Chapter 3

With the little money he has in his pocket. Isidore called for a taxi to bring them to the White’s Herbal Farm. Since the security knew him, he was able to enter without restrictions. 

With haste, he went to the small hut nearby the fence and placed the dying Iris down to the wooden floor. 

Panicking and panting, with his shaking hands, Isidore plucked six of eight-leaf herb, two cerulean lily-like flower, and one dried aloe vera. 

He washed the herbs and plants he gathered and with his bloodied grip, he squeeze it raw. According to the System in his mind, any flowing water of mother nature will be the last ingredient and the potion will then be effective.

And the only natural water around the area was the Woley, the modified water system that flows from Mt. Wou. 

He used a well-cleaned coconut shell as a bowl to mix. And when everything was all set up, he looked at the time with his cold sweat. 

5 minutes left...

An invisible bar popped out in a flickering red. Warning Isidore about the running time.

He breathe heavily as he went to his almost breathless sister. 

“Iris,” he called as he caressed her cheeks. “Take a sip and you will be fine.”

“B-B-Brother...” She smiled faintly. “S-S-Stop it already. I lost too much b-b-blood. Just f-f-forget about m—” Iris coughed blood as she speak.

Isidore panicked and fear wrapped around him as he witnessed his sister weakened. 

“Please? Just t-trust me. There is no wrong in trying right?” Isidore's tear fell. He gave her a faint smile while trying so hard suppressing his emotions.

He surely do not want to be seen weak and fragile in front of his sister. Since they became homeless, as an older brother, he always had promised to himself to protect his sister. He was willing to do everything, willing to sacrifice his own life, willing to fight against the odds just to protect his one and only family.

If Iris would be gone too, Isidore knew it well that he would not have any reason to live at all.

“Iris, I promise. After all of this is over, we will live in a big warm house with a lot of foods on our table,” Isidore whispered as he smiled.

Iris was too weak to answer him. Her eyes were almost giving up and the blood from her mouth were flowing. 

The security who was assigned in the area was alerted and panicked upon seeing the dying Iris. He was too stunned from her twisted bones and bloodied body. But the only thing he could do was to watch Isidore who was trying to treat his sister and blabber his useless mouth.

“What are you doing? She's already dying! Are you perhaps trying to poison and kill her yourself?” 

Isidore did not answer him and maintained his focus to his sister.

“Hey you! I know you are part of the research team but you are not a Doctor. Don't be too full of yourself!”

[2 minutes left!]

[2 minutes left!]

The metallic voice alerted Isidore that made him panicked more.

“Quick! Take a sip!! There is no time left!” He placed the coconut shell to Iris' lips and made sure she gulped the one sip.

[1 minute!]

[1 minute!]

The warning signs were flickering red. It was a moment of life and death when minute turned to seconds and Iris was still slowly and weakly breathing.

[50 seconds....]

Everything around Isidore seemed to slow and stopped for a moment but the time given by the system still ticks. 

[30 seconds....]

Iris weakly gazed her eyes to the security at the back of Isidore, peeking to her. He was saying something but Iris couldn't hear anything anymore. 

She shifted her gaze to her loving brother whose eyes were already red from the unstoppable tears. She smiled for the last time before slowly closing her eyes and be taken away by the eternal darkness.

[15 seconds...]

“She's already dead, bro. Let her go. You can't save everyone.” The security taps Isidore's shoulder as he was continuously shaking his head out of disbelief. 

“I'll probably expect a family burial tomorrow.” He paused. “My deepest condolence to you.”

[5 seconds...]

The noisy security walks away with disbelief. He must've thought Isidore to be crazy and mentally retarded. He was also having goosebumps upon seeing Isidore's blood mixed to the liquid his sister drank from the coconut shell. 

Who is crazy enough would think highly of himself that he could save his sister from dying out from those trashy soiled-plants and family-owned blood?

“Hah! The White's must've gone crazy too to have him as a son-in-law.” The security was washing his hands fearing that Isidore's body particles will stimulate into his system. 

“Yeah, the White's are crazy to have him as a son-in-law.”

The security was wiping his hands when he was distracted by a woman's voice. 

He laugh as he turned to the voice. “You're right—Ah!” The security shouted and jumped from being frightened when he saw the woman who talked to him.

His eyes agape and mouth wide from what he saw. It's so clear! His eyes couldn't be wrong! The day is not yet done and the sun is still up! 

His heart was beating loud and fast out of terror as he stared at the woman.

The woman was no other than the dying Iris earlier!

“Wha-Wha-What are y-y-you doing here?” The security fell to his toes as Iris pulled the towel from his hand. 

Iris shrugged and did not answer.

“Iris!”The both of them turned their gaze to the worried Isidore.“ Why were you such in a haste? For pete's sake you just healed!” His eyes were still red but his scoldings did not escape from Iris's ears.

“I'm sorry brother. My throat were calling water,” Iris answered sweetly and hugged her panting brother to calm him. She was so full of energy like her bones did not broke just awhile ago. 

“I'm dead.”

Isidore and Iris both turned their gaze to the security sitting on the soiled ground who just peed his pants. 

The security laugh while repeteadly tapping his head. “Oh god, I'm crazy. I'm so crazy. I just witnessed resurrection. I'm really crazy. This is so not right. I am so crazy!” He laughed continuously and lost consciousness right after.

Both Isidore and Iris let out a deep sigh before carrying the security back to the hut to give him comfortable lying position. 

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