chapter three

James sat at the dining table, stunned into silence by Emma's announcement. His mind raced as he tried to process the implications of her words. "Let's break up." The phrase echoed in his mind, tinged with a mix of disbelief and resignation.

He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each member of the Smith family—Margaret, Robert, and Emma herself, who now seemed strangely composed after her abrupt declaration.

Robert Smith, the patriarch of the Smith family, cleared his throat, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the room. His voice, though measured, carried an underlying tone of authority that James had always found intimidating."Emma, my dear," Robert began, his gaze unwavering as he addressed his daughter, "this is a serious matter. Are you sure about this decision?"Emma hesitated for a moment, her fingers nervously tracing the edge of her napkin.

When she finally spoke, her voice was surprisingly steady. "Yes, father. I've thought long and hard about it. James and I... we're just not meant to be together anymore." She said without any emotions. " Is this because of him?" James finally find the urge to speak. He had been trying to take everything the Smith had been throwing at him for years but it was beginning to look like he has had enough. Robert shifted his gaze from Emma back to James. " And what are Yiu talking about? You should be grateful that my daughter get married to a man like you. I had tried to make her reason and snap out of it but I don't know what you did to make her love you so much. I believe she is coming back to her right senses. What man is he talking about?" Richard looked at Emma

He had always over pamper Emma and let her have things done her own way. " Mark Nelson." Emma looked at her Father and could see the happiness on his face.

" Mark Nelson? The popular business tycoon?" Robert said with disbelief. " My company just submitted a contract worth millions to his father's company. You should bring him home sometimes." Richard said and stood up without saying any more words.

James that expected this was going to happen but he didn't believe it was going to be soon. He carried his tea cup and was about heading to the kitchen when Margaret's voice stopped him. " Ain't you forgetting something?" She said with a disdain voice.

James looked at her and went back to clear the dinning table leaving Margaret and Emma to talk to themselves.

The two chatted while James walked back to the kitchen with the saucers and cups. He dropped them and for a moment he felt suffocated.

James felt a hand at his back and saw Mrs Harris who smiled at him " I know you are going through alot but everything is going to be fine." She said slowly

James looked at her and wanted to talk but he wasn't finding the right words. " Thank you." He managed to say and walked out of the house to go about his daily business.

As James got outside the Smith mansion he looked at his front and was surprised to see Victor Thompson right in front of him. " Are you nut? What the hell are you doing here?" Jaws shouted

" I am going to go into that house and tell them who the hell are you if you are not ready to do that yourself." Victor threatened

He and James had been best friend and they were inseparable. Victor had warned James not to marry Emma but He had loved her the day he set his eyes on her.

" Now is not the right time for that." James said hopping into Victor's car and they zoomed off.

Jenna saw what happend and was surprised, she had never seen anyone paid much respect to James the way Victor did. She entered the Smith Mansion. " Did you see that?" Jenna asked Emma who was talking to her mother.

" Good morning to you too." Margaret said getting to her feet. " Did you see the money I sent you?"

" Yeah, but I would have like to see James groveling and begging me for what he did " Jenna said with a smirk on her face

" That is my husband you are taking about. Would you show him some decency?" Emma looked at her with a furrowed eye brow

" Talking about James, I saw someone bowing to him. Is he some kind of elite?" Jenna asked making Emma to laugh

" Elite? I remembered the day we got married. There was no one to be called his family. We are practically his family." Emma replied

" Are you sure?" Jenna sat down looking at her face

Mrs Harris walked out of the kitchen and saw Jenna at the table. She walked past her and didn't greet. " Didn't you see my friend?" Emma shouted at her

" Who?" Mrs Harris feign ignorance like she didn't see Jenna

Jenna and Mrs Harris had hated each other. She remembered how she had always made her do twice her work and also told Mr Richard to sack her because she was incompetent.

Mrs Harris greeted and walked away. " You should consider sacking her." Jenna looked at Emma

" I have a Gist for you." Emma looked at Jenna.

" Gist? Are you..?" Jenna closed her mouth with her hands.

" Am I what?" Emma furrowed her eye brows.

" Pregnant." Jenna chuckled

" What? I can I be pregnant when we don't even make love." Emma said looking away and Jenna taped the table. " You mea you kept the cookies locked in the jar all this time?"

Emma nodded. " That is not what I was going to tell you anyways. My net caught one of the biggest fish in New York city." Emma exclaimed with a joyful eyes

Jenna knew her friend had dated so many rich men that she was wondering how she ended up with James

" Who? Don't tell me you are back with that loser,Carlos soler. God I hate everything about him." Jenna said rolling her eyes

" Well, he is rich and he pays the bills." Emma smiled, " But that is not who I am talking about."

" Who?" Jenna asked curiously

" Mark Nelson." Emma shouted covering her mouth. "I can't believe it, Emma! Mark Nelson is such a catch. How did you manage to reel him in?" Jenna asked, her eyes wide with admiration.

Emma shrugged, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "It wasn't that hard, really. He's been interested in me for a while. I just had to give him the green light."

Jenna leaned back in her chair, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're unbelievable. James never stood a chance."

The door opened and a stunning and handsome figure walked in. Jenna looked at the door and back at Emma. "Oh my god!" She said slowly covering her mouth

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