Medici Return: The Ancient Healer

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Medici Return: The Ancient Healer

By: DANEIGHT OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 15 views: 565

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After surviving war 15 years ago, Isidore navigated through thorny and humiliating path to save her sister from her heart condition. He lived as a worthless son-in-law of the White's family, and worked with them despite the exploitation of his knowledge and skills. But when his sister died and his wife cheated on him with the doctor who's responsible for the death, Isidore was at lost wandering in his grief. Yet his complicated life takes a hopeful turn when a family heirloom activated, providing him immeasurable knowledge about science and medicine. And a metallic voice of a woman suddenly talked, giving mission to treat his sister. 'Ding!' [Successor of Medici found.] [Ancient Heirloom successfully activated.] [Urgent Mission!] [Urgent Mission!] [Mission: Resurrect younger sister Iris. Failure will result death to the successor.]

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    2024-08-29 07:39:40
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15 chapters
Chapter 1
The sound of the ambulance that keeps coming was the reason why outside of the hospital was full of fuss. There were dying and injured individuals pushed by the paramedics towards the entrance. Families are weeping and crying. Everyone was in their own state of emotion. While there in the corner, beside the huge concrete pillar, stands a man who was persistently trying to call his wife. Biting his nails in a nervous manner, Isidore Medici almost wept when the last call was still rejected. 'Please just fifty thousand!' he cried like his wife could hear his mind. When no response was initiated, throwing away shame and heavily carrying the last of his dignity, Isidore ran back inside the Hospital. He has come into resort of begging to the head of the cardiology department. He was in a desperate state just so her sister could have the scheduled operation today. “I promise I'll pay the needed amount. Just please...please have my sister undergo the operation while I gather the money.”
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Chapter 2
It was Jameson Roy, the head of the cardiology department. “They owed the hospital a huge amount of money. If you help them, I'll deduct all of your salary to 20%!” The Doctors were threatened by Jameson's words. It seems as if they forgot their Hippocratic Oath and step back from the dying patient in front of them.Isidore shook his head out of disbelief. Soon, crowds doubled and started gossiping and pointing. His sister's eyes weakly opened and tried to smile at him. “J-just l-let me go. Y-you must e-enjoy your l-life my d-dear b-b-brother...”“No. Don't say that please...”Isidore remembered how he and Iris had escaped with their mum from their country 15 years ago when Algoria was at war with Bergium. His grandparents and father died in the bomb attack. All of their family were badly injured.His mother was also awfully injured, but luckily, they escaped and came to Carreon and got settled as refugees at Clandver City. However, his mother didn’t make it due to severe injury
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Chapter 3
With the little money he has in his pocket. Isidore called for a taxi to bring them to the White’s Herbal Farm. Since the security knew him, he was able to enter without restrictions. With haste, he went to the small hut nearby the fence and placed the dying Iris down to the wooden floor. Panicking and panting, with his shaking hands, Isidore plucked six of eight-leaf herb, two cerulean lily-like flower, and one dried aloe vera. He washed the herbs and plants he gathered and with his bloodied grip, he squeeze it raw. According to the System in his mind, any flowing water of mother nature will be the last ingredient and the potion will then be effective.And the only natural water around the area was the Woley, the modified water system that flows from Mt. Wou. He used a well-cleaned coconut shell as a bowl to mix. And when everything was all set up, he looked at the time with his cold sweat. 5 minutes left...An invisible bar popped out in a flickering red. Warning Isidore about
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Chapter 4
Just a few seconds ago...“My deepest condolence to you.” Isidore stared at his breathless sister still. The security started to walk away but he stayed and waited for the time to complete. [2 seconds...]2 seconds left and Iris was already closing her eyes leaving her weary breath.“Please work...”Isidore held his sister's hand to give warm to its dropping body temperature. “Please...please,” he beg with too much hope.[1 second]1 second but nothing happened. Isidore did not panic, nor scared. He knew it from the start before accepting the mission that it's either a deal or kill. Deep in his mind and heart he prepared himself for the consequences of trusting the unknown voice in his head. But still...he hoped.“I'm s-sorry,” his voice cracked as he utter these words. “I'm so sorry.” He cried and embraced his dead sister. He knew everything was too risky but still, hoping was the only thing he could do. And those who hope are not hopeless. His sob were low but heavy. His heart
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Chapter 5
