jaw even tighter, making him gasp in pain and quickly respond, "Yes, yes, I hear you... I hear, I... I promise!"

"Good!" Morgan released Mr. Torrent with disgust. "Everything you said earlier, I've recorded it. So, be careful."

As soon as those words were spoken, many footsteps could be heard approaching.

Morgan was not interested in anyone coming now; he released Mr. Torrent and approached Lyndsey, who was also trying to stand up, reaching out to her.

Meanwhile, Mr. Torrent clearly showed enthusiasm when he learned that someone had come here. His eyes showed hope; he was happy and felt better. It must be for him, to help him! That's what he was thinking right now.

Indeed, the people who arrived were security guards who were often seen and already known.

Mr. Torrent coughed, his coughing awakening those people from their shock after seeing the chaos there.

"Help Mr. Torrent," someone said upon seeing the man's dire situation. Two people came to assist Mr. Torrent.

Feeling protected, he pointed towards Morgan with trembling hands and said, "Arrest and expel him! He's disturbing and causing all of this! Oh, you can't just expel him like that, but you have to teach him a lesson and demand a lot of compensation from him!"

The security guards looked at Morgan, who was pointed at. The head of security was clearly hesitant, as were his subordinates who didn't receive any orders from their superior.

The head of security said, "Mr. Torrent, I'm sorry, we-"

"Don't you see my situation right now? All of this is because of that person! Hurry up and arrest him for me!"

Mr. Torrent's roar had no effect whatsoever, making him frustrated to no end. At this moment, he really wanted to beat the person, but he had no strength at all, even standing required assistance.

"But, Mr. Torrent..."

As the head of security was about to explain something, he glanced briefly at Morgan, then received a signal to remain silent, as if telling him not to say anything else. Reluctantly, he swallowed back his words and faced Mr. Torrent without revealing anything about Morgan.

"We will take you to the hospital first," said the head of security without negotiation. Who told him to get involved in the midst of two big guys? None of them could be offended.

On the other hand, when Mr. Torrent saw the behavior of the head of security and heard what he said, he had a faint guess in his heart. And his way of looking at Morgan was slightly different, but who the man really was, he still didn't know.

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