Ignoring what was happening there, Morgan took off his coat and put it on Lyndsey, who was still under the influence of anesthesia.

Lyndsey's body was limp, especially after her struggle a few moments ago to stay conscious. So, once she felt safe, she immediately leaned against Morgan's body.

“Morgan…,” she called weakly, as if making sure that she had indeed been rescued. Her hand also tightly gripped his clothes.

Morgan liked it when Lyndsey clung to him like this, but he felt heartbroken thinking about the reason behind her behavior. It would be better if this woman clung to him because she liked him, not because of a disaster.

And if he could choose, it would be better if Lyndsey behaved arrogantly as usual, but she was fine rather than like this.

Holding her tighter, Morgan comforted her by saying, “I'm here, I'll take you away from here, and we'll go home.”

After hearing that answer, Lyndsey's body completely relaxed, as if surrendering everything to him and almost losing consciousness.

Of course, Morgan hugged her tightly and carried her out of the place, covering Lyndsey's face, protecting her from the curious eyes outside.

As they stepped out of the place, a Rolls-Royce was waiting in front, and a neatly dressed black-clad driver stood respectfully beside the car. When the man wanted to greet them, Morgan signaled him to be silent.

The man in black complied and calmly opened the back door.

Seeing Lyndsey almost fainting, Morgan helped her into the car.

Throughout the journey, Lyndsey curled up in Morgan's embrace, murmuring and occasionally crying, which made Morgan very distressed. However, he didn't stop her tears as long as it could make Lyndsey comfortable.

He patted her shoulder, soothing her, "Everything is safe now, you're okay, don't worry. We'll be home soon."

"I was really scared... but luckily you came," Lyndsey whimpered.

She buried her face further into Morgan's chest and truly felt an indescribable sense of security. Clearly, she despised this man, but at the same time, she also started to melt her heart and feel like she could rely on him.

With that comfort, plus the influence of the anesthesia, Lyndsey finally fell asleep.

The man in black stole glances at the two people in the back seat several times through the front windshield, but he didn't dare to comment on his young master's tenderness at all. He could only silently sigh.

After Lyndsey fell asleep, the man in black respectfully addressed Morgan and asked, "Young Master, when will you return? The Master misses you greatly, after learning that you contacted him, he immediately became excited and asked us to-"

"Alright," Morgan interrupted mercilessly, then warned, "I still have my own mission and cannot return to see him. Also, tell him not to contact me unless it's urgent. This applies to all of you as well."

Upon hearing the warning, the man in black could do nothing but agree.

"I will convey it to the Master."

Morgan responded with a nonchalant grunt and no longer paid attention to the man in black. His focus was now on Lyndsey, sleeping in his arms and occasionally furrowing her brow, seemingly still haunted by the ordeal.

Morgan sighed and gently smoothed the wrinkles on Lyndsey's forehead, helping her relax further.

Once again, he glanced at his young master, then let out another long sigh. Unable to say anything to persuade him.

After all, his Master was the one who killed the young master's mother. That incident certainly strained their relationship over time to the point where their young master no longer wanted to see his master.

As a subordinate, paid to work, he had no authority to interfere further in their relationship.

No one spoke again for the remainder of the journey until the car reached the Brown family residence.

Before Morgan got out of the car, the man in black took out a bank card and respectfully handed it to Morgan.

Seeing this, Morgan was about to refuse and say something, but he was interrupted by the explanation of the man in black.

"Young Master, the Master instructed me that it's okay if you don't come back, but you must accept this bank card. The Master will be reassured as long as you have money."

Thinking that there was no point in refusing, since he also needed it, Morgan finally accepted. He took the bank card, putting it in his pocket. With the help of the man in black, he got out of the car while still carrying the sleeping Lyndsey.

Leaving the car and departing without saying a word other than thanking for the ride.

But, Morgan still couldn't come to terms with the events, where he had to lose his mother and the one who killed his mother was his own close relative.

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