Isidore and Iris roamed around the city to look for an apartment for the time being. Isidore knew he can't swallow the disgusting action of his wife. After she just revealed that she cheated on him with Jameson Roy, he knew he had to take his sister away from those rascals. After all, they were the reason why his sister had suffer great pain although it was only for a short amount of time.“Are you sure you are fully okay now?” Isidore asked again. It was his sixth time of asking about her condition. Because although he has already trusted the system he still can't ignore the fact that Iris were in a lot of pain just awhile ago.“I told you, I'm fine! I'm so much fine than I ever was since my illness progressed,” she said as she formed her small muscles in her thin arm.Isidore sigh. “Okay. Just don't hide your pain from me, okay? I'll be here for you, I'll be here for the both of us.”Iris smiled to his worried brother. She leaned on the seat of the cab. It was already 1 hour sinc
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Chapter 6
Before the day ends, Isidore went to the Mall to buy food for him and his sister. As usual, with his ragged-looking clothes, everyone were talking about his appearance. The security stopped him when he was about to pass through the entrance. “No beggars allowed.”Isidore showed his ID. “I'm not a beggar. I will just buy food and some clothes.”The security was suspicious to his words but still allowed him to enter the mall. He was used to it though. He was always dressed like this whenever he go out and everytime, everyone will mock and looked down on his appearance. But what could he do? He barely earned 10,000 dollars every month from his in-law's. He is a researcher for herbal medicines.And sometimes, if the team failed to produce another herbal product, only Isidore's salary was deducted while the others have maintained their own. He is a Senior Researcher yet he has the lowest salary among them all. And his juniors has the guts to disrespect and insult him in every situation.
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Chapter 7
Everyone turned to the man who utter the words. It was no other than Jameson Roy!Mr. Jameson laughed sarcastically. “I mean, who would even dare to check or worst touch your dirty butt? Not even Doctors would try to do so.” Isidore clenched his fist after hearing his hypocritical logic. 'This asshole is here again,' Isidore thought to himself.The lady, named Leya, was suddenly satisfied upon hearing Mr. Jameson's words. She sweetly smiled to Mr. Jameson and asked with her puppy eyes. “Did you know him, sir?”Jameson scoff. “My Hospital shunned him and his sister for trying to scam us. Good for them though, they deserved it. His sister was ill and I suggest to not touch him since I believe their illness runs through their bloodline.”The security suddenly withdrew from touching him and they scurry away for fear. Everyone gasped upon hearing a twisted revelation. Twisted because none of it was true from what really happened. Jameson Roy, a cunning man he is.“I shouldn't be wastin
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Chapter 8
“Hah! And so what? It still doesn't change the fact that you're stealing!” Leya turned to her manager. “Ma'am, I think we still need to check him to guarantee things. After all, our management does not tolerate stealing, right?”“Yeah right! Check him once more and punish him if needed!”“True! I bet he's not a real researcher! He still stole something!”“Beggars these days are known for their tricks!”The manager was slightly convinced by the peoples temperament. She looked at Isidore and started to talk. “You heard them. If you haven't stolen anything, then justice will be served upon you and the management will be asking for your forgiveness. However the contrary we find, you will pay for the damages and chaos you caused,” the manager said and turned to the security. “Check everything on his body and the CCTV footage,” the manager continued.The security nod and started to check his body without his permission. He was slightly annoyed by their harassment. “Stop! Don't touch me
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Chapter 9
“Tsk! Obviously you are building your own hall of shame,” the manager sneered. But Isidore wasn't affected at all and instead remained calm. He knew very well that he is not building his hall of shame today. And if there is one, that would be the arrogant manager in front of him.“Why? Are you afraid that I might really be able to pay the said one-hundred thousand dollars and humiliate you?” The manager sour upon hearing Isidore's confidence. “Hah! Don't be too full of yourself!”“Okay. Then why don't you just give me all the chocolates available in this grocery?” Isidore shrugged. The manager glared at Isidore furiously. She was even angry about the fact that Isidore is pushing her to do what he want just to prove herself and to completely humiliate him. Why the hell should she comply in this situation? She just want this deadbeat loser to be humiliated and get out of her sight! Yet this nuts is really pushing her to her limits! The manager looked at the security before saying.
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Chapter 10
“Ma'am!” Leya approached the manager and supported her to stand up. “Are you alright? You seemed like who just saw a ghost and frightened.”“I-I'm alright, Leya...”She looked at Isidore with her horrified eyes. She couldn't believe the small paper on her hand. Because it is no other than the receipt of one hundred thousand dollars! Suddenly a group of people rushing down towards the cashier with confused and startled face.“Who is it?” the guy in black suit asked. He seems like the boss of them all.The junior manager felt fear upon seeing her boss in the scene.Jameson on Isidore's side chuckled as he said. “You're doom now. That's Deputy General Manager Greg. He will surely fracture your useless bone and drag you out away from this store.” As soon as the Deputy General Manager saw Jameson, he abruptly approached the Doctor and pushed aside Isidore who was standing on his way. “Doctor Jameson! It is an honor to have you here!” The General Manager held Jameson hand and repeatedly
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