Chapter 4

Just a few seconds ago...

“My deepest condolence to you.” 

Isidore stared at his breathless sister still. The security started to walk away but he stayed and waited for the time to complete. 

[2 seconds...]

2 seconds left and Iris was already closing her eyes leaving her weary breath.

“Please work...”Isidore held his sister's hand to give warm to its dropping body temperature. “Please...please,” he beg with too much hope.

[1 second]

1 second but nothing happened. Isidore did not panic, nor scared. He knew it from the start before accepting the mission that it's either a deal or kill. 

Deep in his mind and heart he prepared himself for the consequences of trusting the unknown voice in his head. 

But still...he hoped.

“I'm s-sorry,” his voice cracked as he utter these words. “I'm so sorry.” He cried and embraced his dead sister. He knew everything was too risky but still, hoping was the only thing he could do. 

And those who hope are not hopeless. 

His sob were low but heavy. His heart were full of weight and the gleam of hope he found, slowly faded away from his grasp. 

But then a warm soft hand caressed his head as he weep deep in his sorrow. 

“You are such a crybaby.”

He froze.


Isidore stopped for a moment upon hearing those words from a familiar voice. It was then he realized his sister has woken up!

He abruptly withdrew from the embrace and face his newly wake sister. 

“Iris!” he called with much joy in his troubled heart. “You're awake. Thank God.” He wiped his tears away to hide it from Iris, but he was too late to do so. 

His sister had already seen his red and swollen eyes.

Iris smiled at him but felt her drying throat. “W-Water,” she said in her hoarse voice. She stood and ran towards the sound of the flowing water where the security was washing his hands. 

“Iris!” Isidore was about to chase her when the metallic voice talked in his mind.

[Congratulations for completing your first urgent mission!]

He blinked and wiped the remaining tears in his eyes.

[Rewards available. Tap to view the rewards.] 

A box of gold suddenly appear with a signage saying, 'Tap and Open!'

Without doubt, he tap to open the box and in his surprise a cash rewards was awaiting for him inside.

[Congratulations! You have won $50,000]

[Accept] [Decline]

Isidore was slightly taken aback as he read the words that were said by the metallic voice in his mind.

Fifty-thousand dollars. That's a big sum of money. Just a few minutes ago, he was deprived by that amount that caused him and his sister's insulting and humiliating experience. 

He laughed mentally. “Just how fast the time change, huh? I was just begging my whole dignity for this money earlier, and now it's in my front waiting to be accepted.”

With the money in front he was still hesitant to accept it. There is no way some mysterious unknown voice is giving it to him for free. There is no way he will trust some strangers, hell he wouldn't even dare to trust his own head.

'But still, there is no wrong in trying, right?' he asked to himself as he started to doubt the amount of money in front of him. 

And in what position do he has the right to doubt the system after it just healed his sister?

Isidore gulped as he accepted the rewards. His fingers were shaky at it tapped the accept button.

[$50,000 is awarded to the host.]

Suddenly his phone rang as he received an email from his bank.

“50,000 is deposited to your account.”

His eyes widened as he read it with his own two eyes. 

He take a look back at the invisible system in front of him and back to his phone again.

‘What the fuck. It's true! It really is true! This is unbelievable,’ he gasped as he remain his gaze on his phone.

‘Fuck. It's true.’ His breath were rough and rapid like he just discovered newly buried treasure within his predicament. ‘I'm gonna be rich. I'm gonna be rich!’

His attention was interrupted when a sound of a broken pot was heard towards where his sister was. 

He ran towards her. “Iris! Why were you such in a haste? For pete's sake you just healed!” he rebuke but was taken away by his sister's warm hug. 

He felt the need to calm down as he embraced his sister's sweet disposition. 

But then they were interrupted when the security lost his consciousness in the middle of talking to himself. 

Isidore heave a deep sigh. He knew the security was too stunned to witness what just happened. Reviving the dead has never been in his intention nor dream. 

All he wanted to do was to live a life with his sister. And in order to live with it, he was prepared to do everything for her sake. 

They left him in the hut and left the herbal farm with a new life waiting ahead. 

His sister has healed. He could not ask for more but peace. But he knew peace will not be vested upon them if those people are still living life with full privilege. 

He knew life is unfair and full of injustice. He just experienced it first hand and he swear he will never allow people to let him experience it again. 

With his newly found friend whose origins and voice were mysterious and unknown, he will do everything to get back to those who degraded him. 

Isidore had sworn to get back to those who shunned and humiliated them! He sworn to give those people a taste of their own medicine. He promised and promises are meant to be happened.

He sworn for revenge, then revenge shall be served.

Through his System, he will humble anyone who tries to stomp them again. Everything in this world has their end.

“Wait and you'll see, I will gratify you with my own savagery.”

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