chapter six

" Hello son," Richard said with an husk voice. " How are father?." James replied with his heart beating fast against his chest. He hope his mother had not said anything to his father. " How is your wife doing?" Richard asked

James knew he couldn't tell his father he had been kicked out of the house. " She is fine." He replied with a sweaty palms. He knew his father had a knack for knowing when things was wrong. " Can I talk to her?" Richard asked, he could always sense when James was telling a lie.

Richard and James had been best friends. The relationship between the father and son was more like a friend rather than parent and child. Things started to change when James started growing up.

" I am sorry,Dad. I know you are right and I am wrong. The Smith had me thrown out of the house." He said with his head bowed gently. " They did what!" Richard shouted getting up to his feet. " I want to see you at home the following day." He commaded and hung up the call.

James sigh, He fell on the bed and drifted into a long sleep.


The sound of the knock woke James up, he walked towards the door rubbing his face and was surprised to see his mother. " Mum, wha are you doing here?" James asked with his eyes wide open. " I just wanted to come and see you. Your father told me everything. Why didn't you say something when I called?" Alice walked into the room without being invited

" Because I knew you would be trouble and you might even ran down to see me like you did right now." James said looking at Alice worried face. " You don't need to be bothered." James said walking back to the bed to dress properly

His phone rang and he saw it was Victor. " What up,Vic?" James said greeting him

" Have you seen the news?" Victor asked

"No," James replied looking at Alice, he smiled just to make her feel more comfortable. " What about the magazine then? Have you seen that?" Victor asked again

"No, Can you cut to the chase and stop with the question." James said getting worked up over Victor's continous questions. " I am going to send a video to you right now and I want you to watch it." Victor said quickly and have the file sent

James went through the video and saw that Emma was getting married to Mark Nelson. " I know immediately I was kicked out of the house. I knew they were getting married and they wanted me out of the way." James said with a smirk

' What? Emma is getting married? To who?" Alice's voice sharp

" You didn't tell me your mum was there with you." Victor said sharply and cut off the call.

" You mean you were kicked out of the house and even your wife is marrying another man?" Alice asked

"Does she know who you are!" Alice raised her voice again

" I think you need to calm down mother, They are about finding out who I really am." James said with a wide grin

After a few minutes, James was dressed and was now looking more like the son of a the most wealthiest man in the city. His clothes were perfectly tailored, and he carried himself with an air of confidence that matched his father's reputation.

James opened the door and saw two security men stationed outside his door. " Mother, is this really necessary?" James said looking back at his mother.

The two walk hand in hand as they walked out of the hotel heading back home.

The drive wasn't long before the reached the Bennett's mansion. " Did father renovated the mansion?" James asked pepping out of the car. Alice smiled, " You know your father loves to live up to people's expectations." Alice replied

James gazed up at the Bennett mansion, a grandiose structure that stood as a testament to his father's immense wealth and influence. The mansion was an architectural masterpiece, blending classical elegance with modern luxury. Its expansive front was adorned with tall marble columns and intricate stone carvings, and large windows offered a glimpse into the opulence inside.

The driveway, lined with perfectly manicured hedges and blooming flowers, led to a grand entrance with an imposing oak door flanked by brass sconces. As James and Alice approached, the door swung open, revealing a marble-floored foyer illuminated by a massive crystal chandelier. The light from the chandelier cast a warm glow over the room, highlighting the exquisite artwork and antique furnishings that decorated the space.

A sweeping staircase with a polished mahogany banister curved gracefully to the upper floors, and the air was filled with the faint scent of fresh lilies from the many vases placed strategically around the room. To the left, a spacious sitting room boasted plush, velvet-upholstered sofas, a grand piano, and a fireplace with an intricately carved mantle. To the right, the dining room awaited, its long table set with fine china and silverware, ready to host a feast at a moment’s notice.

"Welcome home, James," Alice said softly, her voice tinged with both relief and concern. "Your father will be expecting you in his study."

James nodded, feeling a mixture of dread and determination. He knew he had to face his father, not just as a son but as a man ready to reclaim his place and resolve the chaos that had ensued in his life.

With a deep breath, he straightened his shoulders and made his way towards the study, his footsteps echoing softly in the grand hall. James looked around and saw alot had changed in the last five years. He opened the door leading to his father's study room and was welcomed by a warm embraced from his father. " It is good to have you back home son." Richard said with a smile on his face.

James was surprised to see his father happy to see him. He knew not staying at home must have changed alot of things between them. Richard sat down at his study desk and looked at James, without saying a word. He threw a file at him

James glanced through the documents and smirked. " This is pay back time."

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