Chapter 006 – A Situation In The Pub


Although Xavier tried appearing strong as he walked away from the house he had bought through his blood and sweat, he was very vulnerable.

His mind was in complete disarray, and he felt like a wreck, recalling the memory he did not know if he would ever forget in his life.

He was deeply pained, realizing he had wasted his love and emotions on someone who did not deserve them.

In addition to his pain, Xavier felt a deep sense of guilt, knowing that he had also punished his parents, which weighed heavily on him.

Although he knew his parents couldn’t have managed his company on their own, Xavier felt pained that he should have entrusted everything to them instead of the ungrateful woman.

For this reason, Xavier did not immediately look for his parents after leaving Jennifer—He had one idea how he would face them after five years of denying them the right to see and be protected by their son.

Xavier began to walk aimlessly around, various memories running through his head at the same time.

After strolling around for what felt like an eternity, he eventually found himself walking into a bar filled with heavy music and the heavy smell of alcohol.

“One of your strongest drinks, please,” he said to the beautiful bartender who appeared to have a weird countenance.

The lady looked at Xavier in surprise, and her eyes lit up as soon as she saw his handsome appearance.

“Hey, handsome. Seems you just suffered from a heartbreak. Do you need someone to talk to?” she asked loudly, but Xavier ignored her, making her instantly snort at the realization that Xavier was not interested in her goodwill.

With this, her eyes flashed fiercely, and l without hesitation, mixed the strongest alcohol in the bar for him.

‘Let’s see if you’ll be able to ignore me once you’re drunk,’ she thought with a scheming smile as she handed the drink to him.

Not knowing what she was thinking, Xavier accepted the cup and chugged the entire content without hesitation, badly startling the bartender.

She stared at Xavier as though he were an alien, unable to believe that he had just downed the strong alcohol in a single gulp.

“You—are you trying to kill yourself?” She gasped but before she could think much, Xavier handed his cup back to her.

“More.” He demanded, almost causing the bartender to fall off her feet.

“You—you—do you think getting yourself killed because a lady broke up with you is smart?” She inquired helplessly, hoping Xavier would reason and change his mind but he only stared emotionlessly at her.

“Make it two cups,” he stated coldly.

“You—you—” the bartender became frustrated before eventually becoming infuriated, realizing that Xavier was too arrogant.

“Whatever," she snorted and complied with the request.

After paying for the three cups he had ordered, Xavier took the two cups handed to him and turned to walk toward the back area of the bar when suddenly, his eyes went in a particular direction and he subconsciously became stuck in his tracks.

Although Xavier had been in prison for the past five years, he had met more people than he could have in his entire life, including numerous world-class beauties, yet, compared to the woman he was currently staring at, all the beauties seemed to pale in comparison.

But what really made Xavier stop in his tracks wasn’t this beauty herself, but instead, the expression she currently had on.

She appeared heartbroken, helpless, exhausted—with an emotion Xavier could deeply relate to. The look of someone who wished to cease living.

For some reason, Xavier’s heart ached, seeing this lady like this, especially when he saw the two men with sinister intentions beside her, continuously pouring more alcohol into her cup and persistently pushing it to her mouth.

He understood at a glance that they were trying to take advantage of her, but…

“What are you staring at, you brat?!” An aggressive voice abruptly broke through Xavier’s train of thought, and upon looking, he saw one of the two men glaring coldly at him.

“Get your ass moving now before I gouge your eyes out of their sockets!” The other snapped and Xavier, hearing their unhidden threat, frowned slightly, however, what does anything have to do with him?

‘I have my own to deal with,’ he thought and then looked away after which he moved to the last seat in the deepest corner of the pub and sat.

With that, he began to sip his alcohol, while wallowing in his misery.

The more he reflected, the more regretful and pained he felt, and he came to realize just how much of a fool he had always been.

‘How could I have loved a girl so much to the extent of going to prison for her?!’

‘To think I almost got killed the first few weeks of my time in prison, all because of love.’

‘To think my favorite time in the past five years was the time I think about her and our meeting after serving my time.’

“Argh!!!” Xavier suddenly growled under his breath and then ground his teeth hysterically against each other.

Perhaps the world would have been thrown into chaos if it knew that the renowned Master Xavier was currently sobbing and consumed by sorrow over a woman. However, since it remained unaware, Xavier, utterly devastated lost himself in basking in his grief until, suddenly…

“Lea—leave me alone!” A weak cry broke through his thought.

Xavier subconsciously looked toward the source and behold, it belonged to the jade beauty of earlier.

She currently appeared totally wasted.

“I’m—I’m not following you, evil men!” She uttered in her drunken state, pushing back the two men currently trying to make her follow them.

Although it was in a less crowded part of the bar, there were still several people present. However, despite witnessing the vulnerable woman about to be taken advantage of, no one showed any intention of intervening. Instead, they laughed and mocked the lady, happily enjoying the scene.

“Why don’t you follow the lion kings!”

“Hahahaha! The two kings are going to take care of you!”


Hearing the voices around them, the expressions of the two self-proclaimed Lion Kings, renowned for their dominating actions and their boastful claim of being the absolute ruler in their territory like the original Lion King, grew even more excited.

“You heard the crowd, right, beauty? Why don’t you just quietly follow this king and become one of my Lionesses?“

“That’s right. This Lion King’s body is already full and given how this Lion had never seen such a beautiful as you before, just follow us already! I promise we will not hurt you!’ The second menace guy also urged, trying to pull the intoxicated lady up.

One would think that since she was already wasted, she wouldn’t be able to resist after all the persuasion. But contrary, she strongly fought back

“You are—you are both evil! I—I won’t follow!” she said, hiccuping

“This…” the two lion Kings finally frowned with helplessness and frustration which eventually ended up turning to anger.

“Whether you like it or not, you are following us tonight!” The second Lion King coldly uttered and then resorted to using force.

“You—you… leave me!” the lady cried out in her drunken state, her face finally showing a hint of fear. However, too drunk to resist, she was unable to fend off the strong man's pull.

Realizing this, the lady subconsciously threw the leftover drink from her cup into the guy’s face, and instantly, the area fell silent. Even the DJ, who had been excitedly hyping the two Lion Kings subconsciously stopped his music.

No one could react for a moment, refusing to believe that someone had dared to pour a drink on one of the two evil Lion kings’ faces.

This silence lasted for a moment before everyone began to heave cold sighs, and then started shaking their heads in pity for the lady, already knowing what her fate would be.

With this, the few people around quickly ignored what was going on and returned to doing what they had been doing before.

At the same time, the eyes of the Lion King who got himself drenched in alcohol flashed fiercely.

“B!tch!” He suddenly growled, his voice booming within the bar and causing everyone to turn their heads.

They immediately sighed, realizing that another beauty was about to suffer. As they watched the Lion King raise her hand to strike the woman’s face, they all felt a sudden pity for her.

”I will fucking kill you!” The Lion King roared, finally throwing the hand he had raised, making some people shut their eyes, unable to watch.

Just as the palm was about to strike the now-terrified beauty on the face, with the club now in absolute silence, however, a gentle hand reached out and stopped it.

“Please respect yourself,” a lazy voice sounded.

For a moment, no one could react, unable to believe that someone had dared to interfere in the Lion King’s business.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to see who dared to intervene, and a moment later, they were left dumbstruck, their mouths agape in disbelief, as they questioned whether they had seen correctly.

“Had—had that weak-looking person just dared to involve himself in the Lion King's affairs?"

“Is he tired of living?” These two questions popped up in everyone’s mind.

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