Morgan carried Lyndsey into the room. It was well past the bedtime of the Brown family members, so nobody noticed them, especially Lyndsey's condition.

They were almost at their room when Lyndsey regained consciousness. Seeing Morgan's sharp jawline when she opened her eyes made her slightly confused. Then she remembered what had just happened and realized that the man carrying her was Morgan, her husband.

Feeling the movement of the person in his arms, Morgan looked down, their gazes met. At that moment, Lyndsey was surprised to find tenderness in his eyes, which made her slightly contemplative.

With Morgan's distinctive voice echoing, he said, "We've reached home."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the bedroom door opened.

Hearing that, Lyndsey became alert again, she shifted her gaze from his face and looked towards the familiar room.

Stopping Morgan from taking her into the room, Lyndsey quickly said, "M-Morgan, put me down... I can manage on my own."

There was a crease in Morg
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