chapter four

James slumped into the passenger seat of Victor's car, the weight of the day's events pressing heavily on his shoulders. The sleek interior of the car felt like a stark contrast to the chaotic emotions swirling within him.

"Are you seriously going to let them treat you like this, James?" Victor asked, his voice a mix of concern and frustration. "You've been through hell for years, and now this?"

James stared out the window, the passing scenery blurring into a haze. "I don't know what to do, Vic. I love Emma, but it's clear she doesn't feel the same way anymore. And her family... they've always seen me as beneath them."

Victor tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "You deserve better than this, James. You always have."

James remained silent, the words sticking in his throat. He knew Victor was right. To think he had scarified his lfe of luxury to be with Emma began to look all stupid to him.


The door to the dining room opened, and Mark Nelson walked in, exuding an air of confidence and charisma. He was impeccably dressed, his tailored suit fitting him perfectly. His piercing blue eyes scanned the room, landing on Emma and Jenna.

"Ladies," he greeted them with a charming smile. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

Emma stood up, her heart racing with excitement. "Not at all, Mark. We were just talking about you. How did you know where I lived?" Emma paused staring at his face

Mark's smile widened as he approached Emma, taking her hand and kissing it gently. "I always have my ways around things. I get what I always want." He replied

Jenna watched the interaction with a mix of awe and envy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nelson. Emma's told me so much about you."

Mark nodded politely, his attention focused on Emma. "I hope I can live up to her praises."

Jenna felt a pang of envy as she saw Mark and Emma chat and each time Emma giggled she felt irritated. " I think I need to leave now." She stood up looking at Emma who didn't even notice until she left. Richard walked in and saw Mark.

" Good day Mr Smith." Mark said politely shaking hands with Robert " wow! When Emma told me about you, I had thought it was just another prank but here you are in flesh and blood." Robert remarked and sat down

Emma immediately got up to get her visitor some refreshments while Robert and Mark discussed business.

" Did you get the contract u submit to your father's table?" Robert laughed stylish sucking up to Mark for his favour. " You don't need to say Mr Richard. I will make sure the contract is awarded to you." he said with a smile.

" And what about Emma? Are you being serious about marrying her?" Robert asked looking a it serious

" I know what I want, Mr Richard and I can say I am in love with your daughter but what are we to do about her husband. I heard he is some lowlife. Should I be bothered?"

" Bothered? Of course not. Just let me know when you are ready."Robert replied

Margaret joined in discussion and a day was immediately fixed for the wedding


Victor watched James as he arranged some books on the shelves. " Have you thought about going back home? I am sure your father would welcome you with both hands. "

" I left home in the first place because I wanted to marry,Emma. I believed she is the woman for me and now this. I can't even believe she asked for a divorce this morning. Not after everything I had been through." James paused and looked at Victor. " Do you believe she was flirting with Mark Nelson at the gala event?"

" I saw and I tried to make your status known but you blew me off." Victor replied turning his gaze away from James

" I know that hurt and I am sorry. I shouldn't have behaved the way I did." James apologied. " So what are you going to do? I am sure Emma is going to fulfil her wish. You served your purpose already." Victor sighed

" And what purpose is that?" James sat down beside him

Victor shifted his gaze from James and stared at the television right in front of them. He looked at at James and back at the television. Suddenly, James phone rang, he looked at the television screen and back at his phone. He saw it was Emma.

James picked up his call and Emma's voice was loud enough for him to understand what she wanted. " Let's break up." She finally said ending the call

James looked at Victor and back at his cell phone. " Is everything alright?" he asked seeing the look on his face

" I have to go." James replied hurriedly packing his few things and walked out of the gigantic library.

James got back home and met Emma and Mark sitted on the couch smiling. " Guess who finally decide to show up." Emma said with a disgusted voice

" What do you mean you want to break up with me? I thought we talked about this before, Emma. can you give me a chance? We can start all of this all over again." James said sadly walking towards her. " Can you stop? Stop it!" Emma screamed. " See this?" Emma thrust her fingers out shoving the diamond ring at his face. " This worth more than you could ever give me in your lifetime."

" I will work hard, I promise." James replied gently getting on his kneels even making Mark Nelson smirk and laughed. " Know your place pauper. She said she doesn't want you anymore. Don't you understand?"

" I think this has gone far enough." Emma stood up and threw her wedding ring at James. " Here, I don't want this anymore. I have a better one. And here, sign this." She brought a paper from a file that was on the table.

James grabbed the paper and looked at her face. " What" he shouted with anger staring at the Smith's family.

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