Rise From Prison: Married To A Beautiful CEO

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Rise From Prison: Married To A Beautiful CEO

By: Rex Magnus Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 69 views: 4.1K

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He was just an ordinary person before being sentenced to prison. However, upon his release, presidents, war heroes, and even the head of the prison guards knelt before him, addressing him as Master. He had transformed from a nobody into a figure of mysterious and immeasurable abilities and strength. He had become a kingmaker, capable of accessing the world's resources with ease. Despite this, his only wish was to live a low-key life, marry his fiancée, and provide the best for her and their parents. However, things did not go according to his plan. His fiancée was no longer the person he once knew; she had become a cheater and materialistic. Now, he was seen as a common ex-convict with no future, and due to a one-night stand out of tipsiness, he found himself getting into a contract marriage with a pitiful but beautiful CEO.

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  • Rex Magnus


    Hello guys, here is another work from me that is quite different from my other work, something not new but not my original style as well. Please read and drop your undiluted thoughts. Both criticisms and praises are welcome. Thanks for reading, and if you haven't started, thanks in advance.

    2024-08-21 15:54:29
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69 chapters
Chapter 001 – Leaving Prison
***** Ironclad Prison, located in the most uninhabitable and unwelcoming region of Elaria. As implied by its name, this prison was constructed entirely from solid iron, with no hint of other materials and It was the most frightening prison ever created, holding not common criminals but formidable and ruthless ones such as warlords, high-level cultivators, mafia leaders, and those who had caused widespread devastation. The main reason this prison was feared around the globe wasn't merely its solid iron structure; rather, its location in the coldest place on Earth. Each day in this prison was a frozen hell, so unbearable that many warlords had died within its confines, while those who survived faced relentless and terrifying torture daily. In one word, this prison represented the ultimate terror for every power on Earth, and no matter how strong you were, escape was impossible without being released. … “Have you guys heard? That demon will finally be released today!" an ex-te
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Chapter 002 – Getting Surprised Instead
***** “Hehehehe. Do you know, I learned from a very trusted source last night that a powerful, erudite, and prominent Grandmaster is coming to our city today.” “Huh? A powerful, erudite, and prominent Grandmaster?” “You—you hadn’t heard the news?” “Seems so.” "Ugh! Whatever. According to the news, the prime minister, all the First-rank family leaders, and other major figures in our city have been at the airport since last night, waiting to welcome this god disguised as a man." “Huh- Wow!” ***** “Are they talking about me?” Xavier, who had just entered the city and was appreciating the massive changes around him abruptly mumbled as he came to a stop, staring at the two men in suits walking before him. He frowned intently the following second before subconsciously looking at the crowded walkway opposite him, which contained people going to work. Xavier quickly joined and blended into the crowd to listen to their chatter and as it turned out, everyone was animatedly discus
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Chapter 003 – Another Shock
***** Of all the things Xavier had visualized his first meeting with his fiancée would be after five years, this definitely was never one of them. He remained dumbstruck for a long time, gaping, with his head pounding hysterically in disbelief as he stared at the couple who wouldn’t tear from each other even after his intrusion, only stopping after they finished having their climax. They finally glanced toward the door, wondering about the person who had dared to intrude on their room. “Which motherf*cking bastard are you?” Victor, a short man with an unremarkable appearance, demanded with rage while Jennifer’s eyes grew cold, unable to believe that someone had dared to barge into her room while she and her partner were together. Infuriated, Jennifer quickly rolled herself into the duvet on the bed and leaped to her feet, pointing aggressively at Xavier. “You!!!” She barked, wanting to curse but then she went into a daze the next second, unable to believe her eyes.
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Chapter 004 – The Feeling of Betrayal
***** Xavier, with no background nor support whatsoever, had withstood the rain, blood, and hunger alone to create his company from scratch seven years ago and in a matter of two years, managed to turn it into a slightly successful company, with more than twenty employees. He had handed it over to Jennifer after he was sentenced to prison five years ago, hoping that she’d manage it and from the profit made, take care of his parents. Never in his life had he imagined that not only would she not take care of his parents, but would also team together with his oppressor and sell off his properties, a lie he obviously did not believe. Xavier began to fume frantically, but eventually, clenched his fists to calm the rage that was on the verge of bursting out. Meanwhile, seeing Xavier in this state, the adulterous pair before him had wide grins on their faces. Jennifer felt not even the slightest trace of pity nor remorse for him and for betraying betraying him. She was even more pl
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Chapter 005 - Jennifer’s Hatred
