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By: Mydas OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 87

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In the bustling heart of New York City, James, an ordinary man with humble origins, marries into the affluent Smith family. Despite his best efforts to win their approval, he is relentlessly belittled by his wife, Emma, and ridiculed by her snobbish family. They treat him like a mere servant, mocking his every move and belittling his ambitions. Unbeknownst to them, James is actually the estranged son of Richard Bennett, the wealthiest man in New York. Years ago, Richard and James had a falling out, leading James to carve his own path without relying on his father's immense wealth and influence. As the family's disdain reaches a breaking point, Richard's health takes a turn for the worse, and he decides it's time to reconnect with his son. He reveals his true identity to James, encouraging him to embrace his legacy. Empowered by this revelation, James confronts the Smith family, exposing their cruelty and asserting his newfound status. Faced with the truth, the Smiths are forced to reckon with their behavior. Emma, realizing the depth of her mistakes, seeks redemption, but James, now aware of his worth and potential, must decide whether to forgive or forge a new path, free from the toxic environment that once defined his life.

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8 chapters
chapter one
Chapter one James Bennett stood at the threshold of the grand ballroom, his heart pounding against his chest feeling nervous. Tonight marked a significant milestone in his life—a charity gala hosted by his in-laws, the illustrious Smith family. As he adjusted his tie nervously, he glanced at Emma, his wife, who stood beside him radiating confidence and grace in her designer gown. The Smith mansion gleamed with opulence, a stark contrast to the humble apartment James shared with Emma before their marriage. For James, stepping into this world felt like entering a dream, one where he hoped to prove himself worthy not just to Emma but to her entire family. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the evening ahead. He was about to walk in when he heard a voice behind him. James stood still and timidy looked back to where the voice came from. " And where the hell did you think you are going?" A woman in her mid forties shouted at James. " I..I...thought." James stammered and was c
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chapter two
Many of them looked at the man on the floor and back at the man standing in front of James. " I think you have the wrong person." James stammered and walked away from the scene. For a second, the atmosphere was tensed. Everyone know the Bennett family were the richest family in the city of New York. They were not only rich but they were having a vast lands with wealth and influence, they had carved out a storied legacy in New York City. Known for their vast real estate holdings spanning from Manhattan's skyscrapers to expansive estates in the Hamptons, the Bennetts were a name whispered with awe and envy in high society circles. Founded by Richard Bennett, a shrewd entrepreneur who had amassed a fortune through strategic investments in the early 20th century, the family's wealth had grown exponentially through successive generations. Richard Bennett Jr., the current patriarch, was renowned not only for his business acumen but also for his philanthropic endeavors, funding numero
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chapter three
James sat at the dining table, stunned into silence by Emma's announcement. His mind raced as he tried to process the implications of her words. "Let's break up." The phrase echoed in his mind, tinged with a mix of disbelief and resignation. He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each member of the Smith family—Margaret, Robert, and Emma herself, who now seemed strangely composed after her abrupt declaration. Robert Smith, the patriarch of the Smith family, cleared his throat, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the room. His voice, though measured, carried an underlying tone of authority that James had always found intimidating."Emma, my dear," Robert began, his gaze unwavering as he addressed his daughter, "this is a serious matter. Are you sure about this decision?"Emma hesitated for a moment, her fingers nervously tracing the edge of her napkin. When she finally spoke, her voice was surprisingly steady. "Yes, father. I've thought long and hard about
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chapter four
James slumped into the passenger seat of Victor's car, the weight of the day's events pressing heavily on his shoulders. The sleek interior of the car felt like a stark contrast to the chaotic emotions swirling within him. "Are you seriously going to let them treat you like this, James?" Victor asked, his voice a mix of concern and frustration. "You've been through hell for years, and now this?" James stared out the window, the passing scenery blurring into a haze. "I don't know what to do, Vic. I love Emma, but it's clear she doesn't feel the same way anymore. And her family... they've always seen me as beneath them." Victor tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "You deserve better than this, James. You always have." James remained silent, the words sticking in his throat. He knew Victor was right. To think he had scarified his lfe of luxury to be with Emma began to look all stupid to him. ------------------------------------------------------- The door to the dining
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chapter five
James looked around and could see the cold gaze on each faces. He simply picked up the pen and said nothing. James sighed the divorce papers and went into his room to grab his things. At first he wanted to call Victor to come and get him but he knew he would be attracting more attention to himself. He dragged his breifacse as Magarate hissed. " Bye bye to good ridances." She said with a smirk and looked at Emma. " It is a good thing we have James out of your life. Now you can focus more on yourself and Mark. Has he called you today?" She asked playing with Emma's hair " No, he hasn't." Emma looked at her phone and Mark's call came in. " Speaking of the devil." She showed her phone to her mother. Emma had the phone out on speaker and laughed as she and Mark talked at length. " Can I talk to your father?" Mark said finally about to end the call " Hello sir." He said with a broad smile. Mark was visible seen seated in a grand office with a transparent glass to view the opulent s
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chapter six
" Hello son," Richard said with an husk voice. " How are father?." James replied with his heart beating fast against his chest. He hope his mother had not said anything to his father. " How is your wife doing?" Richard asked James knew he couldn't tell his father he had been kicked out of the house. " She is fine." He replied with a sweaty palms. He knew his father had a knack for knowing when things was wrong. " Can I talk to her?" Richard asked, he could always sense when James was telling a lie. Richard and James had been best friends. The relationship between the father and son was more like a friend rather than parent and child. Things started to change when James started growing up. " I am sorry,Dad. I know you are right and I am wrong. The Smith had me thrown out of the house." He said with his head bowed gently. " They did what!" Richard shouted getting up to his feet. " I want to see you at home the following day." He commaded and hung up the call. James sigh, He
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chapter seven
The Nelson's family and the Smith family sat down round a very big table. The servants were seen serving both families. Thomas Nelson was also a popular man in the city of New York. He had many business in the city and out of the city. " It is a pleasure to be in your humble abode." Robert said with a smile looking around the house. " The pleasure is mine and besides, I heard Mark here is in love with your daughter " Thomas replied looking at Emma. " I have also been hearing some strange rumours about her marriage to some pauper. Is that true?" Magaret coughed alittle and quickly interfere. " That was no marriage, we simply helped the boy but he mistook it because we were being generous to him. He is thrown out of the house and he is not living with us anymore." She ended her speech "Uhmm....that was not what I have been hearing though but if yiu are telling me now that your daughter is not seeing anymore then I don't see any reason why we need to delay any longer. Please, enj
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chapter eight
Jenna draw Emma into the room and locked the door. " Don't tell me you left James Bennett for Mark Nelson. Are you nut!" Jenna shouted at Emma who was still not getting what was going on. " I knew something was different about him. I told you I saw how I met a man bowing to him just outside your home." She said again trying to remember what she had seen. " It can't be? Did James play a trick on me?" Emma looked at Jenna " Played a trick on you? You are kidding right? You had the Bennet inside your home all this while and you don't know who he is? I have always thought you were smart but this.." Jenna shook her head. " Don't disrespect me because it was obvious you don't like James too. I saw the way you treated him at the party the last time." Emma shot Jenna a hot look " Well, I a not the one getting married to the second richest man in the country. But come to think of it, you would have become the most prominent woman in the city. No one would ever dare cross path with you"
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