chapter five

James looked around and could see the cold gaze on each faces. He simply picked up the pen and said nothing. James sighed the divorce papers and went into his room to grab his things. At first he wanted to call Victor to come and get him but he knew he would be attracting more attention to himself. He dragged his breifacse as Magarate hissed. " Bye bye to good ridances." She said with a smirk and looked at Emma. " It is a good thing we have James out of your life. Now you can focus more on yourself and Mark. Has he called you today?" She asked playing with Emma's hair

" No, he hasn't." Emma looked at her phone and Mark's call came in. " Speaking of the devil." She showed her phone to her mother.

Emma had the phone out on speaker and laughed as she and Mark talked at length. " Can I talk to your father?" Mark said finally about to end the call

" Hello sir." He said with a broad smile. Mark was visible seen seated in a grand office with a transparent glass to view the opulent street of New York. He rolled on the chair as she smile enjoying a glass of juice on his table.

" My father just signed the contract but we need the Bennet's signature on it. They have the final say to who they are going to give it too but he rest assured you are getting it sir. Also, My father would love to meet with your family to finalise the wedding preparations."

Emma beamed with smile as she giggled. " Okay, Mark. We are going to pick a date for that and set the ball rolling." Robert replied and gave the phone back to Emma. She quicky stood up and walked into the room to have her privacy.

" Now we won't be looked down on in the society anymore. Imagine what we could accomplish with the likes of the Nelson having our back." Robert put on his soectacles as she he looked at Magarate

" I am just happy that pauper is gone. He wanted to make us a fool. I wonder where Emma picked him from." Magarate said with disdain in her voice


James walked down the street and wave down a taxi. He wanted to move to his old mansion but he knew his father was going to know about it. James had been deprived of all his asset when he went against his father's will. Being a string hearted fellow, he was not ready to see his father yet. He knew he was wrong but he needed some time to think things through before going to see his father Richard.

He got to an exquisite hotel and removed his card. " Please put the bills on here." He said and looked at the lady standing in front of him

" I am sorry but this card has been blocked." The girl said giving th card back to James. " What the f*ck!. Dad can't be serious right now." He shouted stamping his feet into the ground

James looked at his watch and saw the time was gone. He couldn't call Victor. He brought out his phone and called his mother.

A gentle voice said with joy hearing James voice." Oh my god! is that you son? James, is that you?" Alice called out to her son

" Yes mother. I am sorry I had you troubled all this while." James apologized. " Mother, i need to stay at one of the hotels in the city but my card won't work." James said with an urgent tone

Alive looked at Richard who was smoking his tobacco. He ended how stern he could be when he was discipling James so she stood up and went into her room. " Why don't you come home, James? And don't tell me you were thrown out of the house? Why did you leave home?" Alice asked

" It is a long story, Mother but right now, I need a place to lay my head. Are you going to send me some money?" James asked looking at the girl in front of her

" Can you get off the line,sir? I need to attent to other clients." the girl said wit modest

" Give the phone to her." Alice told James

James stretched his hand with the phone to the lady in front of him. " This is for you."

She looked at James not sure who he was or who she was going to speak with. " This is Alice Bennet on the line. Make sure my son is comfortable and give him everything he needs"

The lady gae James back his phone and her jaw dropped seeing James was a Bennett.

Everyone know who they were but she haven't had the opportunity of seeing James. Many of the people thought James was dead since Richard had stopped talking about him. Some even said he was out of the country on a business trip. "Can I have your autograph sir?" the lady said beaming with smile

James looked at her, and brought out his pen. "Here," The lady pointed at her chest and smiled. James looked back and saw the gaze of the people on him but he wasn't bothered. He had far more serious things bothering him.

He signed on her chest and grabbed his suite case heading to the room he had been lodged.

He landed on his bed and sigh. It had been a whole five years of sufferness with the Smith's family. James missed his father and they haven't talked since he left the house. He and Alice had been in touch but he didn't call his father and Richard didn't call him too. Both father and son were obstinate.

James hurried over his food as he needed to attend to some office work, Richard had made sure James dscharged his duty despite denouncing him.

The light coming from the system illuminate his face showing how serious he was. Suddenly, his phone buzzed and James froze to see who the caller was. He felt tensed as he picked up the call

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