***** “Huh?” Xavier went into a daze and couldn’t react after hearing how he was addressed. ‘Let’s assume Jennifer’s love somehow disappeared after years of him being away, what about them?’ He thought blankly. Although Xavier was from a poor background before starting his company, Jennifer’s background had been worse than his. They were homeless when Xavier met Jennifer, and Xavier, in his little, had gotten an apartment for the family, furnishing it. He also enrolled Michael, who had dropped out of high school into college, paying all his tuition in advance. That did not still end there. Xavier even placed the entire family on a payroll, giving them the exact amount he was giving his parents every month, yet they still addressed him as a prisoner despite knowing the reason behind his time. This was what Xavier was busy thinking when; “Who release this prisoner?” Michael suddenly laughed, breaking Xavier’s dumbstruck state. “Weren’t you supposed to rot in jail?” “And what
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Chapter 006 – A Situation In The Pub
***** Although Xavier tried appearing strong as he walked away from the house he had bought through his blood and sweat, he was very vulnerable. His mind was in complete disarray, and he felt like a wreck, recalling the memory he did not know if he would ever forget in his life. He was deeply pained, realizing he had wasted his love and emotions on someone who did not deserve them. In addition to his pain, Xavier felt a deep sense of guilt, knowing that he had also punished his parents, which weighed heavily on him. Although he knew his parents couldn’t have managed his company on their own, Xavier felt pained that he should have entrusted everything to them instead of the ungrateful woman. For this reason, Xavier did not immediately look for his parents after leaving Jennifer—He had one idea how he would face them after five years of denying them the right to see and be protected by their son. Xavier began to walk aimlessly around, various memories running through his head
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Chapter 007 – The Situation Getting Out Of Hand
***** The entire bar fell silent, with everyone staring blankly at the lean person holding a hand that was twice the size of his own. No one could react for a moment, but eventually, the eyes of the Lion King, whose hand Xavier was holding, darkened with wrath. “Brat! Weren’t you the one I warned earlier to mind your business?” He snapped, his voice brimming with unhidden killing intent. Xavier, however, wasn’t bothered. Instead, continued maintaining his composed demeanor. “This lady here does not want to follow you, why are you forcing her?” He inquired calmly making everyone instant exchange stunned gazes. “This—this fool!” The bartender, whose gaze hadn’t left Xavier since the beginning scoffed with frustration and then hurriedly left what she was doing to rush over. “Lion King, hahahah. Please don’t mind this friend of mine. He appears to be too drunk to know what he was doing,” she stated with a smile, tearing Xavier’s hand away from the lion king. The Lion King qu
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Chapter 008 – The Terrified First Lion King
***** Bars are known for their constant noise, especially at night during operating hours, but right now, the entire bar is eerily silent with everyone within staring blankly as though they were seeing the most disbelieving thing in history, particularly the ones who knew the reputation of the two Lion Kings. This silence lasted for a long time before eventually, the Lion King, whose leg was being held by Xavier returned to his senses and became deeply embarrassed which promptly changed to an incredible rage. “Bastard! Let go of my leg!” He snapped ferociously, trying to force away his leg from Xavier’s lazy grasp. Yet, for some reason, he wasn’t able to move it an inch—It was as though the leg was being held by the large hand of a deity and not the seemingly weak Xavier. “Are you deaf? I say let go of my leg!” He barked and Xavier instantly smiled slightly before nodding his head. “Sure,” he responded before continuing just as the Lion King was about to heave a sigh of relief.
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Chapter 009 – The Next Morning
***** Inside a quiet, peaceful, and rough bedroom that has the appearance of a war aftermath, a sudden vibration sounded and the next second, two bloodshot eyes snapped open. Very lazy to the peak and still sleepy, Grace, not seeing her present appearance twitched, wanting to pick up the phone ringing. Just then, she felt a warm body against her skin, scaring her badly. She jumped back and stared with full alert, preparing to engage in case someone had intruded on her bedroom. The following second, however, she saw probably the most handsome body she’d seen in her life. Although the body was lean, it was well-built with no excess muscles or fat. Just as she liked it. Though her heart skipped a bit at the sight of this body, Grace was able to ignore it, instead, her gaze slowly turned cold in an instant and she was about to yell when; everything that happened the previous night came crashing into her brain. Her face paled the next second and she appeared to have don
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Chapter 010 – The Mysterious Bar
***** The gangsters glared at the speaker before hurriedly looking at their boss with a fawning expression. “Boss, I suggest we take this b!tch to the base and turn her to your toy. I refuse to believe she won’t speak up in just a day” “No boss, just give me the go-ahead to deal with her. She will divulge the bastard’s location in less than ten minutes!” Without hiding their rivalry over their boss’s favoritism, the gangsters shouted out cruel ideas one after another, but surprisingly, the bartender, who heard all their wicked suggestions did not show even the slightest hint of fear; instead only frowned in annoyance. "Do you even know what your brother did to earn his punishment?" she abruptly asked, cutting off the excited gangsters and glancing at Jazzy, who immediately shot her dagger-filled eyes. "My brother went after a b!tch and some worthless nobody thought they could step in, making him choose to punish them—and so what?!" he sneered, his voice dripping with icy cont
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